Friday, April 1, 2011

The symptoms of lung cancer, Part 1

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is the most preventable cancer of all cancers known. It 'difficult with the use of tobacco especially smoking partner. The reason why the disease is considered to be avoided is simple. E 'due to quit smoking or not start smoking in the first place, it becomes possible for people to avoid the disease. cancer treatment is very specific for each type of cancer. BecauseTumors behave differently. Therefore, it is not the same for all As for the treatment of cancer. A couple of things to talk about how to treat the symptoms of the disease is not really a disease. Medically it is known that bronchial carcinoma of the lung.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is actually a group of diseases of the organ by the body itself, often at the expense of themselves. Theresome very clear symptoms associated with diseases. These include persistent cough and lung function is directly linked to lung cancer. Other symptoms of the disease are very dark and does not include the institutions involved in the scheme of the respiratory chain. Metabolic pathways that can also function does not seem to be the lung, you'll never disease.There symptoms of the disease that is clear and direct. Listed below areas;

Lung Cancer Symptom

cough before, when the patient is the most common symptom experienced by 74 percent

Lung Cancer Symptom

Second medically known as bloody sputum mucus affects up to 57 percent of patients

Lack third key up to 37 percent of the population.

4 chest pain in 25 percent of patients affect

fifth hoarseness affects about 18 percent of patients.

6 paralysis of the diaphragm, asymptomatic or perceivedShortness of breath.

or wheezing sounds vibrant seventh known as stridor.

8 of recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis

Nono also known dysphagia swallowing

As already mentioned, the disease has other symptoms are not directly related to the respiratory system. Respiratory symptoms, not associated with disorders of power outside of the disease associated with the pressure of a tumor in another organ or spreadlungs and bronchi. One aspect of most cancers is its ability, has spread to other parts of the body. For example, liver cancer can spread to prostate cancer. It can be spread to the bones and so on. The symptoms of lung cancer outside of the respiratory system in patients is mainly associated with the spread of the disease in many.

The symptoms of lung cancer, Part 1

Lung Cancer Symptom

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