The lung tissue is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells rapidly this type of cancer is more common and results in more than one million deaths a year. This form of cancer is due to the weight loss or coughing up blood or breath is extraordinary. It can be observed X-ray of the chest, like a scanner. The treatment you get depends on the phase we're in cancer treatment include surgery, chemotherapy andRadiotherapy. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
cases of lung cancer classified microscope after studying with them. Classification is necessary because different types of cancer are treated differently. most lung cancers are - the small cells grow. Malignant tumors of the lung cancers are classified into two types is not small and small cell lung. Epithelial cells of small cell lung carcinoma, non-cancer andCarcinoma of 4 and 16% 80th 8% incidence of lung cancer, respectively.
Lung Cancer Symptom
First non-small cell lung cancer
Squamous non-small cell lung cancer are grouped by their prognosis and management are equal to a certain extent. , Adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma of the lung cancer cells are also classified into three types:. Squamous lung cancer cell lung carcinoma occurs near acentral bronchus. They account for 25% of lung cancers. Adenocarcinoma begins in the peripheral lung tissue. The case of adenocarcinoma are the consequence of smoking. It represents cell lung cancer Non-small 40%.
Second-small cell lung cancer
This type of lung cancer is rare. A cancer is sometimes called "cell" oats. Most of the time the large airways (bronchi of primary and secondary) aretherefore, grow at a rapid pace. This type of lung cancer for smokers with multiple partners.
The secondary tumors
These tumors are classified according to the original site of cancer such as breast, lung, but it has spread. The majority of lung cancers in children are secondary.
Staging of lung cancer
staging of lung cancer is used to assess the degree of proliferationCancer from its original location. It 'an important factor that determines the potential treatment of cancer of the lung cancer. The level part from 1A to 4, with a better prognosis 1A and 4 is the worst.
The symptoms of lung cancer: a hoarse voice for ever. 2. Sudden weight loss. 3. Feeling pain in the chest or abdomen. 4. Swallowing. 5. Loss of appetite. 6. Running outBreath. Many of these symptoms are not specific. Over time, they develop symptoms or signs, the cancer has already spread from their place of origin. Very few people with this cancer have signs in the diagnosis, tumor stage for this curve observed on routine chest radio.
The three leading causes of cancer are carcinogens (found in tobacco), viral infections, and ionizing radiation. In the case of exposure, which causesChanges to the DNA in the tissues of the bronchi of the lungs. With more accessible and tissue damage, suffering from cancer.
Smoking is the leading cause of cancer. In a cigarette there are 60 different types of known carcinogens such as nitrosamines and radioisotopes. Smoking is responsible for 80% of cases. The risk is generally lower in non-smokers. When a person smokes a potential for increasing the proportionthis type of cancer. There have been cases where a person stops smoking, damaged cells are gradually repaired. In non-smoking, passive smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer -. cancer from passive smoking is another person a smoker inhales a.
2. Radon
The gas produced by the decay of radium. This gas is odorless and colorless. exposure to ionizing radiation, genetic material, mutations that sometimes turn to cancer. Exposure to radonGas is the second leading cause of cancer - lung cancer after smoking.
Asbestos is responsible for the development of several cancers, including lung cancer is one. In Britain, the accounts of asbestos for 2-3% of all cases of this type of cancer.
Viruses are responsible for the onset of cancer - lung cancer in animals. And research has shown similar potential in humans.
has a direct connection to the cases of lung cancer. The size and number of dust particles in the air determines the risk of lung cancer -. When the concentration of particles increases by more than 1%, then it is likely that increased 14%.
Like other forms of cancer, suppression of lung cancer started with the activation or deactivation of tumor ocnogenes Genes. Ocnogenes are genes that make people more susceptible to cancer. Ocnogenes proto-ocnogenes when exposed to carcinogens of certain products. In K-ras proto-oncogene mutation occurs, adenocarcinomas account for 10-30% of the lung. Tumor invasion, angiogenesis, apoptosis, cell receptors, the configuration of the profile of the epidermal growth factor-regulated. Mutations and amplification of EGFR are common in lung cancer non-small cellCancer>. The basis of treatment with EGFR inhibitors are also provided by the mutation and amplification of EGFR. chromosomal damage can cause loss of heterozygosity, which may cause the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes result. Damage to four of these chromosomes, 13 and 17 5q qp often. Lung cancer affected 3p p53 tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17p is in most cases, with small cells. c-Met, NKX2-1, LKB1, and PIK3A also mutated BRAF orstrengthened. Several genetic polymorphisms are in addition to cancer. Some of them include polymorphisms of genes for interleukin-1, cytochrome P450, the promoters of apoptosis such as caspase-8 and XRCC1, a molecule of DNA repair. People with these polymorphisms are more likely to develop lung exposed to carcinogens. Research has shown that MDM2 309g allele a risk factor for the development of this low penetrationAsians.
If a subject reported symptoms that may indicate lung cancer, chest x-ray is then performed in the first phase. The test shows the expansion of mediastinium, atelectasis and pleural effusion. Although there are no findings radio chart, but the indication is high, because things like the person, a heavy smoker with blood-tinged sputum, and then the scanner can provide the required data. If the results arenatural in sputum cells, and increases the risk of this cancer. sputum cytology can be performed by combination with other screening tests. The differential diagnosis for patients showing ECG irregularities on breast cancer included in the lung with non-malignant diseases. This point of view of infectious causes such as tuberculosis or pneumonia. The above diseases mentioned above can lead to lung cancerNodules.
Prevention, as always, is better than cure. steps in this direction may have cancer adopted by countries through the identification of carcinogens in tobacco and prohibit, but the lung is the main cause is still common. The elimination of smoking first hand target in the prevention of lung cancer. Steps to reduce passive smoking have a ban on smoking in public places and workplaces also taken. NewNew Zealand is limited to smoke in open spaces. A similar approach is also adopted in Chandigarh, India. Bhutan is smoking since 2005, are punishable.
Screening is used to detect the symptoms of the disease through medical examinations, if the patient does not show. chest radio or graphics are screened for lung cancer. But the results have shown that screening tests for lung cancer has rarely shown anycan benefit.
The treatment of lung cancer can occur in the following ways, depending on the stage or tumor grade:
When doctors discovered lung cancer, and CT and positron emission tomography are commonly used to check if the illness and surgery, or may be, it was possible to the point where surgery is not. The operation may be performed ifSpirometry showed good pulmonary reserve, but if it's bad, then surgery is not possible. Even an operative mortality rate of surgery 4 4%, but because the factors of patients, lung function, and others.
Chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy, is used for the treatment of small cell carcinoma. Chemotherapy is also used primary metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.
Radiotherapy,with chemotherapy is given if the patient does not fall under go surgery. This type of radiation at high intensity is called radical radiotherapy. version of the map (continue hyperfractioned accelerated radiotherapy) of this technique is given a high dose of radiation for a short period refined. In cancer has a short section of the bronchi and brachytherapy is given.
Lung cancer is the mostsaid cancer. There is a 35 million cases a year and 18 million deaths. Developing lung cancer years who have a history of smoking for a long period of i. E 50 and older. In addition to smoking, passive smoking is also a factor that causes cancer of lung cancer. In addition, emissions from factories, cars, plants are a threat to human health. Lung cancer is detected, are UVB interaction with sunlight andExposure. This occurs the effect of vitamin D in the skin during exposure to the sun.
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