Thursday, April 7, 2011

No smoking - lung cancer!

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is the most deadly form of cancer in the world today. It claims more than a million lives, more than many other types of cancer (excluding skin cancer and cancer of the blood) combined. It is characterized by controlling the growth of cells in the lungs, two organs in the chest, pump carbon dioxide into oxygen and output.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Clearly, smoking is an important factor in whether people develop lung cancer. Years of smokingmuch more likely to suffer from the life of lung cancer at some point in their. Non-smokers can also accelerate the development of the disease, even if they are involved in some sort of recognizable factor in the rule is, for example, tobacco smoke, pollution, etc.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As with most cancers, there are several types of lung cancer, because they are characterized by cells. These types of distinctions are extremely important because they determinewhat will be the end of treatment. The right treatment is important to increase the chances of survival, and also to minimize the discomfort and anxiety that patients who suffer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

One of the main forms of lung metastases in small cell carcinoma. It 's the general form, appears in more than 80% of cases. Expect the effects of different cell types, such as this class is not functional, but are largely determinedGiven the similarities of the treatment. These types usually grow more slowly than the rarer but more deadly lung cancer cells of small size.

Small cell lung cancer is usually found in primary bronchi. Appeared in approximately 15% of patients with lung cancer, it can actually be fatal because of its rapid growth and the habit of metastasis. This is when a man passes from his original cancer, the type of specialized cells to another. For example, ifSmall cell lung cancer spreads from the lungs into the blood or bones. By their nature, are often victims of lung cancer metastases from other locations.

Where the effects of lung cancer in the first place, the symptoms are largely the kind of thing you expect. There may be shortness of breath, chronic cough you can not or will result in the blood, rapid weight loss, unexplained fatigue, and many others. Whythe effects of the lung are localized functions that can not seem to be as vague or out-of-place in many other cancers. Unfortunately, when symptoms are severe enough for many people going to the doctor to have them checked, the tumor can reach a dangerous point.

Over 85% of respondents to develop lung cancer is believed to have been a smoker from smoking or exposure. Thisis an incredible statistic. And while cancer is influenced by many factors, there is a strong message to everyone that greatly increase the probability of a life without cancer simply live free from tobacco smoke.

No smoking - lung cancer!

Lung Cancer Symptom

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