Lung cancer and drug addiction has something in common - the smoke. The fact is that many people are just a carton of cigarettes shot an afternoon or after a meal to die. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
Smoking is a bad habit was evident in men and women. Nicotine from a cigar is reason enough to tear a person apart and after the respiratory center. Besides smoking, there are other reasons why lung cancer is as follows: thatexposed to certain chemicals and to be an alcoholic. Inheritance can also be a factor, but it was not drug abuse, but in the genes.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Smoking - a silent killer
Lung Cancer Symptom
There are many applications for health care professionals, including doctors, who said smoking is a major reason why lung cancer in the first place. Smoking, lung cells are damaged through normal package because of the chemical or drug Once inhaled the smoke of aCigarette, there are carcinogens that tumor cells are considered the most important factors in the production of immature lungs. Once in the lung cancer to alter the composition of the abnormal lung tissue.
In the early stages of your body may still be able to easily repair damaged tissue, but if there was already an event of repeated exposure to drugs or chemicals, normal cells are damagedMore and more. There will come a time when damage tissues and organs in turn, can be confusing and even cause cancer are diagnosed.
Since the pulmonary blood vessels, consisting of nodes and are surrounded by tumor cells tend to metastasize to lymph easily to different parts of the body, such as heart, lung and adjacent areas. Therefore, in addition to respiratory symptoms manifest result, can also be expressed by other charactersParts of the body.
Lung cancer is rarely diagnosed at an early stage of the cell, so it seems too late to go back and damage from the disease, measures should be taken that sometimes, in order to prolong the life of the person or any other way to remove the growth.
Drug abuse leads to cancer
There are many reasons why people tend to abuse the drug. First, because of family affection, a person may have more opportunitiesAcquisition of the disease rather than prevent. When drug addicts may come from his own family. It is claimed that the genes for drug use factors arising from drug addiction and dependence see.
Peer pressure can also be one of the main reasons why people abuse the use of drugs. If you selected a group of friends living the life of a celebrity - drinking, smoking and money, you have the option of 90 per centEntry into their lifestyle.
Personality determines the options you choose. If you're in an environment with more negative than positive energy, then you are required, all are based on drug abuse, as one moves away from the world depression.
The moment you give the drug abuse, there is more likelihood of disease. Therefore, lung cancer and drug abuse are linked.
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