Lung cancer is generally divided into two main groups, small cell and non small cell. Small cell lung cancer is divided into several others. The vast majority (80 percent) of those diagnosed are non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
The symptoms of lung cancer, non-small cell include shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing blood, fatigue, fever and weight loss, and is usuallyimaging, lung biopsy and / or blood tests. These symptoms usually appear no more difficult to manifest the disease until it has spread, and treatment.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Depending on the type of non-small cell lung cancer present, the stadium, the exact location of the cancer mass, the number and type of symptoms and general health of patients, determining the results of treatment.
Lung Cancer Symptom
If theThe disease is caught early can be treated with surgery and overcome the odds are pretty good. Once it spreads to surrounding tissues and lymph nodes of breast and chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used for treatment. Year survival rate for five years for non-small cell lung cancer, if caught early, is more than 50 percent. But if it has reached an advanced stage, the survival rate drops to a dismal two percent.
The good news, not Small cell lung cancer is not as aggressive as the small cell lung, cancer, if a person is established, they are happy to survive for months in 3:58.
About 25 percent of the time, there are no symptoms of the patient and the cancer was discovered during a routine examination. But in 75 percent of cases there are symptoms that are present.
So if you or a loved one, they all have the common> The symptoms, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, fatigue, chest pain or unexplained weight loss, an appointment with your doctor, you can perform the necessary tests to determine what you have. Remember, to defeat the odds of the disease much better the older you are diagnosed.
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