Sunday, April 3, 2011

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of lung cancer resemble the symptoms of other common diseases. As such, it can be difficult to diagnose lung cancer until it is too late. Also confuse the issue, at least 25 percent of people diagnosed with lung cancer have no symptoms.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Therefore, if you receive a physical examination, the doctor usually checks the potential lung cancer symptomsin the context of the patient and consider the age, occupational exposure, family history and smoking history to determine if the symptoms are actually the result of lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

For example, 18 women who do not smoke, you probably do lung cancer, while a man aged 60 who have smoked for 40 years could suffer lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptom most people notice is a persistent cough, andfound that about 80 percent of the time people have symptoms. Many people refer to as smoker's cough. Lung cancer affects the cells that line the airways, and the nerve endings of the respiratory tract and try to detect any debris to solve clean in an attempt to keep the airway. Patients diagnosed with lung cancer who never complain of coughing probably stimulated tumors, which do not receive the course in less.

L 'second most common symptom is coughing up blood. If the tumor is larger, it tends to bleed, the mucus the patient coughs up blood. If this is established, then you have a physical examination as soon as possible to determine the cause of the discharge.

The third most common symptom is shortness of breath. This is caused by airway obstruction by the tumor. Sometimes the wheezing is loud enough to hear if the patient is breathing, other times the doctorthe sigh is heard if people can see my breath.

If you have any of these symptoms, you should tell your doctor and have the option selected at the earliest. Lung cancer is diagnosed early, the more likely the patient will survive.

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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