Small cell lung cancer is also known as anaplastic cancer. This is less common than lung cancer in non-small cell. The characteristic of this type of cancer is growing faster and is likely to spread to other organs of your body. It starts in one of the largest pipe breath, grows rapidly and reaches more at diagnosis. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
Most cases ofcancer is the result of smoking. Smoking causes almost 87% of cases of lung cancer and perhaps other exposure to tobacco smoke. Other causes of this cancer are occupational hazards such as exposure to carcinogens and / or personal family history of lung cancer. The doctors recommend avoiding smoking and exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Lung Cancer Symptom
A persistent cough,persistent pain in the chest cavity, wheezing and coughing up blood, the first symptoms of this tumor. Once it reaches an advanced stage the symptoms vary according to the metastatic organs, where it is. Once-small cell lung cancer metastases in the brain, memory loss and headaches continued to develop opportunities.
Lung Cancer Symptom
CT, MRI and X-rays can easily diagnose this cancer. ThanksThese methods of diagnosis, location, size and shape of the tumor can be easily identified. Sometimes a lung biopsy and sputum cytology are more useful than other diagnostic procedures.
Limited or extensive are the two forms of small cell lung cancer. Very often this type of cancer than those who normally have gradually increased and surgery for the treatment of cancer is questionable. L 'treatment of choice for this disease is surgery combined with chemotherapy.
Limited stage small lung cancer
You also have the cancer at an early stage, limited to cells, many doctors recommend chemotherapy. Your doctor may prefer surgery, chemotherapy, followed when the lungs are composed of individual nodes without evidence of tumor elsewhere. is used, the most common combination of drugs Carboplatin or cisplatin in combination with etoposide, which lasted six months. Some data show that the addition of paclitaxel or topotecan in this combination may increase the survival rate.
In the early stages of this cancer, radiation therapy produce positive results than surgery or chemotherapy. Difficulty breathing and swallowing problems occur after irradiation. Breast radiotherapy in other types of health problems, serious or severe> Lung diseases.
Extensive stage small cell lung cancer
chemotherapy alone can relieve the symptoms of this long period. The most preferred combination therapy, cisplatin or carboplatin with etoposide. This combination improves the blood cells. Month-small cell lung cancer is protected against this treatment after eight and you can opt for a second type of chemotherapyusually only for a short period. The drugs commonly used as a second type of chemotherapy including docetaxel, irinotecan, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, methotrexate, paclitaxel, topotecan, and cyclophosphamide ifofamide. Once that is either in bone or brain metastases, radiation is sometimes used for this type of lung cancer
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