Many people find each year that they have cancer or colon. For this reason, it is always important to know the signs and symptoms significant, especially if you are a high risk of developing the disease. Although the symptoms of colon cancer are not always obvious, can sign the key, which can help prolong life. The sooner it is diagnosed, the better your chances of survival. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
Who is at risk
Lung Cancer Symptom
Anyone candeveloping cancer of the colon. Men and women are equally likely candidates for this disease. However, there are some people who are particularly at risk more than others.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Even if young people can also develop these cancers are those of 50 years and older at increased risk. That's why people in this age group often advised by their doctor for a screening of colorectal tumors at regular intervals.
It 'also possible that theCondition can be a family. Those who have relatives or family members who had the disease may be at risk of developing the disease.
Sometimes, however, the risk of colon cancer by lifestyle factors of a few can be increased. For example, smoking is a number one thug, who plays in a number of other tumors have a role. Besides the smoke, which is a sedentary lifestyle and eating too much of foods high in saturated fat and trans can also bring you closer to cancer.
Some people are more at risk if you have been diagnosed with certain conditions. Overweight people and those with diabetes, for example, as "vulnerable". Those who have had polyps, and some intestinal diseases or disorders may be at risk.
The risk factors mentioned above are not absolute. Even people who may not be able to continue to colon cancer. Because that's what you pay for colonCancer> Symptoms may occur with the condition.
Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer
There are times when people have only very mild symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms of colon cancer can vary so that there are no symptoms at all it seems. For this reason, some people with cancer can be diagnosed at an advanced stage. In both cases, sensitive, symptoms, even mildmay already be an indication of the state. The attention is important if the cancer is diagnosed early and treated.
A person who is a developing country has colon cancer or condition can often feel tired. You may also experience stomach cramps up, swelling, or even a slight abdominal pain. The stool consistency and frequency of defecation may also change at some point. Sometimes, bloody stools occur, although this also be a signanother condition.
You can never be too safe with it. You should always consider seeing a specialist if the symptoms and see if you are particularly at risk. At 50 years of age should have regular screenings are done by you, even if they are in danger and have no symptoms. Colorectal cancer is most curable in its early stages, so before you if you have found, and is able to detect any symptoms of colon cancer, the best forThem.
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