The awareness of lung cancer is not always so easy. Symptoms up to 10-40 years to complete from the time a cell becomes a cancer cell until they are large enough to cause symptoms or is diagnosed. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
That's why people develop lung cancer is often without symptoms until the cancer has reached an advanced stage.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Only 10% of all patients eventually recover, because most people diagnosed with cancera relatively late stage. There is a 50% chance of death within one year if the person with lung cancer can not be an operation at the time the cancer was found to be healed.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Who is at risk?
There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. Although there are multiple causes, researchers have found that most of them are linkedSmoke.
Risk factors for small cell lung cancer are: Cigarette smoking .. This is the best known cause of lung cancer, including smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes in the past, exposure to secondhand smoke, exposure to asbestos or radon.
Up to 90% of patients are or were smokers. Left many of the 10% to cigarette smoke, second hand has been exposed. Carcinogens in tobacco are hazardous substances that damage cells in thethe lungs. These damaged cells can become cancerous. Damaged cells in the lung tissue slowly returns to normal when a person stops smoking before cancer starts to develop.
The probability that a smoker of cancer are difficult to predict, but in general, of developing cancer depends on: age began smoking, how long they have smoked, how many cigarettes they smoke per day.
Cigars and pipes
Several factorsalso be treated as cigars and pipe smokers are at higher risk of lung cancer than smoking: the number of years a person smokes, the number of pipes or cigars smoked per day, the inhale. Even cigar and pipe smokers who inhaled patients with an increased risk of cancer of the lung, mouth and other malignancies and risk of lung cancer.
Marijuana contains more Tar yield of cigarettes. In addition, marijuana is kept very low, and sucked the smoke into the lungs for a long time. Many of the carcinogens in tobacco are also found in marijuana.
A person who once had this type of cancer are more likely to develop a second lung cancer, as someone who has never had the disease. Quitting smoking after lung cancer was diagnosed a lung prevents the development of new> Cancer.
A gene called GRPR causes an abnormal growth of cells in humans with cigarette smoking. This gene is active in women than in men. This may explain why women are more susceptible to lung cancer in men.
Some studies show that fruits and vegetables may protect against lung cancer. Research has shown that a diet low in fruits and vegetables may increase the risk of contracting cancer, if exposed to tobacco smoke.
May increase lung diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) in the case of a person to develop lung cancer. Lungs of TB scars appear to develop lung cancer, adenocarcinoma.
More information about lung cancer facts. Lung cancer kills more people than any other form of cancer, only 10% of all patients at the end of treatment than tumors> Lung is diagnosed at a relatively late. Eight out of ten lung cancers caused by tobacco smoke. The American Cancer Society estimates that 164,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year in the U.S. and an estimated 157,000 people die from this disease every year. It 'a good reason to deal with cancer awareness.
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