The first stage of lung cancer is when malignant cells are confined to the area of the lung. When these cells and began to disperse to other parts of the body healthy, the level is a bit 'higher. In the first form, the tumor begins in the lining of the lung tissue. Going forward, the swelling of other tissues of the lungs before they can start destroying other organs of the body. Thismalignant tumor is described as the primary tumor. Phase 1, the survival rate of lung cancer is just over 50 percent. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer worldwide. After some research of this type of cancer in 2004 was well supported 1.3 million each year. Most patients with this type of cancer is not aware that smoking is the main reason for theirDilemma. Smoking cigarettes or tobacco at a diagnosis. Excessive exposure to carcinogens or pollution increases the risk of this devastating disease, with an enormous amount of lung cancer. In some studies, alcohol also causes the abnormal growth of the lungs. We have the danger of this dreaded disease will be called and informed about how to prevent, a game of it.
Lung Cancer Symptom
There are two types of lung tumors. One is the small cell andother is non-small cell lung carcinomas. In the early stages of malignant cells have not yet spread to lymph nodes. Phase 1, the survival rate of lung cancer in a period of five - a period of one year to 55 percent.
Lung Cancer Symptom
are different symptoms of the disease may show his concern, if not interested. The following is a list of probable symptoms of lung cancer. Please note that these symptoms can also affect other lung diseases.
•A persistent cough, or more often called smoker's cough
• Loss of breathing caused by constriction of the airways
• fatigue and light exercises
• Chest pain
• sudden chest pain
• shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing
• Traces of blood in the mucus
• lung infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia, often occur
• Change the sound of the voice is another symptom
• EWeight loss can also
Phase 1, the survival rate of lung cancer can be improved. We must seek medical help when it changes the disease has been diagnosed with this life. Doctors who have experience with this type of disease, the key to prolong his life.
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