In its early stages, lung cancer with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Depending on the extent to which the disease has metastasized, a surgeon may be able to remove cancerous tissue from a wedge resection, lobectomy or pneumonectomy. Currently, lung cancer 4, a combination of these approaches is necessary to achieve, and even then may not be successful. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
If cancer cells can noteliminated by the treatment, eventually all over the body to the point where recovery is almost impossible to spread. Death is imminent. In this article, we describe what patients can expect to experience in the final stages of lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Changes in body composition
Lung Cancer Symptom
In about 30% of the terminals, the patient experienced malignant pleural effusion. This occurs when the liquid filling the space surrounding the lungs begins. MeanDifficulty breathing, which can be reduced by the area of the liquid.
Other common physical changes in the last stages of lung cancer include bleeding and bone pain everywhere. Bleeding may occur if the diseased cells to create a patient's airway obstruction. In the case of bone pain, cancer cells in the patient's spine and chest distributed. The pain can be controlled with medication.
In the final stage, the disease can spread to the brain. IfIn this case, the patient attacks and severe headaches. According to the affected area of the brain can cause problems when it comes.
When the patient reaches the end, he or she will lose a significant amount of weight. This is usually done, even if the person remains constant caloric intake.
Changes in the mind
If a person suffering from end-stage lung cancer, occurs in the last months of her life, she will often begin to withdrawtheir families. This is partly due to the physical and mental fatigue with the progression of the disease. It may also be due to the person seeking to the end approaching. It 'important to have a support network in recent months.
Preparing for the end
During the last days, a person's body will process "installed", as he prepares for death. The skin temperature decreases and also performed a bluish tint in some places. The patient breathesAlternating pattern of deep and shallow breaths. Finally, the liquids that have accumulated in their throats gargle cause.
It 'also possible that the person who suffers from lung cancer suddenly appear in the final energy. He or she can sit on the bed and seemed mentally alert. This is not a sign of recovery.
Watching a loved one can go through the harrowing days of end-stage lung cancer. Once the diseaseMetastases outside the lung tissue, is spreading rapidly. If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, it is important to get treatment as soon as possible. Ask your doctor whether a minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer is an option.
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