Thursday, June 30, 2011

Brief history of breast cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

For the ancient Egyptians first noticed, and took the disease such as tumors or ulcers of the breast, concluded that "fire drills" There is no cure itself, and that was the only form of treatment with an instrument called a cautery. Since then there have been numerous similar cases by medical history, no cure has been described a complete treatment or effective.

Lung Cancer Symptom

When doctors began to understand the human circulatory system in the seventieth century, but alsomanaged to establish a link between breast cancer and lymph nodes in the armpits. Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the French surgeon Jean Petit and Benjamin Bell became the first Scot to remove the lymph nodes, breast tissue and chest muscles in an attempt to save a woman with breast cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

In 1880, William Halsted mastectomy has begun to implement. His method became known as the Halsted radical mastectomy, and remained a popular method of the fight against breast cancer by 1970.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Breast cancer is cancer in the glandular tissue of the breast and is available in two male patients and female. Worldwide, breast cancer represents about 1% of all deaths, the fifth most common form of cancer and is the most common form in women.

Although breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, is only the second most common cause ofThe death of> cancer in women (after lung cancer). American women have an eight chance of developing invasive breast cancer and the development of almost 3% chance of breast cancer causing their death. Complaint by our modern lifestyle, the "experts", and also found a significant increase in the number of cases since 1970.

Breast tissue is the same for men and women together. Why does breast cancer occur in men, althoughis less common. Although men have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, this risk seems to increase. There seems to be a higher incidence of breast cancer in men with prostate cancer.

The remarkable point is that male breast cancer prognosis is worse in men than in women and men with breast cancer similar to treatment of older women. Because the male breast tissue is restricted to the areadirectly behind the nipple, treatment for men in general was a mastectomy.

On the positive side, representing the majority of cancer symptoms of breast cancer does not prove the underlying breast. These are generally considered benign breast disease and represent only the most common symptoms of breast cancer similar to himself. However, any new breast symptom should be taken very seriously by patients and physicians because ofPossibility of underlying breast cancer can develop at any age.

As with all types of cancer, screening and treatment of breast cancer, a much better chance of a positive result in the survey as soon as possible.

Brief history of breast cancer

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How To Fight The Spread Of Lung Cancer

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Fighting The Spread Of Lung Cancer Requires Commitment, But Is Achievable If Done Correctly.

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The greatest cause of concern for any cancer formation, from prostate cancer to bone marrow cancer, is that the malfunctioning cells will divide rapidly, enter the blood stream or lymph nodes, and spread to other parts of a human body.  Doctors and oncologists measure and study how lung cancer spreads to determine at which rate and time the condition has progressed; at a particular point it may be too late to administer medical treatment to victims.  As malignant tumors form, they seek to amalgamate and take over the entire organ.  This process is known as metastasis, while malignant tumors that develop away from the initial site are called metastases.  A lung metastases growth will occur everywhere except in the lungs, but is still referred to as cancer of the lungs due to the origin.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The spread of cancerous cells must be contained at all cost with medical treatment.  Chemotherapy is the most popular tool to halt cancer spreading in the respiratory organs (as well as most other types of cancer), as the chemicals will immediately go to work on killing rapidly dividing cells.  Chemotherapy works on the entire human body, so that a cancer that has the potential to spread will not find any "hiding places" if the chemicals are efficient.  Chemotherapy is not a bulletproof solution, however, and further radiation treatment or surgery is required to slow or reverse tumor growth.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As the cancerous tumor grows larger, the odds of it gaining access to new parts of a body increases as well.  The human immune system functions on white blood cells attacking parasitic growths, but the vast majority of cancers are too strong to be killed off by normal immunity.  As the white blood cells are dispatched, they too can become hosts to the virulent cell growth, and in transport through the circulatory system can cause new growths throughout the body.  It is more common to see other metastasis develop in the lungs than for lung cancer to develop in other parts of the body, because lung tissue is far more delicate than other organs in the body

How To Fight The Spread Of Lung Cancer

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How to Recognize the Early Signs of Lung Cancer in Women

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The incidence of lung cancer deaths among women has increased by 150 per cent, 1974-1994. During the same period there was an increase of only twenty percent of men. This disease is responsible for more deaths among women than breast cancer. It is said that half of new cases of this woman.

Lung Cancer Symptom

It may take several years to develop signs and symptoms of lung cancer. Thiscan cause the disease can not be diagnosed until an advanced stage, symptoms that may occur.:

Lung Cancer Symptom

Back pain, shoulder or chest, and not with the constant pain that can occur through coughing. Breathless. Intense, hard smoker's cough. Persistent non-smoker cough that lasts more than two weeks. Presence of bronchitis or pneumonia that keep coming back. Change in color of sputum (mucus or phlegm mixed with saliva). Blood in the sputum.

Lung Cancer Symptom

More advanced stage of lung cancer associated signs or symptoms may include:

Loss of desire for food. Weight loss that can not be explained. Low power consumption. Swelling of the neck and face. Headache, joint pain, bone pain. A transition fragile and other neurological symptoms like memory loss. Bone fractures not related to an accident.

Identify early lung cancer in life and death of someone who has broughtwith this disease. If this is the beginning, when it hits the lungs (or remain localized), the five-year survival rate is nearly fifty percent.

There are also signs and symptoms that may be caused by the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. These signs may include:

Bleeding. Fractures of the bones. Blood clots. Headache. Physical weakness.

Further research is needed to understand why the number or women dyinglung cancer is increasing. Women are one and a half times more at risk for the disease than men. Women are smoking fewer cigarettes and they inhale less of the cigarettes that they do smoke but risks of the illness are still higher for them. Scientists suppose this could be genetically linked.

Early detection may save a woman's life. Those experiencing these symptoms or signs should consult their physician as soon as possible.

Smoking cigarettes is viewed as the main reason for eighty percent of the lung cancer deaths in women.

How to Recognize the Early Signs of Lung Cancer in Women

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

When the lung cancer spread to the brain, bones and other areas

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The treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is usually successful when the disease is diagnosed early. Remains localized in the lungs, and can be removed surgically. Depending on their location and extent of lung tissue is affected, a surgeon inserts a wedge resection, lobectomy or pneumonectomy. Unfortunately, a large percentage of cases are not detected until the disease has spread beyond the a process called metastasis. Once this happens, the operation is not sufficient to cure the disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

This article will explain how the cancer spreads to other parts of the body. You will learn about treatment options doctors use to solve the disease on the road.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The appearance of metastases

Lung Cancer Symptom

NSCLC, tumors are composed of tumor cells. These cells then blast the tumor and travel to other parts of the body. You can done through the lymphatic system (the immune system), or the patient's blood.

If lung cancer is discussed in relation to the lung, it is called a primary tumor or a primary tumor. If it is discussed in the context of the areas outside the lungs, it is called a secondary tumor. For example, when NSCLC is spread to the brain, a surgeon, referring to him as of secondary importance "for the brain tumor Lung> "rather than" brain tumor. "This is concerned that metastasis has occurred, and shows the original site of the disease.

When cancer cells spread to lymph nodes

The first place to migrate to the lung cells of the lymph nodes. The cells are provided through the lymphatic system. In many cases this is not necessarily a metastasis since the cells during the early stages of disease may migrate. Once theThe tumor cells> reach the lymph nodes, but may spread to other areas of the chest.

This spread is rarely captured by the doctors, because the symptoms are often absent. If NSCLC is detected in the lymph nodes, chemotherapy is usually used to treat them.

Lung cancer in the bones

Metastases in the bones is common and affects about four out of ten people end NSCLC. While the disease can spread to the bones aroundthroughout the body, are two sides of the joint, pelvis and spine thighs. The patient is the pain worse as the disease progresses. And 'common for people suffering from minor sprains sports injuries as an error.

From the time lung cancer has reached the bone, which has progressed to the point that the treatment of relief of symptoms, rather than focusing on healing the disease. Radiation therapy is usually the preferred treatment option. ThePatients receiving drugs to reduce pain.

If the disease reaches the brain

Many people who suffer from lung cancer brain metastases also experienced late. This can cause several side effects such as headaches, seizures and loss of coordination. Symptoms of NSCLC that has reached the brain, are similar to side effects of a stroke.

Treatment may include several options, including surgery, chemotherapy,And stereotactic radiotherapy. This last option is to provide a high dose of radiation to parts of the brain tissue.

Tumor cells in the liver

Often discovered by chance in the liver, NSCLC represents an advanced stage of disease. Made at the time, the tumor cells in the liver, the condition is usually like 4. There are often no symptoms, the patient does not suffer from those already. Other times, the patient mayFeeling nausea and pain under the ribs.

As with NSCLC that has spread to the bones, is the treatment of the disease in the liver is the target of reducing the symptoms. Surgery is rare at this time.

Metastasis of cancer cells from the lungs to other parts of the body, is an indication that surgery alone can not cure the disease. If you suspect you may be NSCLC, ask your doctor to discuss treatment options most appropriate.

When the lung cancer spread to the brain, bones and other areas

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Lymphoma and lung cancer

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Some cancers such as lung cancer can spread to lymph nodes or lymphatic tissue such as bone marrow. But cancers that begin in these places and then extend the lymphatic tissue, are not lymphomas.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are two main types of lymphoma: Hodgkin's lymphoma (also known as Hodgkin's disease) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lung Cancer Symptom

The two types of lymphoma are cancers that originate in the identification of a type of white blood cells, and importantPart of the body's immune system. Both tumors can cause similar symptoms, but the conditions were dissimilar. The difference between them is to estimate the cancer material (from a biopsy or aspiration of tumor tissue). The type of abnormal cells in the sample is known is based on the fact that a lymphoma is classified as Hodgkin's disease or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Hodgkin's disease is much rarer than non-Hodgkin'sLymphoma, accounting for just 1% of all cancers in ON incidence of this cancer in recent years has actually declined, contrary to the increase in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease is established by visualization of tissue samples using a microscope.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma known as lymphoma, a cancer that starts in cells called lymphocytes that are part of the body's immune system begins.Lymphocytes in the lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues such as spleen and bone marrow.

But, as mentioned above, lung cancer, from these points and then spread to non-lymphoid tissue lymphoma.

Lymphoma and lung cancer

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatments - Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Against Cancer!

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer, as you know, is one of the most common forms of cancer. If you have found out that you have small cell lung cancer, then it can be very depressing. Because not only is cancer very deadly, but the small cell lung cancer treatments, are also very dangerous and expensive. There are a lot of ways to strengthen the immune system with natural remedies. The stronger your immune system is, the less drugs and evasive procedures are needed. So how can you strengthen your immune system?

Lung Cancer Symptom

Small cell lung cancer treatments - MGN-3

Lung Cancer Symptom

MGN-3 is an immune system stimulant and it is extremely effective in strengthening the Natural Killer (NK) cells. The Natural Killer cells are one of the first lines of defences against viral and bacterial infections, as well as cancer. The stronger these cells the more effectively they will fight against cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

It is proven that people who have low NK cells activity, are more likely to experience cancer and various other diseases. What matters is the activity of NK cells, not the number of these cells. MGN-3 has also shown to increase the level of activity amongst other immune system cells, such as T cells and B cells. It can also increase the production of several cytokines, like tumor necrotic factor-alpha, interferon gamma, nterleukin-12 and Interleukin-2.

Dr. Ghoneum, who is an internationally recognized expert in the field of cancer immune therapy - which is a therapy that uses biological response modifiers or BRM-s, to activate Natural Kill cells in the body and kill cancer cells in the body, stated that MGN-3 proved to be superior to other small cell lung cancer treatments, not only because of its lack of toxicity, but also because it provides a boost to the immune system over a long period. He also said that other BRM-s effectiveness diminished over time, even if the patient was still taking them.

This is just one example of the possible small cell lung cancer treatments. The main thing is to be active and research for various alternative treatments and natural cures, that can help you. If you lose all hope and give up, then you have very little chance to beat cancer. It is also important find a doctor, that you can discuss these kinds of treatments, the patient and the doctor have to work together. There are so many examples of people, who successfully beat cancer, so never give up hope.

Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatments - Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Against Cancer!

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lung cancer awareness - know-how that could help

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The awareness of lung cancer is not always so easy. Symptoms up to 10-40 years to complete from the time a cell becomes a cancer cell until they are large enough to cause symptoms or is diagnosed.

Lung Cancer Symptom

That's why people develop lung cancer is often without symptoms until the cancer has reached an advanced stage.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Only 10% of all patients eventually recover, because most people diagnosed with cancera relatively late stage. There is a 50% chance of death within one year if the person with lung cancer can not be an operation at the time the cancer was found to be healed.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Who is at risk?
There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors. Although there are multiple causes, researchers have found that most of them are linkedSmoke.

Risk factors for small cell lung cancer are: Cigarette smoking .. This is the best known cause of lung cancer, including smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes in the past, exposure to secondhand smoke, exposure to asbestos or radon.

Up to 90% of patients are or were smokers. Left many of the 10% to cigarette smoke, second hand has been exposed. Carcinogens in tobacco are hazardous substances that damage cells in thethe lungs. These damaged cells can become cancerous. Damaged cells in the lung tissue slowly returns to normal when a person stops smoking before cancer starts to develop.

The probability that a smoker of cancer are difficult to predict, but in general, of developing cancer depends on: age began smoking, how long they have smoked, how many cigarettes they smoke per day.

Cigars and pipes
Several factorsalso be treated as cigars and pipe smokers are at higher risk of lung cancer than smoking: the number of years a person smokes, the number of pipes or cigars smoked per day, the inhale. Even cigar and pipe smokers who inhaled patients with an increased risk of cancer of the lung, mouth and other malignancies and risk of lung cancer.

Marijuana contains more Tar yield of cigarettes. In addition, marijuana is kept very low, and sucked the smoke into the lungs for a long time. Many of the carcinogens in tobacco are also found in marijuana.

A person who once had this type of cancer are more likely to develop a second lung cancer, as someone who has never had the disease. Quitting smoking after lung cancer was diagnosed a lung prevents the development of new> Cancer.

A gene called GRPR causes an abnormal growth of cells in humans with cigarette smoking. This gene is active in women than in men. This may explain why women are more susceptible to lung cancer in men.

Some studies show that fruits and vegetables may protect against lung cancer. Research has shown that a diet low in fruits and vegetables may increase the risk of contracting cancer, if exposed to tobacco smoke.

May increase lung diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) in the case of a person to develop lung cancer. Lungs of TB scars appear to develop lung cancer, adenocarcinoma.

More information about lung cancer facts. Lung cancer kills more people than any other form of cancer, only 10% of all patients at the end of treatment than tumors> Lung is diagnosed at a relatively late. Eight out of ten lung cancers caused by tobacco smoke. The American Cancer Society estimates that 164,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year in the U.S. and an estimated 157,000 people die from this disease every year. It 'a good reason to deal with cancer awareness.

Lung cancer awareness - know-how that could help

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Signs and symptoms of cancer mesothelioma

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The symptoms of mesothelioma, a form of cancer, often 20-50 years to develop. Unfortunately, this delay prevents the detection of the disease and often leads to misdiagnosis. The first symptoms of many other illnesses such as colds or the flu, and may be rejected. Other respiratory disease mesothelioma characters, such as chest pain and breathing difficulties. The three types of mesothelioma are slightly different> Symptoms.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Pleural mesothelioma, developed from a pleural effusion, an accumulation of fluid in the pleura of the chest, often for symptoms, such as the following causes: respiratory disease, problems with swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath, coughing, persistent weight loss, loss, fever, cough blood against rasps, and chest pain.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the stomach belong toWeight reduction, the hump, and abdominal pain due to ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity) and bowel obstruction, bleeding disorders, anemia and fever.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Finally, the form that rarely mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma include chest pain, mild to severe shortness of breath, palpitations, persistent cough, fatigue and severe.

To diagnose whether the symptoms of a patient with mesothelioma, a little 'less heavy in comparison, aX-rays or ultrasound can be used. If the results of these methods are inconclusive, a biopsy can determine with certainty whether the tumor is present. There is currently no cure for mesothelioma, clinical trials and research is ongoing.

Signs and symptoms of cancer mesothelioma

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Some famous people with lung cancer

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Lung cancer is the highest rate of mortality in men and women who have the same lifestyle or is exposed to irritants in the lung for life. And this type of disease is not picky, there are many famous people with lung cancer, which is now six feet under.

Lung Cancer Symptom

For each lung cancer, is qualified, even if only the average Joe or you need someone very famous, are notexcluded from the list of probable and thanks.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Here are some famous people who died of lung cancer, to name a few:

Lung Cancer Symptom

Walt Disney

Creator of cartoon characters of fiction, which continues to grow in popularity for young and old Disney, Walt's genius, as it was for the construction of the Walt Disney Studios and Walt Disney known as Disneyland. Walt Disney died of complications of lung cancer December 15, 1966St. Joseph Hospital, located across the street where his studio is. He died at the age of 65 years. It is said that his body was cremated and his remains were placed in their family tomb in Glendale, California, Forest Lawn Memorial Park.

Nat "King" Cole

A famous jazz musician Nat "King" Cole eaten as a heavy smoker during his time more than three packs of cigarettes a day. He died the day after Valentine's Day, which isFebruary 15, 1965. Before the day of his death, an interview was made ​​to sound like Coles in the perception of cancer as something that made ​​him feel better, look at the state, rather than the blessing of a situation.

Steve McQueen

He died November 7, 1980, Steve McQueen was a super cool guy in the 60s, the popularity of a troubled youth to one of the top actor loved his day went. Even after his death, McQueen is still admired by manyas one of the coolest icons of all time. McQueen died of cancer that is associated with what is made ​​known to many of asbestos mesothelioma. This led him to be hit by a huge right lung tumor.

Clay Shaw

A controversial figure, who lived Laverne Clay Shaw in New Orleans, Louisiana, as a successful entrepreneur. With the success of the charge is based on the assassination of the late John F. Kennedy combined. It 'wasthe only person planning to assassinate him was not sentenced to a defendant. On August 15, 1974, Shaw died at the age of 61, because the cancer has formed metastases.

Robert Mitchum

Charles Robert Mitchum, nominated for an Academy Award and an American composer, singer, actor and author. Mitchum died July 1, 1997 after the 80th anniversary of complications from emphysema and lung cancer. Dying Mitchum was considered by critics as aof the best players in the Golden Age.

These famous people with lung cancer died of various complications, even with extensive treatment methods that were used. However, there are many musicians, actors and even outside of Hollywood personalities, who died and are experiencing the signs and symptoms of this devastating disease.

Some famous people with lung cancer

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Are you at risk for lung cancer?

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It is estimated that the risk of non-smoking life of lung cancer in 1100, while the smoker is 1 in 12 risk in that group of people who are? Worried about the risk of lung cancer is high?

Lung Cancer Symptom

Like all other forms of lung cancer is a terrible disease. Why not have visible symptoms during the first phase, it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage of diseaseif the cancer already spread to other organs and whether the treatment is difficult and the survival rate is low.

Lung Cancer Symptom

People who suffer from lung cancer is likely to be, are those with one or more of the following risk factors.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first women are more prone to lung cancer than men. One study shows that a gene associated with abnormal cell growth was more active in women than in men, these women smoked. Some researchalso shows that women who smoke are more susceptible to cancer-causing chemicals in cigarettes than their male colleagues.

Smoking is another risk factor for lung cancer. It is estimated that 9 out of 10 cases of lung cancer caused by smoking. A person's risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of years smoked, he or she has. Moreover, the person who was smoking, the greater theRisk of developing lung cancer.

3 sad news for people who do not even smoke a single cigarette, but they are constantly exposed to cigarette smoke increases the risk of developing lung cancer by 30 percent, especially if a day of passive smoking.

4 Exposure to radon, an odorless gas present in the water and soil, increases the risk of a person developing lung cancer. Radon is considered the second most frequently arethe leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.

5 Our work can sometimes increase our risk of lung cancer. People who are exposed to carcinogens such as arsenic, asbestos, chloromethyl ethers, chromium compounds and their work have an increased risk of developing lung cancer. It is estimated that about 9000 men and 900 women develop lung cancer each years of exposure to known carcinogens in the workplaceConnections. The risk is even greater for people who smoke.

6 women can undergo estrogen replacement therapy, are at increased risk of developing lung cancer. Being fired, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, the growth of the cancer non-small cell lung cancer by estrogen.

It 'important that the cancer is diagnosed early. Believing asymptomatic patients with early lung cancer are often misleading, becauseThere is nothing wrong with his health. It is often late and the cancer has already spread to other areas, before the diagnosis. Those who are well informed about the possibilities and the height of his illness in time may be informed of the risk of lung cancer for the medical check-up and training before they can spread the disease even watch.

Are you at risk for lung cancer?

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The symptoms of skin cancer and signs

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They spent too much time in the sun and brown spots on the skin. It is skin cancer or not? This is something the doctor can answer, but it is good to go prepared. All he knows about the case last year on the skin, is the most important thing you can do waiting to go to the doctor about it. There are some things to know in order to determine the skin cancer or not. If you go to the doctor, you canprepared with the following information:

Lung Cancer Symptom

. A bleeding or oozing skin - if you have this skin type, it is likely that a case of skin cancer. It is not always so, but if you encounter a symptom, it is best to consult your doctor immediately. Oozing or bleeding of the skin, if you're wondering, is skin cancer or not, a sure sign that there is an informal meeting in your skin.

Lung Cancer Symptom

According to change in size or colorSkin - It 'a subtle change that can be overlooked if you do not pay attention to how your skin can form. A look at your skin every day you can see that it remains primarily a color and size. Measurements of lumps and moles on the skin can be a red flag about the type of normal skin. Be aware of your body and know when there is a degree of change to your skin.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Dark colors -. 3 dark spots or patches on the skin should be immediately seen by a doctor. In manyCases, people ignore the fact that their bodies are dark spots and do not care, he looked up. With dark spots on the skin, might be a chance that these skin cancers. Whether it is skin cancer, it is very important if you live longer.

If you talk to the family doctor is and is not intended or skin cancer, you can feel better. It takes courage to go to your doctorOffice and ask questions like that. There are many cases of skin cancer in the United States to have a skin cancer can not be taken lightly. If you have studied everything about skin cancer, you can have a better understanding of the prevention of it. Avoid the formation of tumors of the skin is the best thing you can do to your body. Always know what's happening in your body and ask your doctor if you notice changes in yourSkin.

The symptoms of skin cancer and signs

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Heart disease, lung cancer and COPD - The three causes of death

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Smoking, including cigarettes, cigars or pipes is closely linked to the development of diseases such as heart disease and lung cancer. In addition to these serious diseases, smoking can also be the cause of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Lung Cancer Symptom

This condition causes inflammation and damages the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lung tissue and usually causes some form of respiratory disease. COPD is usually a combination of chronicChronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Because smoking is the leading cause of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, two conditions often occur together in the same person.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Damage from COPD is both progressive and permanent. It 'has become a serious health problem and health statistics, is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Because of the severity of these diseases, it is urgent for those who smoke to quit.Understanding the causes and symptoms of COPD is vital to try to encourage smokers to stop this potentially deadly habit.

Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchioles and the tube is usually caused by inhaling bronchial irritants like cigarette smoke other, exhaust fumes, chemicals, air pollution and other environmental factors such as mold or dust.

Smoking may increase the risk of infection because they damage the hair as smallProjections (cilia) that protect the lungs against bacteria and other foreign materials into the lungs.

Diagnosed with this disease can develop slowly, middle-aged and older, the more risks with him. The symptoms of bronchitis can also be things such as dyspnoea, cough, sputum, chest pain when coughing or shortness of breath and persistent fatigue.

Emphysema is a chronic disease on the other side of the airway. Therecharacterized by expansion or the loss of elasticity of the alveoli or air sacs, and perhaps the collapse of the bronchi, the airways, the first, which no longer contain cartilage.

If this happens, reduce the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas in the alveoli of the lungs and lungs from working properly can reduce their ability to breathe when you lose. This reduces exhalation may also reduce the amount of air that can be inhaled. Because ofThis carbon dioxide, the exhaust gas is not quite out of the lungs and oxygen-rich air can not be recovered. Because of this problem could be with emphysema breathe hard and often to gasp for air. Emphysema is most common in people over 50 years and can coexist with other respiratory diseases like bronchitis.

What are the real causes and symptoms of COPD?

The risk factor is more important is a lifestyle of smoking. It does notDifference if you smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes. Even the fumes from chemicals, detergents, aerosols, air pollution, dust and pollutants aggravate symptoms.

Chronic bronchitis is more common in people over 40 years, whereas emphysema is more common in people aged 60 years.

Some types of work (socio-economic class) can play a role in COPD. Deaths from COPD are approximately two times higher among unskilled and semi-skilled thanprofessionals.

Family history and genetics may predispose people in certain families to develop COPD, while other causes such as smoking and air pollution are also available.

There is an effective treatment of COPD?

The treatment of COPD is closely dependent on the overall health of the patient and the severity of the disease.

In general, a health program includes breathing. Disability and other symptoms can be alleviated and thus reducethe occurrence of early death. However, there are no treatments proven to cure this disease. The treatments were designed only to relieve symptoms and improve survival rates.

Instead of focusing on healing for which there is none, if the changes in lifestyle that can prevent the development of COPD are underlined. COPD can be prevented if people who smoke, quitting smoking, maintaining a good diet, drink plenty of fluids, maintain an appropriate weight andExercise regularly.

Understanding the health risks of COPD and potentially fatal, and are essential to convince smokers to quit smoking.

Heart disease, lung cancer and COPD - The three causes of death

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A look at the final stage of lung cancer

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In its early stages, lung cancer with surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Depending on the extent to which the disease has metastasized, a surgeon may be able to remove cancerous tissue from a wedge resection, lobectomy or pneumonectomy. Currently, lung cancer 4, a combination of these approaches is necessary to achieve, and even then may not be successful.

Lung Cancer Symptom

If cancer cells can noteliminated by the treatment, eventually all over the body to the point where recovery is almost impossible to spread. Death is imminent. In this article, we describe what patients can expect to experience in the final stages of lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Changes in body composition

Lung Cancer Symptom

In about 30% of the terminals, the patient experienced malignant pleural effusion. This occurs when the liquid filling the space surrounding the lungs begins. MeanDifficulty breathing, which can be reduced by the area of ​​the liquid.

Other common physical changes in the last stages of lung cancer include bleeding and bone pain everywhere. Bleeding may occur if the diseased cells to create a patient's airway obstruction. In the case of bone pain, cancer cells in the patient's spine and chest distributed. The pain can be controlled with medication.

In the final stage, the disease can spread to the brain. IfIn this case, the patient attacks and severe headaches. According to the affected area of ​​the brain can cause problems when it comes.

When the patient reaches the end, he or she will lose a significant amount of weight. This is usually done, even if the person remains constant caloric intake.

Changes in the mind

If a person suffering from end-stage lung cancer, occurs in the last months of her life, she will often begin to withdrawtheir families. This is partly due to the physical and mental fatigue with the progression of the disease. It may also be due to the person seeking to the end approaching. It 'important to have a support network in recent months.

Preparing for the end

During the last days, a person's body will process "installed", as he prepares for death. The skin temperature decreases and also performed a bluish tint in some places. The patient breathesAlternating pattern of deep and shallow breaths. Finally, the liquids that have accumulated in their throats gargle cause.

It 'also possible that the person who suffers from lung cancer suddenly appear in the final energy. He or she can sit on the bed and seemed mentally alert. This is not a sign of recovery.

Watching a loved one can go through the harrowing days of end-stage lung cancer. Once the diseaseMetastases outside the lung tissue, is spreading rapidly. If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, it is important to get treatment as soon as possible. Ask your doctor whether a minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer is an option.

A look at the final stage of lung cancer

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Cancer in cats - cats symptoms lymphosarcoma

Lung Cancer Symptom

Also known as lymphomas, lympho-sarcoma, such as the rapid proliferation of malignant lymphocytes. This is usually done in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, bones, and in most cats, although some development in the eye and the gastrointestinal tract and skin. The most common malignant tumor in cats is developed lymphoma in cats.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Among young people, this can be found, or after the feline leukemia virus FeLV-shot is given, and the catImmunodeficiency Virus or FIV. This type of cancer in cats affects the spine, lymph nodes and the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, and endocrine glands "thymus (mediastinal lymphoma) in the chest cavity between the lungs.

Lung Cancer Symptom

In the gastrointestinal tract, lymphoma is more common in older cats, which can occur without FeLV infection. Young people tend to have a T-cell lymphoma, where cats are usually made with B-cell lymphoma cells are T lymphocytesmade in the thymus, to tell the immune system to respond to infected or malignant cells. The B cells are lymphocytes that originate in the bone marrow.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Cats may have worse symptoms and more severe than canines. Cancer in dogs, a show dog more visibly in good health, in addition to the nodes swollen. But cats will develop severe symptoms that depend on the location of the tumor.

The symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer in cats show the characteristics of diarrhea, no appetiteweight loss. Most of the fluid in the lungs and airways reflects lymphoma of the mediastinum. If you find in the kidneys, the symptoms of thirst and urination are seen, then followed by the expansion of the kidney.

Cancer in the heart of the heart can not pump blood to reduce the tissue swelling and accumulation of fluid in the layers surrounding the heart muscle causing abnormal reactions. InflammationEye is also seen in ages, and known as ocular lymphoma.

Many cancers are slow to heal and can be present without the premature death, even without treatment. Aggressive cancers are usually treated with chemotherapy, the same as in human cases. The best response is seen in gastrointestinal cancer, but cancer in more than one position. Cancer in cats is still dependent on the past or present infection with FeLV.Complete remission is rare because it usually is not the end point of cancer.

Cancer in cats - cats symptoms lymphosarcoma

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Symptoms of colon cancer, you should know

Lung Cancer Symptom

Many people find each year that they have cancer or colon. For this reason, it is always important to know the signs and symptoms significant, especially if you are a high risk of developing the disease. Although the symptoms of colon cancer are not always obvious, can sign the key, which can help prolong life. The sooner it is diagnosed, the better your chances of survival.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Who is at risk

Lung Cancer Symptom

Anyone candeveloping cancer of the colon. Men and women are equally likely candidates for this disease. However, there are some people who are particularly at risk more than others.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Even if young people can also develop these cancers are those of 50 years and older at increased risk. That's why people in this age group often advised by their doctor for a screening of colorectal tumors at regular intervals.

It 'also possible that theCondition can be a family. Those who have relatives or family members who had the disease may be at risk of developing the disease.

Sometimes, however, the risk of colon cancer by lifestyle factors of a few can be increased. For example, smoking is a number one thug, who plays in a number of other tumors have a role. Besides the smoke, which is a sedentary lifestyle and eating too much of foods high in saturated fat and trans can also bring you closer to cancer.

Some people are more at risk if you have been diagnosed with certain conditions. Overweight people and those with diabetes, for example, as "vulnerable". Those who have had polyps, and some intestinal diseases or disorders may be at risk.

The risk factors mentioned above are not absolute. Even people who may not be able to continue to colon cancer. Because that's what you pay for colonCancer> Symptoms may occur with the condition.

Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer

There are times when people have only very mild symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms of colon cancer can vary so that there are no symptoms at all it seems. For this reason, some people with cancer can be diagnosed at an advanced stage. In both cases, sensitive, symptoms, even mildmay already be an indication of the state. The attention is important if the cancer is diagnosed early and treated.

A person who is a developing country has colon cancer or condition can often feel tired. You may also experience stomach cramps up, swelling, or even a slight abdominal pain. The stool consistency and frequency of defecation may also change at some point. Sometimes, bloody stools occur, although this also be a signanother condition.

You can never be too safe with it. You should always consider seeing a specialist if the symptoms and see if you are particularly at risk. At 50 years of age should have regular screenings are done by you, even if they are in danger and have no symptoms. Colorectal cancer is most curable in its early stages, so before you if you have found, and is able to detect any symptoms of colon cancer, the best forThem.

Symptoms of colon cancer, you should know

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Important facts you should know about lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is divided on the basis of the morphology of cells under a microscope. The building blocks of the body are the cells. Share the desire of the body to make it grow healthy cells and multiply. Sometimes the cells divide them, even if it is not necessary to multiply, and the mass of cells in more than a tumor or cancer. Rapid and uncontrolled growth of cells of the lung is lung cancer.Both types are small cell carcinoma and non-small cell lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Treatment varies with each type of lung cancer, how it spreads in different ways. Non-small cell lung cancer grows and spreads slowly, is the most common of the two. Large cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the three main types of cancer. Small cell lung cancer, also called oat cell carcinoma, is notso common. This type of cancer spreads rapidly and can reach different organs of the body.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Currently, this type of cancer as the most lethal form of cancer in many developed countries, including the United States, where 170,000 people die from the disease every year accredited. Lung cancer takes years to develop common, although most lung disorders immediately to carcinogens.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The main etiology is the inhalation of carcinogenic substancesby cigarette smoking in both smokers and nonsmokers. Smoking in combination with exposure to environmental risk Randon bonds of this type of cancer. Other than that, it's an occupational hazard for operators in the field of asbestos, which is known as mesothelioma lung cancer.

Lung cancer usually affects people over fifty, and even those who have the habit of smoking for a period of time. According to theLocation of the tumor in the lung, the symptoms can vary. Infections, chronic cough, chest pain, shortness of breath and recurrent pulmonary symptoms are common.

The diagnosis of cancer is in your symptoms, smoking, medical history, family and exposure to substances before the Environmental and Occupational Medicine. The diagnostic confirmation can be done with a chest radiograph. To determine the stage of cancer, differentThe tests available to diagnose the cancer or small non-small cell lung. Medical professionals tend to diagnose whether the tumor is localized in the lung or spread to other parts of the body.

Smoking is the best way to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer. You can gradually decrease the risk of lung cancer 10 to 15 years as your lungs recover, if you stop smoking at an early stageAge.

The treatment of lung cancer can be obtained with chemotherapy (cancer cells can be eliminated with medication), radiation therapy (removal of the tumor cells with high doses of X-rays or other high-energy radiation) or surgery (removal of cancer). The treatment of advanced stage is considered difficult with a limited success rate of early treatment of lung cancer.

Important facts you should know about lung cancer

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Friday, June 17, 2011

What is Lung Cancer - Incidence, signs, symptoms, causes, prognosis and therapy

Lung Cancer Symptom


Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer may also be the most tragic cancer because in most cases, could have prevented 87% of cases are caused by smoking. Lung cancer has long been the leading cause of cancer death in men and 1987 also the leading cause of cancer death in women. This is the second most common form of cancer in most Western countries, and although the lung> The incidence of cancer is less common in developing countries is rapidly growing popularity of smoking will see the number of people living in these countries to achieve quickly with the Western world.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer can occur in any part of the lung, and 90% -95% of lung cancers are expected to arise from epithelial cells of the airways or large and small mucosal (bronchi and bronchioles), for Therefore, tumors lung aresometimes called bronchogenic carcinoma or lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most common are cancer, small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of large cells.

Many experts agree that the lung cancer caused by inhalation of carcinogenic pollutants by a susceptible host is. Who is most vulnerable? Every smoker over the age of 40 years, especially if they start smoking before the age of 15, smoked 20 or more years 20 or worked with or nearAsbestos. Two other factors increase susceptibility: exposure to carcinogenic industrial and air pollutants, and the family susceptibility (asbestos, uranium, arsenic, nickel, iron, chromium, radioactive dust and coal dust.).

Signs and symptoms

Since the early lung cancer is usually asymptomatic, the disease is often advanced at the time of initial diagnosis. Advanced signs are: squamous cell carcinoma with small and smoker's cough,Pain hoarseness, wheezing, dyspnea, hemoptysis and chest. With adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma, fever, weakness, weight loss, anorexia, and shoulder pain. In addition, the production of hormone that regulates various body functions also be affected.


Diagnosis requires chest x-ray sputum, cytology, CT, bronchoscopy examination of pleural fluid and biopsies. Other tests to detect metastasis include bone scan, a bone marrow biopsy and CT scans ofBrain and stomach.


The disease spreads most commonly to the liver, adrenal glands, bones and brain. Cancer that has metastasized to the bone causes bone pain, usually in the spine (vertebrae), femur and ribs. Cancer that spreads to brain may be difficulties with vision and weakness on one side of the body.

Cancer can develop in some nerves in the neck, hanging from an eyelid, small pupil, sunken eyes,and reduced perspiration on one side of the face that are along these symptoms, such as Horner's syndrome (see Autonomic Nervous System: Horner's syndrome). It may grow directly into the esophagus, or it can develop in the region and the pressure on them, causing difficulty swallowing. It can also be transmitted by blood to the liver, brain, adrenal gland, spinal cord and bone.


Treatment depends on the type of cancer cell-specific, to what extent ispropagation, and the condition of the patient's benefit. If studies of lung cancer, CT, and often the positron emission tomography (PET) are used to ensure, to determine if the disease is localized and accessible to surgery or if it is to the point where it can be treated surgically released. Treatment is usually a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Surgery is usually the first option. Chemotherapy can be used as first-line treatment or usedadditional treatment after surgery. Radiation therapy can be directed to the tumor from outside the body (external radiation) or may in needles, seeds or catheters placed, and placed in your body near the tumor (brachytherapy). Radiation therapy may be used alone or in combination with other cancer treatments. Radiotherapy can also be used to reduce the side effects of lung cancer.

Treatment may not be as effectivePatients with bone metastases or liver, lung, loss of excess weight, smoking, persistent or pre-existing conditions like heart disease or emphysema. At some point, however, you and your oncologist or the family that the treatment is not advisable, palliative care can provide comfort.

What is Lung Cancer - Incidence, signs, symptoms, causes, prognosis and therapy

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dog Cancer - dogs can survive lung cancer?

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a disease of the dog-years or more animals in the community. This type of cancer can be primary or secondary. Primary lung cancer tissue from the lungs and airways, and tends to a single discrete mass. secondary spread of cancer tumors in other parts of the body. The malignant cells of bone cancer and breast cancer, the system can move into the lymphatic system, causing many small tumorsin the lungs. Most of the tumors, the dogs are secondary tumors of the lung.

Lung Cancer Symptom

25% of lung cancers are asymptomatic dogs, which means that the affected dog shows no sign that there is a problem with his lung. The tumor shows a chest radiograph regardless of whether they are tested on a condition. A diagnosis of lung cancer is a terrible shock to their owners.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Dogslive with smokers may be at increased risk of primary lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom


Animals dogs with lung cancer often have symptoms of lung disease, including coughing and breathing difficulties. They are also less able to move, and shortness of breath sooner than usual. If the disease progresses, you will lose weight and are expressed in the tumor vomit on their foodEsophagus.

Chest radiographs of a chest pain dog show or a single mass on a portion of the lung or grainy in all areas of them. If the tumor outside the lung, may be able to pass a needle into the ground and take a sample of tumor cells. Other diagnostic procedures are more of a bronchoscope to the airway to do a biopsy of the tumor or sterile liquid instillation into the tracheaand it sucks, we hope to harvest cells simultaneously. These cells may be able to provide are examined microscopically to determine the type of cancer, e.


Survival after treatment of primary lung cancer is on average 12 months. The prognosis is slightly better for dogs, symptoms of the disease do not have a single small tumor and no evidence of spread of cancer cells in lymph nodes.In such cases, dogs can have their animals for many years without the cancer, but many of these tumors develop more in other parts of the lung.

If your dog needs a chest x-ray for another reason, are not likely to pick up the dog lung cancer, unless they have symptoms of the disease. However, early diagnosis generally results in a better response to treatment , so if your dog coughs or breathing is difficult, giveVet sooner rather than later.

A dog diagnosed with lung cancer? You think it could have this terrible disease?

Dog Cancer - dogs can survive lung cancer?

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not only that asbestos causes lung cancer mesothelioma

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma lung cancer is usually exposure to asbestos. In fact, there are many other risk factors that cause cancer, mesothelioma. One of them is the Erion. Erion is a mineral naturally occurring, fibrous, to include a group of minerals called zeolites. Zeolites are aluminosilicates of alkali and alkaline earth hydrated.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Erion has been tempered in the past used as a precious metal catalyst in a hydrocarbon cracking process.It 'been studied for the use of fertilizers and odors in animal control, because of its ability to selectively adsorb molecules of air or liquids. Erion blocks used in many countries were (and still can be used), building materials or pulp and lime plaster.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Erion has been identified as a risk factor for lung cancer mesothelioma in 1975, when the turkish government has presented a rare malignant one study revealed a high incidence ofMesothelioma lung tissue of people in some villages in the mountainous region in the center of the Cappadocia region in Turkey. In two small villages of mesothelioma lung cancer accounted for 43% of deaths for 23-year duration of the course. Erion fibers were found in biopsies of lungs of the mesothelioma cancer afflicted. Comparing this show to a rate of 9.7% of deaths from this disease among asbestos insulation installers, that this anomalyCondition was.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Other studies have shown Erion causes similar diseases in laboratory animals. When researchers from the mountain. Sinai Hospital in rats injected with the same dose of Erion, they used asbestos in rats do not live long enough to mesothelioma cancer. At a dose significantly reduced in mice with cancer - Erion. Mineral is probably the most known toxic milligram of fibers in the lungs is a death.

Erion's now considered so dangerous thatEPA requires that all persons who produce, import or process any article containing EPA Erion record 90 days in advance. This gives the EPA to consider the possibility of limiting or prohibiting the activity.

Erion has been removed or is no longer on the market for commercial purposes.
Although many other commercial uses of natural zeolites (litter, soil, feed, water, sewage, gas absorption agents, etc.) So, the potential exposure to occur during Erionproduction and
Extraction of the zeolite.

And there are questions:

There are other hazards such as asbestos and mineral Erion?

Can we expect lung cancer from exposure to asbestos mesothelioma not only increases by a 20 to 30 years?

Not only that asbestos causes lung cancer mesothelioma

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

alternative cancer treatments to help deal

Lung Cancer Symptom

One of the best ways to make the fight against the bad news that lung cancer is through the use of certain remedies for cancer prevention in your daily life. These can be in the fight against cancer and fill your days with the disease of optimism armed with the knowledge to do all the terrible, you can struggle against it. If you are looking for cancer treatments, of course, the doctor is the best source, but you can also find useful tips on the website. ThisThe articles should give you some ways to stop the progression of cancer drugs, without the only option is to use.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Here are some alternative methods to be used in the fight for cancer of the lung:
The use of physical contact as a way to combat the disease support the use of a large. If the love and support of others, then you will be more positive and is a great way to help fight against it.
Massage, even ifThis is not a lung cancer treatment, may offer a treatment option for controlling the severe pain that can accompany other methods. Moreover, it is a very difficult time for all documents that may suffer and that can bring relief and a much needed source of pleasure.
The use of chiropractic has been designed to prevent the progression of cancer, because it will strengthen the immune system and offer reliefThe pain also. Any method that strengthen the immune system is to use this critical imperative.
may prohibit the nutritional therapy, the prognosis of lung cancer and may also be able to reduce tumor progression as. E 'was used as a remedy to the situation, in some cases, but it can certainly benefit from cancer in the body through food or also known as children.
The power of prayer should neverbe avoided as it may be powerful, and perhaps the best medicine you can find, so take it seriously.

Lung Cancer Symptom

If you have trouble going through this terrible, you should seriously pressure and opportunities that the treatment of lung cancer in high, life can get the latest and I hope to live a long illness. It takes considerable strength and courage to fight cancer, but remained positive and everyone can do to combat them, iscome to the end victorious.

Lung Cancer Symptom

alternative cancer treatments to help deal

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Monday, June 13, 2011

What is cancer?

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a disease of the lungs, histology, thanks to the rapid development and distribution of immature cells seen within the lungs. Lung cancer is known that lung cancer and is also.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Normally, the lung, the ability of cells to repair the affected tissue, lungs or destroyed in the process of making normal and healthy. At present, the abnormal growth and divisioncell, velocities are immature forms of mass or lump that could be early lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

A tumor may be benign or malignant. If the tumor is benign, it is usually stuck in a region and is shielded.

Lung Cancer Symptom

A benign tumor does not intend to invade surrounding tissues. On the other hand, the benign tumor begins to grow and spread if they are present in tissues and organs, is nowstage known as malignant or cancerous. Once free of cancer cells, are now traveling to different parts of the body such as bone, lymph nodes, liver and brain, is now known as metastasis. There are cancer cells that have the ability to grow and reproduce.

The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking, 80% of male deaths and 75% of deaths among women. The risk of developing cancer depends on the beginning of a personexposed to tobacco smoke or the number of cigarettes smoked per day, although the studies that the mortality rate among people with low nicotine brand and see a cigarette filter.

Individuals who smoked once he decided to stay a lower risk of lung cancer. For those, the pipes are smoking cigars and have a higher chance of death from lung cancer than smokers of conventional cigarettes.

On the other handAs second-hand smoke, ie, those exposed to tobacco smoke and asbestos, radon, or those of their family history of lung cancer can be useful for disease development.

Smoking is one of the definitive answers as to why the lung cancer starts. Most of these patients have lifestyles like smoking, that is uncontrollable and unmanageable. Without adequate rehabilitation of smoking, a person at high risk ofever a candidate for the disease.

Lung cancer substances normally start the show or the use of various cancers. When exposed to certain lung cells begin to react with the chemical inside the stimulus or the time is suspended. Although the description of the pathophysiology may be a lot of complexity, is not sufficiently emphasized by the research and experimentation. All those who are exposed to risk factors and the main reason why it is irregular andabnormal growth of lung cells, leading to disease.

If you answer "How lung cancer is with" clearly defined and understood. Genes, cancer are influenced by the trend to the pathogenesis of immune proteins in their cellular differentiation, apoptosis, tumor progression, the processes of the cell cycle, angiogenesis and regulation. For now, these events are experienced by the lungs, it is inevitable thatthe affected lung may be different modes of treatment for best results.

What is cancer?

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lung cancer survival rates - be informed

Lung Cancer Symptom

Survival rates of lung cancer than those with a diagnosis of cancer is a particular type and stage of disease, which survives in a certain period after the forecast. In a simpler definition is the percentage of people with this disease, diagnosed in life by five years of diagnosis. The survival rate for this type of cancer can be predicted, should not be based solely on a large number of people have been diagnosed withit.

Lung Cancer Symptom

No statistics can be accurate within 100% of the patients what will happen. The odds are best critics. The ability to survive the disease is influenced by many factors, what is even more complicated. Two people at different stages of cancer rates may differ in terms of survival, there are many risk factors involved. Various treatments or medications the patient may also receive or are not, are one of the factors.

Lung Cancer Symptom

ThereSurvival rates for lung cancer and other depends on the stage. In the final stage, it is quite impossible to predict whether a patient live longer. According to some statistics, lung cancer was already Stage 4, the survival rate reaches zero. Can be decisive, but it's scary. On the positive side, there are stories of patients who were cured of cancer, right on the final round. Thanksadvances in modern technology and continuous medical researchers, it is not surprising that the best treatments available today to be done to promote cancer, the survival rate of this type. Surgery is always an option for the treatment of lung cancer. But most of the time, doctors can not give 100% guarantee for patients undergoing an operation and

Lung Cancer Symptom

This type of tumor is very difficult to diagnose, after a few doctors. It 'alsois one of the diseases that are difficult to treat. And then, the rate of graduation for the survival of lung cancer is very low. It 's very important to understand, and the causes that trigger this disease that could be informed. It is advisable to stop smoking and live a healthy lifestyle for a change. We need our lungs to recall the importance it is the body responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood - a function that is interrupted bydevelopment of lung cancer can lead our precious lives.

Lung cancer survival rates - be informed

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lung Cancer Survivor's Story and the value of early detection

Lung Cancer Symptom

It was the summer of 2009 when Barbara was diagnosed with non-small lung cancer cells.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Barbara was 69 and had a lingering case of bronchitis as used originally.

Lung Cancer Symptom

It 'been a long-term smokers with 30 pack-years (number of years, multiplied by the number of packs / day), and the number of smokers have respiratory problems from time to time.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Barbara has also recently imaging, which showed a pulmonary nodule, but subject to nodulesfrequent in long-term smokers.

Recent studies have shown that up to 50 percent of smokers with long-term pulmonary nodules showed most of them are benign.

Given the present respiratory symptoms and lung nodule pulmonologist recommended EarlyCDT-lung, as well as an additional tool to biologic images on an agreement to help Barbara.

EarlyCDT-Lung is a simple blood test to assist physicians in risk assessment andEarly detection of lung cancer in high risk patients, especially long-term smokers and former smokers.

Results-Lung EarlyCDT Barbara returned positive. In combination with previous respiratory symptoms and radiological assessment, refers to a thoracic surgeon in Tennessee for more.

The surgeon performs a biopsy of lung nodules. During the biopsy of lymph nodes was determined by histology, stage 1Anon-small cell lung cancer.

The surgeon went to a node resection at the time concluded. After a successful operation with very good prognosis Barbara, which released no chemotherapy or radiotherapy included.

Let's fast forward to the fall of 2010, a television crew with a British television channel ITV national Barbara visited his home in Kentucky to interview his successful fight his cancer with lung cancer. Lookincredible story here.

Barbara thank you for sharing, to allow your story to our audience.

Lung Cancer Survivor's Story and the value of early detection

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Truth about cancer cell lung small

Lung Cancer Symptom

Small cell lung cancer is also known as anaplastic cancer. This is less common than lung cancer in non-small cell. The characteristic of this type of cancer is growing faster and is likely to spread to other organs of your body. It starts in one of the largest pipe breath, grows rapidly and reaches more at diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Most cases ofcancer is the result of smoking. Smoking causes almost 87% of cases of lung cancer and perhaps other exposure to tobacco smoke. Other causes of this cancer are occupational hazards such as exposure to carcinogens and / or personal family history of lung cancer. The doctors recommend avoiding smoking and exposure to hazardous chemicals.

Lung Cancer Symptom

A persistent cough,persistent pain in the chest cavity, wheezing and coughing up blood, the first symptoms of this tumor. Once it reaches an advanced stage the symptoms vary according to the metastatic organs, where it is. Once-small cell lung cancer metastases in the brain, memory loss and headaches continued to develop opportunities.

Lung Cancer Symptom

CT, MRI and X-rays can easily diagnose this cancer. ThanksThese methods of diagnosis, location, size and shape of the tumor can be easily identified. Sometimes a lung biopsy and sputum cytology are more useful than other diagnostic procedures.

Limited or extensive are the two forms of small cell lung cancer. Very often this type of cancer than those who normally have gradually increased and surgery for the treatment of cancer is questionable. L 'treatment of choice for this disease is surgery combined with chemotherapy.

Limited stage small lung cancer
You also have the cancer at an early stage, limited to cells, many doctors recommend chemotherapy. Your doctor may prefer surgery, chemotherapy, followed when the lungs are composed of individual nodes without evidence of tumor elsewhere. is used, the most common combination of drugs Carboplatin or cisplatin in combination with etoposide, which lasted six months. Some data show that the addition of paclitaxel or topotecan in this combination may increase the survival rate.

In the early stages of this cancer, radiation therapy produce positive results than surgery or chemotherapy. Difficulty breathing and swallowing problems occur after irradiation. Breast radiotherapy in other types of health problems, serious or severe> Lung diseases.

Extensive stage small cell lung cancer
chemotherapy alone can relieve the symptoms of this long period. The most preferred combination therapy, cisplatin or carboplatin with etoposide. This combination improves the blood cells. Month-small cell lung cancer is protected against this treatment after eight and you can opt for a second type of chemotherapyusually only for a short period. The drugs commonly used as a second type of chemotherapy including docetaxel, irinotecan, gemcitabine, vinorelbine, methotrexate, paclitaxel, topotecan, and cyclophosphamide ifofamide. Once that is either in bone or brain metastases, radiation is sometimes used for this type of lung cancer

Truth about cancer cell lung small

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Early detection of symptoms of prostate cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

We do not know what really causes prostate cancer, but multiple risk factors-Fat Diet has been discovered, such as family history, race, age or above.

Lung Cancer Symptom

projected at fixed intervals after a major, early diagnosis of cancer. In search of symptom self-sufficient, because you can not recognize soon enough. If you have symptoms of prostate cancer, is (too) late. After the disease has already brokenHave had symptoms such as weak or interrupted urine flow, blood in urine or pain in the back, thighs and hips. It could also be a burning sensation.

Lung Cancer Symptom

It could be cancer, a matter of life or death to recognize as soon as possible. Before you begin treatment the better the chance of survival. This can be cured, but only if it has not spread too much.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The doctor will also feel his body in the rectum of each node in the prostate. Iffound no abnormalities, the doctor may prescribe a blood test to determine whether a prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels. Although small amounts of PSA are OK, the large amount of PSA is a strong sign for cancer. A transrectal ultrasound is another option. This painless method gives a good picture of the gland in 20 minutes.

A biopsy is necessary if the above tests show the development of cancer. This means that the physician should be a small sample ofTissue with a needle. The sample is then under a microscope and if the sample is a specific cancer diagnostic checks. The same biopsy is a quick and painless, and not to diagnose prostate cancer.

Once detected, the physician should know that they are already on the agenda. An x-ray can show whether the cancer has spread to the lungs for you. A CT scan or MRI may also internal organs visible. Once diagnosedmust begin treatment immediately. There are several treatment options, but the operation is the most effective way to completely remove the cancer. The treatment must be a team of doctors, a surgeon urologist and oncologist. The operation is not without risks and side effects, so that some people prefer other means.

A good prognosis with a high survival rate of 95%, since when it was considered very early and the operation is successful. But later,The cancer was diagnosed, the worst statistics. Less than 30% over the next five years, cancer was detected very late.

Early detection of symptoms of prostate cancer

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