For the ancient Egyptians first noticed, and took the disease such as tumors or ulcers of the breast, concluded that "fire drills" There is no cure itself, and that was the only form of treatment with an instrument called a cautery. Since then there have been numerous similar cases by medical history, no cure has been described a complete treatment or effective. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
When doctors began to understand the human circulatory system in the seventieth century, but alsomanaged to establish a link between breast cancer and lymph nodes in the armpits. Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the French surgeon Jean Petit and Benjamin Bell became the first Scot to remove the lymph nodes, breast tissue and chest muscles in an attempt to save a woman with breast cancer.
Lung Cancer Symptom
In 1880, William Halsted mastectomy has begun to implement. His method became known as the Halsted radical mastectomy, and remained a popular method of the fight against breast cancer by 1970.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Breast cancer is cancer in the glandular tissue of the breast and is available in two male patients and female. Worldwide, breast cancer represents about 1% of all deaths, the fifth most common form of cancer and is the most common form in women.
Although breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, is only the second most common cause ofThe death of> cancer in women (after lung cancer). American women have an eight chance of developing invasive breast cancer and the development of almost 3% chance of breast cancer causing their death. Complaint by our modern lifestyle, the "experts", and also found a significant increase in the number of cases since 1970.
Breast tissue is the same for men and women together. Why does breast cancer occur in men, althoughis less common. Although men have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, this risk seems to increase. There seems to be a higher incidence of breast cancer in men with prostate cancer.
The remarkable point is that male breast cancer prognosis is worse in men than in women and men with breast cancer similar to treatment of older women. Because the male breast tissue is restricted to the areadirectly behind the nipple, treatment for men in general was a mastectomy.
On the positive side, representing the majority of cancer symptoms of breast cancer does not prove the underlying breast. These are generally considered benign breast disease and represent only the most common symptoms of breast cancer similar to himself. However, any new breast symptom should be taken very seriously by patients and physicians because ofPossibility of underlying breast cancer can develop at any age.
As with all types of cancer, screening and treatment of breast cancer, a much better chance of a positive result in the survey as soon as possible.