Monday, June 27, 2011

Lymphoma and lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Some cancers such as lung cancer can spread to lymph nodes or lymphatic tissue such as bone marrow. But cancers that begin in these places and then extend the lymphatic tissue, are not lymphomas.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are two main types of lymphoma: Hodgkin's lymphoma (also known as Hodgkin's disease) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lung Cancer Symptom

The two types of lymphoma are cancers that originate in the identification of a type of white blood cells, and importantPart of the body's immune system. Both tumors can cause similar symptoms, but the conditions were dissimilar. The difference between them is to estimate the cancer material (from a biopsy or aspiration of tumor tissue). The type of abnormal cells in the sample is known is based on the fact that a lymphoma is classified as Hodgkin's disease or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Hodgkin's disease is much rarer than non-Hodgkin'sLymphoma, accounting for just 1% of all cancers in ON incidence of this cancer in recent years has actually declined, contrary to the increase in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease is established by visualization of tissue samples using a microscope.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma known as lymphoma, a cancer that starts in cells called lymphocytes that are part of the body's immune system begins.Lymphocytes in the lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues such as spleen and bone marrow.

But, as mentioned above, lung cancer, from these points and then spread to non-lymphoid tissue lymphoma.

Lymphoma and lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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