Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma lung cancer is also known as pleural mesothelioma and is the most common cause of death in cases related to exposure to asbestos, mesothelioma, followed by cancer of the abdomen called the peritoneal cavity. If you are not familiar with asbestos and mesothelioma, you need to take time and extensive research on the Internet, that give so much. Asbestos is a group of fibrous minerals that occur naturally. Minerals are used to producemany in the industry. E 'was used in ceilings, floors, crutches and brake parts, shipbuilding and many others. If the asbestos fibers to break, are the air and people tend to inhale. Once the fiber of your system, remain for a long time to manifest until the disease begins.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The disease can be 30-50 years before it is active. Therefore, workers who are exposed to the substance exposed to a very high risk and can also passtheir families through their clothing. Workers are steel, plumbing, grinding, extraction, isolation and workers in other industries that deal with asbestos as well. There are many symptoms of lung cancer and mesothelioma are the following. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain, will not go away, coughing, anemia, and others. The affected area is the protective lining called mesothelioma.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Thereother diseases in the same way, if you have a health care professional, must visit is the rule of others. The diagnosis of mesothelioma, lung cancer is very difficult and you have a disease to undergo several tests before it can be shown conclusively that you have. The first, very important, give your doctor, your history of asbestos. You will be asked to indicate where you would have to bear. Some people realize that they got fromParents who worked in industries using asbestos. Therefore, you must go back in time and make sure it is as clear as possible, so that the diagnosis is made quickly with ease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

If you have a mesothelioma lung cancer, there are treatments to combat the disease. If you have a condition that is not as advanced, you have the chance of recovery is very high. Some options that are better than surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. If theThe disease has progressed very far, you can also derail one of the above, it is the progression of the disease. Do not forget to seek justice by filing a court case in which a request for pain and suffering. If you win the case, you must provide compensation as you go through the process without the burden of medical expenses. Your family will also be provided. There is no doubt that this is the minimum that the companybe held accountable.

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Cure for lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

It would be wrong to think that for lung cancer prior to treatment, especially if it has reached the terminal stage, or 4 3 e. If the cancer reaches these levels, there is also a small chance that cancer can be cured.

Lung Cancer Symptom

However, there are several treatments, the tumor cells in the lungs can be made ​​in the fight against the culture. The treatment of lung cancer can be a good prognosis if the person's health is optimal, theCancer cells have not progressed and grew in number and in favor of and commitment to patient care in treating this.

Lung Cancer Symptom

In cancer treatment, multiple treatments are necessary for a better response. Some of these treatments take chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy and multi-drug therapy.

Lung Cancer Symptom

A patient may choose not to undergo treatment if he or she is. If the person chooses not to, your doctor may recommend Focus maintain patient comfort, called palliative treatment of the disease.


In lung cancer surgery, a surgeon may have to remove the cancer and some tissue to sideline. Some of the methods used to remove lung cancer:

1. Pneumonectomy - removal of entire lung
2. Lobectomy - removal of an entire lobe> Lung
3. Wedge resection - removal of a small section of a lung that contains cancer cells with portions of surrounding healthy tissue.

If an operation is performed, the surgeon can decide whether or not to remove the breast to nearby lymph nodes within the well to verify the presence of cancer cells. Cancer Cell nodes are recognized for some years, if the metastasis is indicative of too. Surgery for lung cancer has severalRisks such as infection and internal bleeding. The pain may be felt after the surgery, if the drugs are prescribed to mask it. Soon the physical therapy and rehabilitation will be proposed by the doctor in the customer or active movement and muscle strength to recover.


Here the drugs are consumed. The chemotherapeutic agents can be administered intravenously or orally. The number of drug treatments can last for a period of severalWeeks or months of therapy with breaks to relax your body. The chemotherapy used as first-line treatment of lung cancer when surgery is not owned or used as a follow-up after surgery. In addition, there are cases in which chemotherapy to reduce side effects or complications of lung cancer.


This great power like the X-ray beams used to kill cancer cells.This type of therapy, both internally and externally. internal radiation is the use or the insertion of needles, seeds or catheters into the human body, as well as the tumor cell, also known as brachytherapy. In radiotherapy, the breast of the person is exposed to high-power beam.

Although many types of cancer are willing to go through the process a set of procedures for the treatment of lung cancer, refuses to try a little '. One of the main reasons whyThe people refuse to undergo treatment method is due to the concept that the side effects are more common benefits.

Cure for lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cancer Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

Cancer is a disease of cells produced by the abnormal growth of cells. This means that the uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these cells to attach to other tissues. It 'also known as malignant tumors, cancer, is one.

Lung Cancer Symptom

cancer symptoms that may occur in some types of cancer have persistent pain in bones, nausea, unusual bleeding, swelling of the breast, bladder habits change, continuous asperity, difficulty swallowing, and much more.

Lung Cancer Symptom

EachType of cancer has its own symptoms. When a person suffers from cancer of the bladder and kidneys, his main symptoms are frequent urination, blood in urine and pain during urination. The main symptoms of breast cancer are swelling, burning or pain, and problems with the amount of red nipples.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms of cervical and endometrial cancer are the same. The main symptoms are: abnormal vaginal discharge, difficult and painfulMenstrual period. A person suffering from colon cancer has the following symptoms: stool with blood, change in bowel habits, diarrhea and constipation non-stop. The main symptoms of leukemia are weight loss, fatigue, repeated infections, nosebleeds and pain in bones and joints.

The symptoms of lung cancer are a feeling of heaviness or chest pain, coughing, and constant blood in the sputum. The symptoms of cancer of the mouth and throatincludes ulcer in the tongue or throat, which is not curable.

prostate cancer weakens the flow of urine, the patient experienced continuous pain in the pelvis and thigh. The skin heals skin moles are important causes skin. Tumors of cancer in a person suffering from stomach cancer has the following symptoms: steady decrease in body weight, while the vomiting of blood and pain after eating.

The main causes of cancer are the lack of fats and digestionEnzymes, the presence of toxins in food, air and water that affect the use of drugs too, the lack of minerals, vitamins, especially vitamin C and B6, hormonal differences, the immune system to pathogens.

Cancer Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

No smoking - lung cancer!

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is the most deadly form of cancer in the world today. It claims more than a million lives, more than many other types of cancer (excluding skin cancer and cancer of the blood) combined. It is characterized by controlling the growth of cells in the lungs, two organs in the chest, pump carbon dioxide into oxygen and output.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Clearly, smoking is an important factor in whether people develop lung cancer. Years of smokingmuch more likely to suffer from the life of lung cancer at some point in their. Non-smokers can also accelerate the development of the disease, even if they are involved in some sort of recognizable factor in the rule is, for example, tobacco smoke, pollution, etc.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As with most cancers, there are several types of lung cancer, because they are characterized by cells. These types of distinctions are extremely important because they determinewhat will be the end of treatment. The right treatment is important to increase the chances of survival, and also to minimize the discomfort and anxiety that patients who suffer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

One of the main forms of lung metastases in small cell carcinoma. It 's the general form, appears in more than 80% of cases. Expect the effects of different cell types, such as this class is not functional, but are largely determinedGiven the similarities of the treatment. These types usually grow more slowly than the rarer but more deadly lung cancer cells of small size.

Small cell lung cancer is usually found in primary bronchi. Appeared in approximately 15% of patients with lung cancer, it can actually be fatal because of its rapid growth and the habit of metastasis. This is when a man passes from his original cancer, the type of specialized cells to another. For example, ifSmall cell lung cancer spreads from the lungs into the blood or bones. By their nature, are often victims of lung cancer metastases from other locations.

Where the effects of lung cancer in the first place, the symptoms are largely the kind of thing you expect. There may be shortness of breath, chronic cough you can not or will result in the blood, rapid weight loss, unexplained fatigue, and many others. Whythe effects of the lung are localized functions that can not seem to be as vague or out of place in many other cancers. Unfortunately, when symptoms are severe enough for many people going to the doctor to have them checked, the tumor may reach a dangerous point.

Over 85% of respondents to develop lung cancer is believed to have been a smoker from smoking or exposure. Thisis an incredible statistic. And while cancer is influenced by many factors, there is a strong message to everyone that greatly increase the probability of a life without cancer simply live free from tobacco smoke.

No smoking - lung cancer!

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of malignant pleural mesothelioma are very similar to those caused by other lung diseases such as pneumonia or lung cancer. Symptoms tend to occur very gradually, and therefore can go unnoticed for some time. Dyspnea is a common and early symptom of pleural mesothelioma. This can be considered the beginning of last breath, or, more recently, increasingly present in respiratory distress.Shortness of breath, the lungs are a collection of fluid (pleural effusion) in the surrounding space. This accumulation of fluid can be removed periodically to make breathing easier. Certain substances in the space between the pleura where fluid collects is introduced. These substances cause inflammation of the pleura, which melt, thus preventing the formation and accumulation of more liquid.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The thickening ofthe pleura by the tumor cell growth also restricts lung function and contributes to anxiety. Sometimes, this thickened tissue may require ablation of restoring some function of their lungs. The removal process is called decortication or pleurectomy.

Lung Cancer Symptom

malignant mesotheliomas tend to spread quickly to parts of the body, and this difference can cause additional symptoms other. When mesothelioma spreads to the chest walland other tissues of the breast, can cause severe pain. Even before the cancer spreads, chest pain, especially in the lower chest and sides can learn. Chest pain tends to get progressively worse as the cancer spreads. Severe pain can be treated with strong analgesics or radiotherapy. When mesothelioma spreads to the lungs, symptoms, lung cancer usually occurs in hoarseness andCoughing up blood may be present.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As with other types of cancer, the effect of pleural mesothelioma is widespread. The increase in the metabolism of cancer cells leads to weight loss, fever and fatigue.

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

About lung cancer - all you need to know!

Lung Cancer Symptom

Facts on Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Learn more about lung cancer is important to understand what it does and how it can be treated. This disease is a leading cause of cancer death among men and women and kills hundreds of thousands of people each year worldwide. It can be difficult to treat because of its proximity to vital organs, respiratory system and blood vessels. Once the malignant cells invade the lymph system or bloodThey metastasize and infect other parts of the body.

Lung Cancer Symptom


Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is generally divided into varieties in small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) and small cell (SCLC). Why not cause any problems, small cell carcinomas are difficult to detect at an early stage. But even at an early stage NSCLC can create discomfort. Most common symptoms of this disease are bloody cough, dysphonia (hoarseness), dyspnea and dysphagia, makes it difficult to digest. A person can see the possibilities for a healthy prognosis by a doctor as soon as these signs seem to be increasing.

These signs of discomfort caused by a tumor growing for several reasons. Tumor invasion of the airways due to dysphonia, or difficult breathing. precancerous lesions can rupture and bleed, cough, and individual. A small percentage of people do not have significantSymptoms>.


suspected cancer diagnosed by biopsy and imaging technology. After an initial examination, radiographs, CT scans or chest X-rays can be taken to identify malignant tumors. Biopsies provide tissue samples to identify the type of cancer.


Step 1a, 1b, second and third times in NSCLC are often treated with surgical resection of lung tissue, thenChemotherapy. Step 3b, and perhaps also advanced to remove surgically. In these patients, helping to reduce the salaries of chemotherapy regimens and radiotherapy, if not eliminate the cancer cells. Palliative care to increase patient comfort is the common goal in this phase.


Most cases of NSCLC and SCLC are caused by smoking cigarettes and tobacco products. The exhibition comes from primary and secondary smoke contains dozens of carcinogens.Asbestos, radon, nickel, and pollution also cause lung cancer. Limit or avoid exposure to these substances reduce the risk of developing a problem.

About lung cancer - all you need to know!

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma is usually a long latency period, or inherit many years between exposure to asbestos and the development of the disease. In fact, patients with mesothelioma is generally not the symptoms become manifest until many decades after the first exposure to asbestos. Because the symptoms of mesothelioma cancer mimic serious illness in people less, many patients who develop asbestos are not aware of the potentially life-threatening disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Peoplewith a history of asbestos exposure must make an appointment with your doctor to screen asbestos-related diseases. Since the early symptoms of mesothelioma do not exist, those in contact with asbestos exposure should inform their doctor. Patients with a history of exposure to asbestos should not exhibiting symptoms of diseases of the chest X-ray or pulmonary function tests to screen for signs of asbestos.

Lung Cancer Symptom

L ', Pleural mesothelioma, in the forms of the lining of the lungs. Mesothelioma form the most common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include: dry or hard, persistent coughing, difficulty swallowing, cough that produces blood in breathing, shortness of breath, night sweats, pain in the chest or ribs, pain and fever, unexplained weight loss. Fatigue and bumps under the skin of the breast have also been reported in patients with pleural mesothelioma. Many symptoms of pleuralpleural thickening due to mesothelioma, which is caused by water retention occurs between the layers of the membrane. pleural thickening and accumulation of fluid can put pressure on the lungs, causing problems with breathing.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Peritoneal mesothelioma develops in the stomach and about 30% of all mesothelioma cases. peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms include swelling or pain, nausea and vomiting, abdomen and a change in bowel habits. Peritoneal dialysisMesothelioma can also cause, night sweats, fever, unexplained weight loss, anemia, fatigue and bumps under the skin of the abdomen. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma of the peritoneum developed by thickening and accumulation of fluid between the layers of the membrane. This could put pressure on the abdominal organs and sound, making the patient, the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma.

The less common form of mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma developedsac around the heart. Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms include palpitations, chest pain, fatigue, difficulty breathing, fever and night sweats. These symptoms are caused by accumulation of fluid and membrane thickening of the pericardium. Since the pericardial mesothelioma is a rare list of symptoms is not as comprehensive as other forms of mesothelioma. Pericardial mesothelioma is often difficult to diagnose and usually has a poor prognosis.

PeopleThe symptoms of mesothelioma should consult a doctor immediately. Although the symptoms of mesothelioma shares with a smaller number of serious diseases, it is important to obtain a reliable diagnosis in the shortest possible time. Although the general prognosis for mesothelioma is low, patients diagnosed in the early stages usually have a better view.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Canine Lung Cancer Symptom - 3 things you should know!

Lung Cancer Symptom

When it comes to canine cancer, you should already know that your dog can be any type of cancer can be. But did you know that in some cases, the dog is even more vulnerable? Why? Now that your dogs unique physiology. And when it comes to lung cancer, canine, are very vulnerable. This type of cancer has a high mortality rate among dogs very much. Most homeowners are unaware that their dogs until it is too late.But this type of cancer can be conquered.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Especially with a good dose of knowledge, the best friend of the dog in the fight against cancer. That's why I'm here. There are three very important things you need to know the dog's lung cancer. They:

Lung Cancer Symptom

1. The nose of your dog - Depending on the breed of dog you have, he or she is to sniff out cancer to develop. Why? The short and medium nose dogs are not as able to filter out harmful carcinogens (carcinogens), which produced smoke. Therefore, the smoke goes directly to the lungs.

Lung Cancer Symptom

2. Passive smoking - passive smoking is the leading cause of cancer in humans, birds, dogs and cats!

3. Cancer - The discovery that your dog may have lung cancer, the vet will do chest x-ray standard. The tumors found and connected with a dog> Lung cancer is almost always malignant (cancer)!

There you have it, three important things that lung cancer than dogs actually had to say. This type of cancer, all cancers can be arrested and beaten by three things. regular checks of your local veterinarian, a keen eye for a love of owners who care and early diagnosis. If these three things, your "best friend" will have a better prognosis. You are your dogthe first and last line of defense against canine cancer. your dog can beat cancer, just needs your help! Please do not disappoint!

Canine Lung Cancer Symptom - 3 things you should know!

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Because lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer worldwide

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancers in the world, so that three million deaths each year. Only one in ten patients diagnosed with this disease over the next five years. Although it is an illness that previously affected predominantly men, the cancer among women in recent years, the increase in lung due to the increased ratio of female to male smokers. In many developing countries, educating the public about the dangers ofcessation programs cigarette smoke and effective against cancer has contributed to the decline in the incidence of lung cancer slowly. But the women of lung cancer remains the most common form of cancer in men worldwide, the most common cancer in the fifth.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Like all other cancers, abnormalities of the body of basic units of life, the cell. Normally the body maintains a system of checks and balances on cell growth, so thatThe cells divide to produce new cells only when needed. Disturb the balance of this system leads to uncontrolled cell division, eventually forming a mass called tumor. Every tissue in the lungs may be cancer, but most often lung cancer is the lining of the lungs. Since this disease tends to spread very early in its course, it is very dangerous for life and one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Although it may spreadall organs of the body, the adrenal glands, brain, bone and liver metastases are common in lung cancer and more.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Recent studies show that the factor that most influence on the risk of lung cancer is a term inhalation exposure to long term. Most of it is exposure to tobacco smoke. The occurrence of lung cancer, smoking is strongly associated with smoking, with about 90% of the disease, the cause of the smoke. FiguresCigarette smoking increases the time the greater the risk of lung cancer. Among those who smoke every two days or more packs of cigarettes a seven will die of lung cancer. Passive smoking or inhalation of tobacco smoke or other parts of Smoking farm buildings, is also a risk factor for the development of the disease. Non-smokers, smokers who live with the increased risk of lung cancer by 24% for cancer, compared to No smoking.

Lung Cancer Symptom

United States, approximately 3000 deaths from lung cancer that smoking occur each year are related to this person. Exposure to asbestos fibers, silica fibers, asbestos can survive for a life in lung tissue after exposure also increases the risk of the disease. Radon is a known cause of the disease with about 12% of deaths from lung cancer. A family history or genetic predisposition is also a cause of this> Cancer Studies have shown that the disease population is more likely to happen, I'm not a non-smoking members of these have had the disease in the general population. The presence of certain lung diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease associated with a slightly increased risk for developing this. sampling air pollution from vehicles, plants, industry and energy, the probability of developing the disease in viewIndividuals.

What are the signs of this cancer? The initial stages of the disease may be time no symptoms, but the tumor grows in size, it can also produce a variety of symptoms:

* Cough (especially one that does not go away or gets worse in character)
* Chest pain
* Shortness of breath
* Coughing of blood or bloody mucus
* Hoarseness or wheezing emerging
* The recurrent problems with pneumonia or bronchitis
* WeightLoss
Loss of appetite
* Fatigue
* Bone pain
* Dizziness or double vision
* Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs
* Last yellow (jaundice)

The treatment of this disease can be a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and new experimental methods, but preventing the onset of illnesses due to smoking is the most important.

Because lung cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer worldwide

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Everything we know about lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

According to the American Cancer Society, cancer, cancer of the lung cancer is the number one killer in America, with the greatest number of lives each year, breast, prostate and colon as well. It 's the leading cause of cancer death among women in the United States, surpassing the dreaded breast cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most common cause of lung cancer is a long-term exposure to tobacco smoke. Three to five years after quitting, the risk of> Lung cancer is reduced by half. For smokers, the risk significantly the synergistic effect of radon and smoking and asbestos exposure.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As the smoke and dirt accumulation of chemicals in the lungs, making changes to lung cancer diagnosed more. Do not smoke too much, are not spared. Those who continue to breathe tobacco smoke is also at risk of developing lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Overall, the type of cancer is one of theand to treat cancer, it is not surprising that cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Lung cancer, small size may be difficult to be classified in general as the cancer-small cell and not did. Non-small cell lung cancer is more common in lung cancer cells to small more quickly if it is difficult to treat because it is widespread.

Lung cancer is very difficult to recognize at an early stage, symptoms may also, in part, new or modifiedCough, hoarseness or shortness of breath or difficulty breathing with an increase during the year. Unfortunately, this type of cancer is usually detected in late stage, and limit the treatments to be treated.

After lung cancer is detected, the treatment plan was developed based on physical health, or if cancer cells are small and non-small cell cancer has spread widely.

Treatmentssurgery to remove a rule with the tumor cells and surrounding cells metasized affected depends on the extent of cancer a.

Chemotherapy drugs are cells of the vein to fight cancer or oral. Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment, because the drug into the bloodstream, travels through the body and can kill cancer cells outside the lungs.

Radiation therapy uses X-ray energy to kill cancer cells andA reduction in tumor size. Radiation may come from elements of a machine outside the body (external radiation therapy) are colloidal or emits radiation (radioisotopes) through thin plastic tubes in the area where you can find the cancer cells) (internal radiation therapy.

Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used to treat non-small cell lung cancer. These are the traditional treatments by many in the medical device is being used. However, patients whoexhausted, these treatments often other options in replacement therapy, and often with encouraging results.

More and more people are turning more to alternative treatments, the cancer through diet and lifestyle to reverse the change. These treatments are generally less expensive to repair and in case of tumor cells, rather than kill.

Everything we know about lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is often detected during a long period before the patient begins to experience symptoms, about one in four. But the discovery by chance during routine examinations is often another way of knowing how often the chest radiograph. These symptoms begin to be visible only after the primary and metastatic symptoms are high. The internal working group of the lungs is disturbed at this stage because of hormones,Blood tests and physical energy to go down.

Lung Cancer Symptom

E 'known that smokers have a higher risk for this disease. The list of the main pulmonary symptoms can be seen below.

Lung Cancer Symptom

• New cough, blood in cough, chest pain and breathing difficulties
• persistent cough, discharge energy, extend feel dull pain in the upper body.
• wheezing, respiratory infections and inflammations

Lung Cancer Symptom

The meta-static cancer or secondary sign depends on the sizeand the location thereof. Although lung cancer is the second in more than 70 percent, may be the brain near the lungs, such as the adrenal glands, bones or

metastatic bone cancer is due to the small cell type, and results in a feeling of unbearable pain in the bones especially the spine and ribs. It may also persist that person entered.

The incidence of cancer is very low, even vision. Similarly,patients, cancer can often feel paraneoplastic or chemical invasion, fingers, finger clubbing and construction of extra tissues in her hands. bone cancer can form new bone formation in the arms too.

Stage of cancer, the third party can see more of these symptoms at the highest level
• Sever anemia
• Low Sodium
• degeneration of the brain
• Fatigue
• problem in the engineFeatures
• Weight Loss

symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lung cancer - classification, stages, symptoms, causes, consequences, prevention, detection and treatment

Lung Cancer Symptom

The lung tissue is caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells rapidly this type of cancer is more common and results in more than one million deaths a year. This form of cancer is due to the weight loss or coughing up blood or breath is extraordinary. It can be observed X-ray of the chest, like a scanner. The treatment you get depends on the phase we're in cancer treatment include surgery, chemotherapy andRadiotherapy.

Lung Cancer Symptom


Lung Cancer Symptom

cases of lung cancer classified microscope after studying with them. Classification is necessary because different types of cancer are treated differently. most lung cancers are - the small cells grow. Malignant tumors of the lung cancers are classified into two types is not small and small cell lung. Epithelial cells of small cell lung carcinoma, non-cancer andCarcinoma of 4 and 16% 80th 8% incidence of lung cancer, respectively.

Lung Cancer Symptom

First non-small cell lung cancer

Squamous non-small cell lung cancer are grouped by their prognosis and management are equal to a certain extent. , Adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma of the lung cancer cells are also classified into three types:. Squamous lung cancer cell lung carcinoma occurs near acentral bronchus. They account for 25% of lung cancers. Adenocarcinoma begins in the peripheral lung tissue. The case of adenocarcinoma are the consequence of smoking. It represents cell lung cancer Non-small 40%.

Second-small cell lung cancer

This type of lung cancer is rare. A cancer is sometimes called "cell" oats. Most of the time the large airways (bronchi of primary and secondary) aretherefore, grow at a rapid pace. This type of lung cancer for smokers with multiple partners.

The secondary tumors

These tumors are classified according to the original site of cancer such as breast, lung, but it has spread. The majority of lung cancers in children are secondary.

Staging of lung cancer

staging of lung cancer is used to assess the degree of proliferationCancer from its original location. It 'an important factor that determines the potential treatment of cancer of the lung cancer. The level part from 1A to 4, with a better prognosis 1A and 4 is the worst.


The symptoms of lung cancer: a hoarse voice for ever. 2. Sudden weight loss. 3. Feeling pain in the chest or abdomen. 4. Swallowing. 5. Loss of appetite. 6. Running outBreath. Many of these symptoms are not specific. Over time, they develop symptoms or signs, the cancer has already spread from their place of origin. Very few people with this cancer have signs in the diagnosis, tumor stage for this curve observed on routine chest radio.


The three leading causes of cancer are carcinogens (found in tobacco), viral infections, and ionizing radiation. In the case of exposure, which causesChanges to the DNA in the tissues of the bronchi of the lungs. With more accessible and tissue damage, suffering from cancer.


Smoking is the leading cause of cancer. In a cigarette there are 60 different types of known carcinogens such as nitrosamines and radioisotopes. Smoking is responsible for 80% of cases. The risk is generally lower in non-smokers. When a person smokes a potential for increasing the proportionthis type of cancer. There have been cases where a person stops smoking, damaged cells are gradually repaired. In non-smoking, passive smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer -. cancer from passive smoking is another person a smoker inhales a.

2. Radon

The gas produced by the decay of radium. This gas is odorless and colorless. exposure to ionizing radiation, genetic material, mutations that sometimes turn to cancer. Exposure to radonGas is the second leading cause of cancer - lung cancer after smoking.


Asbestos is responsible for the development of several cancers, including lung cancer is one. In Britain, the accounts of asbestos for 2-3% of all cases of this type of cancer.


Viruses are responsible for the onset of cancer - lung cancer in animals. And research has shown similar potential in humans.


has a direct connection to the cases of lung cancer. The size and number of dust particles in the air determines the risk of lung cancer -. When increasing the concentration of particles by more than 1%, then it is likely that increased by 14%.


Like other forms of cancer, suppression of lung cancer started with the activation or deactivation of tumor ocnogenes Genes. Ocnogenes are genes that make people more susceptible to cancer. Ocnogenes proto-ocnogenes when exposed to carcinogens of certain products. In K-ras proto-oncogene mutation occurs, adenocarcinomas account for 10-30% of the lung. Tumor invasion, angiogenesis, apoptosis, cell receptors, the configuration of the profile of the epidermal growth factor-regulated. Mutations and amplification of EGFR are common in lung cancer non-small cellCancer>. The basis of treatment with EGFR inhibitors are also provided by the mutation and amplification of EGFR. chromosomal damage can cause loss of heterozygosity, which may cause the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes result. Damage to four of these chromosomes, 13 and 17 5q qp often. Lung cancer affected 3p p53 tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17p is in most cases, with small cells. c-Met, NKX2-1, LKB1, and PIK3A also mutated BRAF orstrengthened. Several genetic polymorphisms are in addition to cancer. Some of them include polymorphisms of genes for interleukin-1, cytochrome P450, the promoters of apoptosis such as caspase-8 and XRCC1, a molecule of DNA repair. People with these polymorphisms are more likely to develop lung exposed to carcinogens. Research has shown that MDM2 309g allele a risk factor for the development of this low penetrationAsians.


If a subject reported symptoms that may indicate lung cancer, chest x-ray is then performed in the first phase. The test shows the expansion of mediastinium, atelectasis and pleural effusion. Although there are no findings radio chart, but the indication is high, because things like the person, a heavy smoker with blood-tinged sputum, and then the scanner can provide the required data. If the results arenatural in sputum cells, and increases the risk of this cancer. sputum cytology can be performed by combination with other screening tests. The differential diagnosis for patients showing ECG irregularities on breast cancer included in the lung with non-malignant diseases. This point of view of infectious causes such as tuberculosis or pneumonia. The above diseases mentioned above can lead to lung cancerNodules.


Prevention, as always, is better than cure. steps in this direction may have cancer adopted by countries through the identification of carcinogens in tobacco and prohibit, but the lung is the main cause is still common. The elimination of smoking first hand target in the prevention of lung cancer. Steps to reduce passive smoking have a ban on smoking in public places and workplaces also taken. NewNew Zealand is limited to smoke in open spaces. A similar approach is also adopted in Chandigarh, India. Bhutan is smoking since 2005, are punishable.


Screening is used to detect the symptoms of the disease through medical examinations, if the patient does not show. chest radio or graphics are screened for lung cancer. But the results have shown that screening tests for lung cancer has rarely shown anycan benefit.


The treatment of lung cancer can occur in the following ways, depending on the stage or tumor grade:

1. Surgery

When doctors discovered lung cancer, and CT and positron emission tomography are commonly used to check if the illness and surgery, or may be, it was possible to the point where surgery is not. The operation may be performed ifSpirometry showed good pulmonary reserve, but if it's bad, then surgery is not possible. Even an operative mortality rate of surgery 4 4%, but because the factors of patients, lung function, and others.


Chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy, is used for the treatment of small cell carcinoma. Chemotherapy is also used primary metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.


Radiotherapy,with chemotherapy is given if the patient does not fall under go surgery. This type of radiation at high intensity is called radical radiotherapy. version of the map (continue hyperfractioned accelerated radiotherapy) of this technique is given a high dose of radiation for a short period refined. In cancer has a short section of the bronchi and brachytherapy is given.


Lung cancer is the mostsaid cancer. There is a 35 million cases a year and 18 million deaths. Developing lung cancer years who have a history of smoking for a long period of i. E 50 and older. In addition to smoking, passive smoking is also a factor that causes cancer of lung cancer. In addition, emissions from factories, cars, plants are a threat to human health. Lung cancer is detected, are UVB interaction with sunlight andExposure. This occurs the effect of vitamin D in the skin during exposure to the sun.

Lung cancer - classification, stages, symptoms, causes, consequences, prevention, detection and treatment

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Early stage lung cancer 3

Lung Cancer Symptom

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. The growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs could be a sign of lung cancer. These abnormal cells tend to grow but not develop into healthy lung tissue. Research has shown that 87% of lung cancer related to smoking. The risks are greatly reduced if a person stops smoking.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Extension of the tumor has spread to all levels, is classified as other.The phase depends on the size of the tumor has spread and regions. Doctors decide which type of treatment based on stage of cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

lung cancer in a localized part is designated as a stage. If it spreads to lymph nodes, lungs summit has been designated as the point 2. The cancer spreads to the chest wall in section 3 of the cancer can spread from the heart to other parts of the body such as the trachea, or if thereLevel 3 achieved. Sometimes it can be fluid around the lungs, the cancer cells contain collection.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms of lung cancer patient can vary from patient to patient. Most common symptoms are cough or catarrh formation with traces of blood in her. More serious symptoms such as a hoarse voice or difficulty swallowing. Sometimes there is swelling in the tumor.

Lung cancer can be treated in manyOptions such as surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Doctors determine what treatment each stage reached after cancer. In a first stage, chemotherapy or radiotherapy patients are treated with one. Usually surgery is recommended, 3 to remove the malignant tumor in stage -. If lung cancer is low, doctors remove the cells to reduce the growth of lung cancer, where some patients. A combination of treatments. Chemotherapy is givenbefore surgery for effective treatment.

It 's very important to recognize the tumor in its early days to be effective. As the cancer spreads, treatment is more complicated.

Early stage lung cancer 3

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mesothelioma Symptoms and signs

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years (or more) after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath, cough and chest pain caused by an accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity (pleural effusion) often have symptoms of mesothelioma in the chest cavity.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are weight loss and cachexia, pain, bloating, and because of ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity). OtherThe symptoms> of peritoneal mesothelioma can intestinal obstruction, bleeding disorders, anemia and fever. If the cancer has spread in the body of the mesothelium to other parts of the symptoms may include pain, difficulty swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma, the symptoms that affects the pleura and may sign:

Lung Cancer Symptom

* Pain in the chest wall

pleural effusion, or fluid around the lungs *

* Shortness of breathRespiratory

* Fatigue or anemia

* Shortness of breath, hoarseness, or cough

* The blood in the sputum (fluid), cough (hemoptysis)

In severe cases, the person may have many tumor masses. Individuals may develop a pneumothorax, or collapsed lung. This disease can spread, or spread to other parts of the body.

affecting the abdominal cavity often do not cause symptoms until they are not. in the final stages of cancer symptoms are:

* AbdominalBread

* Ascites, or abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
* An abdominal mass

* Problems with bowel function

* Weight Loss

In severe cases of illness, the signs and symptoms may be present:

* Blood clots in the veins may cause thrombophlebitis

* The dissemination intravascular coagulation, a disorder causing severe bleeding in many organs

* Yellowing of the skin and eyes or jaundice

Hypoglycemia *Levels

pleural effusion *

Mesothelioma Symptoms and signs

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The first symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Knowledge and understanding of the early symptoms of lung cancer is one of the most important things that those who are at risk of disease can. Lung cancer is curable if diagnosed early, and the only way to discover them early enough to recognize and report the first symptoms of lung cancer. If you notice any symptoms, are a combination of lung cancer, be sure to talk to yourDoctor.

Lung Cancer Symptom

An early symptom of lung cancer is a cough that does not get any better. Often the cough worsens over time and is accompanied by chronic pain in the chest. Coughing up blood is another of the many symptoms of lung cancer early. In fact, coughing up blood is one of the main symptoms of lung cancer was sent to their physicians. bronchitis or pneumonia sometimes indicates that the applicant ' The disease is present. Fatigue and shortness of breath symptoms are observed, if you suspect the disease. No matter what the symptoms are, if you have lung cancer, will gradually in intensity as the disease progresses progress.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms of lung cancer does not always show that the disease is present. There are other far less dangerous conditions that can cause these symptoms. However, apart> The symptoms are dangerous, because if the points of lung cancer, the disease will continue to grow. Early treatment is the best way to effectively fight against lung cancer, we must not ignore these symptoms.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

metastatic lung cancer explained

Lung Cancer Symptom

Which candidate was diagnosed with lung cancer, or care, they want to be sure, just the facts about what is the metastasis of lung cancer and its impact on your situation. Let's look into the depths of what it means and how it affects a person goes through. In addition to knowing what is lung metastases, you know what needs you or a loved one, stay calm and comfortable in this difficult time.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Metastatic> Lung cancer occurs when malignant cells transition from the original tumor and begin to penetrate the surrounding tissue. This is why cancer cells results in the blood and the spread of the tumor (original) of a new tumor, called secondary tumors. These new lung cancers in parts of the body 's hotel too.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The lungs and lymphatic system are attacked by cancer cells. As a result of WBCto fight infection and disease are under siege. This means that if the patient has lung cancer with metastasis, the body of the patient more susceptible to infections because their blood disease of white blood cells, too little to fight against the new.

Lung Cancer Symptom

pulmonary metastases is very serious and medical professionals should be monitored. What is going through chemotherapy for this disease every contact with the disease or infection is due to their immune weeks.The most important thing to remember is that people with lung cancer metastatic really need friends to time, stick to them when their attempts

For more information on the subject, including salaries, support, and symptoms, visit the website below.

metastatic lung cancer explained

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Monday, May 16, 2011

The most common symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

One of the challenges of successful treatment of lung cancer is to detect a disease when it is still in its infancy. Unfortunately, rarely have symptoms until the cancer cells began to spread. That's why many victims do not realize they have the disease until a doctor performs tests to ensure it remains something else. The problem is when cancer cells of metastases (spread both to other parts of the body), the condition is difficult to treat.This is why it is important to identify possible symptoms of lung cancer at the earliest.

Lung Cancer Symptom

This article discusses the common signs of lung cancer - both during and after localized disease began to spread. We also explain how minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer may be an appropriate solution.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms if the disease is localized

Lung Cancer Symptom

A first indication of cancer is a commona persistent cough. It is often overlooked, because there are many other possible factors that can be recycled, they are. For example, during the coldest months, chronic cough can be held responsible for a cold. If a patient suffers from asthma, cough can be considered a side effect. Even if a patient coughs a little blood, usually ignored or attributed to a temporary factor.

Another early sign is difficulty breathing, especially after physical exertion. It 'also easy to forget. Patients often have breathing difficulties due to their being out of shape.

The tumors can often put pressure on the nerves, even during the early stage of the disease. This pressure can lead to pain in the shoulder and chest, which is almost half of all patients who suffer when they are diagnosed.

Warning signs of the disease has spread

When cancer cells spread through the lung tissues and metastasis to other organs are the threat of a new series of> The symptoms may occur. common sites of metastatic brain cancer are the liver and bones. If the disease spreads to the brain, can visual disturbances, seizures and persistent headache. When cancer cells spread to bone, there is a pain in the back and ribs. The pain eventually get the hips.

Minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer

Your doctor may recommend surgical removal of theCancer tissues. E 'traditionally done by open lung surgery, the average for the surgical team has a long trunk and spreads the ribs for access. An alternative approach is to use video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). This is a minimally invasive approach that opposes the expansion of the chest. As a result, the recovery time is much shorter and is typically much less pain after surgery.

Although minimuminvasive surgery is growing in popularity, many hospitals and surgical centers do not have the tools and skills to operate. If you are diagnosed with cancer, lung cancer and a candidate for a lobectomy, ask your doctor whether a minimally invasive procedure is possible.

The most common symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Screening for lung cancer - Do Chest X-ray help?

Lung Cancer Symptom

E 'is an indisputable fact about lung cancer - the first the disease is diagnosed, the better the chances of recovery. Therefore, the importance is the identification of lung cancer is the first.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Doctors emphasize that while the overall survival rate for lung cancer in the bar five years is only 15% survival rate for those whose cancer is diagnosed early and treated surgically high as 80%. For this reason, someDoctors recommend regular cancer screening with chest radiography.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Once the disease has progressed in some way, it spreads rapidly to other parts of the body and lungs to all organs. At this point, surgery is not the most viable treatment method.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Unfortunately, the early stages of lung cancer does not give rise to alarming symptoms. The most common symptoms include persistent cough, a tendency to respiratory Disease, etc. These symptoms are not related to lung cancer. Therefore, the lung cancer is rarely diagnosed until it is too late.

In this context, regular screening for lung cancer - most of the development of tobacco use - as a reasonable choice seems to be, at least for those. But, unlike the case with many other diseases (including cancer, etc.), there is no really effective screening test> Lung cancer.

In most cases, lung cancer was found when doing tests like chest X-rays for other medical problems. Because of the risks that most doctors do not recommend a chest radiograph as a method for routine screening. Many believed (until recently) that the X-ray images of breast cancer can be very misleading, if it is detected.

This conclusion is based on studies in 1970 were. These studies have shown that chest radiographs are noteffective in detecting dangerous, fast-spreading tumors at an early stage. So, those who were found to undergo a relatively slow-growing tumors, surgery and other treatments that are not needed.

However, much has changed since the studies. Today, X-rays are much more sensitive than at the time. In addition, there are a series of sophisticated tests are available, with follow-up can be detected problems with thex-ray.

A new study by adults, the National Cancer Institute, a group of 150,000 healthy. This study, sponsored by the U.S. government announced that 150,000 people in two equal groups - one group is a year for X-rays, while the others (forming the control group) did not receive such screening.

Preliminary results show that the doctors discovered something abnormal in nearly 6,000 people. They were followed by several CTX-rays and other diagnostic tests. Among these 206 men had biopsies. Finally, 126 people diagnosed with cancer. This is only 2.1% of the original 6,000 to anomalies in the X-rays.

The bad news is that 6000 represents a large number of false positives. Has led to unnecessary follow-up X-rays, CT scans, etc. The good news is that cancer is detected with 44% were completely in the early stages of the disease - theThe cancer is very treatable and chances of survival are higher.

The final results of this ongoing study will be available for several years. But according to preliminary results have shown that regular chest X-ray cancer can help in early disease and a cure rate better.

Screening for lung cancer - Do Chest X-ray help?

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Information on the symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most common symptoms of lung cancer are cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, a dull, persistent unrelentant chest pain, shortness of breath, hoarseness and persistent respiratory infections.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Onset of persistent cough, especially in a smoker or former smoker. should be considered as soon as possible by a physician.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The same applies to cough a lot of blood, although it seems to be only a small amount. There can be nothingbut again, it might be something of great importance.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Shortness of breath can be a sign of lung fluid, increasing the order. The medical term for this is a pleural effusion. Another cause of respiratory failure may be a tumor in the lung. Each of these conditions can cause a blockage that prevents air, the required amount flowing into the lungs.

The doctors say that their studies revealed that almostquarter of the population experience of lung cancer, non-stop to blunt chest pain.

Both hoarseness and wheezing are possible symptoms of lung cancer. You can also signs of possible cancer or lung congestion caused by inflammation.

Supported the fight bronchitis or pneumonia or any other type of infection, which seems to respiratory system and can be repeated lung cancer. It can not bebut again we can and what it is, it must be checked and maintained.

Symptoms that may occur depending on the size and location of the tumor or tumors.

Health workers say their studies show that thirty to forty percent of cases of lung cancer are considered is that metastatic spread from the first part of the body where they have the body to other parties, even if they are not included today. In most cases, cancer has been shown that the spread of the brain, lung for most of the body parts of the liver, adrenal glands, bones e.

Do not "wait and see what happens," not "wait and see if the symptoms get worse." If you go to the doctor and it is shown that these signs do not specify that you have cancer, you do not see that money wasted celebrate, too. If you go to the doctor and find that you have to do> Cancer, while celebrating the character to act immediately, could make a difference if you can be helped, healed or not.

You have one body take care of him, protect against damage. To borrow an old ad, "You can save the life of its own."

Information on the symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Lung Cancer - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care

Lung Cancer Symptom

In Britain 38,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer each year. There are two types of lung cancer, small cell cases occur in 20% of cases and non-small cell which occurs in 80%.-Small cell lung cancer is the most dangerous, while traveling through other parts of the body early and can quickly enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system right. small cell lung, does not move more slowly and, if caught earlycan be successfully treated.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, although% of the disease have never smoked to 10 people. The risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked and the age of smoking. When a person stops smoking the risks of smoking and reduce quickly the years, the odds of suffering from lung cancer after 15, are not the same. " The inhalation of cigarette smoke of others, the smoke is known,increases the chances of lung cancer, but the risks are much lower than if you smoke yourself Those who use cannabis, pipes or have a lower risk of lung cancer than smokers, but a greater risk that this non-smoking .

Lung Cancer Symptom

Believed to be in high levels of radon, an increased risk of cancer of the lung cancer, there is a gas that occurs naturally in some areas and you can get a radon detector in your home to check levelIn rare cases, contact with certain chemicals and substances such as uranium, chromium and nickel can also cause lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms of lung cancer may include:

Or a persistent cough for many years

Chest infection

Increased dyspnea


Loss of appetite and weight

Difficulty swallowing

tiredness and lethargy

It 'important to consider any of these symptomsby a doctor, but each could be lung cancer, a disease differently.

The diagnosis begins with a review by a GP that can be performed in a hospital for X-rays and test content. Physicians can also provide the hospital for a CT scan or spiral CT, has a series of x-rays to build a three-dimension image of the body and helps you find the location and size of the tumor, or bronchoscopy is where ' the lungAirways were examined with a bronchoscope. It is a thin flexible tube is passed through the nose or mouth into the airway, the doctor can then check the next bronchoscope anomalies. Photos and biopsies can be taken simultaneously.

Small cell lung cancer is usually treated with chemotherapy, the patient's symptoms, live longer with better control. If the small cell lung cancer detected earlySurgery is usually not done because of diagnosed cancer has spread to other parts of the body first. Sometimes the pain is radiotherapy given to the head to prevent the spread of cancer in the brain and in advanced cases of small cell lung cancer is used to relieve symptoms more effectively.

small cell lung, are not treated differently, depending on the stage of cancer, an initial phase of operation canbe used to remove the cancer, and often chemotherapy. Radiation therapy may also be used in patients not fit enough to undergo a selection operation. be used in an advanced stage of chemotherapy and radiation, sometimes a combination of both. They are used to ensure good quality of life for as long as possible and keep the pain.

Lung Cancer - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Because lung cancer is the leading cause of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Small cell lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

small cell carcinoma is an aggressive disease begins in the lungs of patients with metastatic disease if not diagnosed and treated quickly. Working with small cell carcinoma combined, are the most common cause of death among patients with lung cancer. If symptoms are detected and treated effectively, can improve patient survival.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Cancer > Symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

Smokers and people exposed to passive smoking ", recommended by the National Cancer Institute to see the possible symptoms. They include persistent or bloody cough, shortness of breath, constant shortness of breath and chest pain lasting effects. In addition, cigarette smoking, asbestos and radon also significant risks to health. According to the website of the Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the second cause of thisCancer>. The greatest risk is in the house.

Once symptoms do not mean that cancer is present. The symptoms are red flags, not at risk, risk groups, indicating the need for a medical examination. Cancer growing in the lungs causes also indirect, such as general fatigue and weight loss due to anorexia.

Diagnostic tests

A battery of tests determined the presence of cancer in . Radiographs of the chest to the lungs is one of these methods. X-rays found a picture from inside the body, doctors unusual growths. When the radiographs are not sufficient, a CT or PET makes detailed pictures. The scan of the chest shows, and the central brain.

A PET scan after injection of glucose in the body. The analysis shows that cancer cells of glucose starvation control its position in the body. Other detection methods> Lung biopsy, lung sputum and laboratory show that the lungs of bronchoscopy.

Current treatments

The high mortality of lung cancer is the goal of current research. The disease is chemotherapy, laser therapy and treated "internal radiation." Cures are rare and the National Cancer Institute, advises patients to participate in clinical trials to improve their chances ofSurvival.

NCI recommends that prevention of this disease requires a lifestyle and regular checkups. Avoid smoking and exposure to carcinogens and other medications, if necessary, to prevent the onset of cancer.

Because lung cancer is the leading cause of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mesothelioma Symptoms and signs

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years (or more) after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath, cough and chest pain caused by an accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity (pleural effusion) often have symptoms of mesothelioma in the chest cavity.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are weight loss and cachexia, pain, bloating, and because of ascites (fluid in the abdominal cavity). OtherThe symptoms> of peritoneal mesothelioma can intestinal obstruction, bleeding disorders, anemia and fever. If the cancer has spread in the body of the mesothelium to other parts of the symptoms may include pain, difficulty swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma, the symptoms that affects the pleura and may sign:

Lung Cancer Symptom

* Pain in the chest wall

pleural effusion, or fluid around the lungs *

* Shortness of breathRespiratory

* Fatigue or anemia

* Shortness of breath, hoarseness, or cough

* The blood in the sputum (fluid), cough (hemoptysis)

In severe cases, the person may have many tumor masses. Individuals may develop a pneumothorax, or collapsed lung. This disease can spread, or spread to other parts of the body.

affecting the abdominal cavity often do not cause symptoms until they are not. in the final stages of cancer symptoms are:

* AbdominalBread

* Ascites, or abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
* An abdominal mass

* Problems with bowel function

* Weight Loss

In severe cases of illness, the signs and symptoms may be present:

* Blood clots in the veins may cause thrombophlebitis

* The dissemination intravascular coagulation, a disorder causing severe bleeding in many organs

* Yellowing of the skin and eyes or jaundice

Hypoglycemia *Levels

pleural effusion *

Mesothelioma Symptoms and signs

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm worried about lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

What is lung cancer?

Lung Cancer Symptom

The basic element in our body is the cell. Normally, cells divide to produce new cells only when needed. When the cell growth that leads to the uncontrolled division and multiplication of cells and, finally, with a known mass such as cancer. If this occurs in the lungs, causing lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

What causes lung cancer?

Lung Cancer Symptom

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. About 90% of > Lung cancer caused by smoking. The risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over time.

Other causes include passive smoking, family history, history of lung cancer, lung disease and other exposure to asbestos.

What are the signs and symptoms of lung cancer?

Up to 25% of people who have symptoms of lung cancer, it is not. L ' > The cancer is first detected on an X-ray CT of the chest CT alone routine or as a mass of small size.

cancer growth and invasion of lung tissue and the environment can affect breathing, causing symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain and coughing up blood (hemoptysis).

Sometimes, when the lung cancer that has spread to involve bone, the bone may produce excruciating pain in his sites.> Cancer that has spread to the brain potentially a number of symptoms, the body can be blurred vision, headaches, cramps, weakness or loss of feeling in some parts of

nonspecific symptoms seen with many cancers such as lung cancer are weight loss, weakness and fatigue.

When to see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if symptoms of lung cancer, especially if are:

A new persistent cough or worsening of existing chronic cough
Blood in sputum
Persistent bronchitis or repeated respiratory infections
Chest pain
Unexplained weight loss and / or fatigue
respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath or wheezing
As lung cancer diagnosed?

A doctor can discuss and examine the patient. This may reveal the presence of symptoms or signs suggestive of lung cancerCancer>. In addition to developing symptoms and seek risk factors for cancer, doctors can detect signs of respiratory distress, airway obstruction, infections of the lungs.

The chest radiograph is the most common first step in any new diagnostic symptom of lung cancer are present.

A scanner capable on the chest, abdomen and / or brain are performed to study both the primary tumor and to see ifdiffusion.

Other tests include bone scans and brochoscopy (an area of the lung).

As lung cancer treated?

The treatment of lung cancer may be to remove the tumor with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and combinations of these methods. The decision of treatments that will be useful, must take into account the location of the tumor and whether, as the general health of the spreadPatient.

How to prevent lung cancer?

Quitting smoking is the most important measure that can prevent lung cancer. There are many products such as nicotine gum, nicotine spray and nicotine inhalers. Minimize exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is also an effective measure of prevention.

I'm worried about lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Mesothelioma cancer symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

In most cases, patients with cancer rarely manifests symptoms of mesothelioma at an early stage. But the areas of symptoms from 10 to 50 years after the first exposure to asbestos particles. E 'therefore extremely difficult to identify the problem before it got late, the rate is one of the reasons why cancer patients have reached an unfortunate fate.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are many types of cancer, are associated with exposure to asbestosFibers such as the pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, and testis. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type of cancer is a disease in the membrane affects the lungs, especially the pleura, protection. This particular type of cancer accounts for about 75% of cases of mesothelioma cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

United States, 2,300 patients with a diagnosis of cancer with a certain form of mesothelioma. Unfortunately, most of these patients are not evenrealize that something was wrong with them, until it is too late.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Symptoms vary depending on a particular type of cancer. The cancer that affects the symptoms of cancer called mesothelioma can cause these chest pain, pleural effusion, or fluid surrounding the lungs, shortness of breath, fatigue or anemia wheezing, hoarseness, or cough .

Please contact your doctor as soon as possible if you were informedThe asbestos fibers, taking care of your health, because health is wealth. It may be cheaper to treat in its infancy. So the right thing at the right time. The lodging of a complaint is a question that will do that, then you can find more information about good lawyers.

Mesothelioma cancer symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cancer and lung nodules

Lung Cancer Symptom

The main cause of cancer death in the United States is cancer of the lung. As a society run by the American Cancer, there are a lot of 170,000 new cases each year and kills more people are prostate, breast and colon cancer as well. Nodules in the lungs are small, brown, round spots are quite common. Most are benign, but some may be in the early stages of lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Convincing data from aMany sources suggest now that people at high risk CT or CAT) testing (CT is the best method for detecting lung cancer in the first sound. Most lung cancers start out as a small nodule development or in. CT screening is highly sensitive in detecting nodules as small as 2 or 3 mm in the lung.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are some symptoms of lung nodules. Often, as seen on an X-rayresult of something random, or are not the reason for the X-ray. If they are cancerous or become malignant, they expand and develop over time and can begin to cause symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath or chest.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Your doctor can assess your current chest X-ray or scan to a previous one. If the node is created earlier and the picture does not change size, shape or form, can be carcinogenic. Causes of noncancerous lung nodules include histoplasmosis,Hematoma, vascular, tuberculosis and lung cysts. Noncancerous nodules usually require no treatment, but the doctor can use to monitor the node for the study of changes in regular imaging. Although most lung nodules are noncancerous, some are for lung cancer at an early stage.

Regarding radiotherapy, it is made from high-energy X-rays at the nodes. The objective is to minimize and reduce the tumorsymptoms. efficiency refers to the type of delivery and other treatments in combination with radiation worked. Side effects of radiation from the tendency to tire easily, loss of appetite, inflammation of the lungs, loss of hair on his chest, and irritation of the skin.

Cancer and lung nodules

Lung Cancer Symptom

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