Monday, June 20, 2011

Heart disease, lung cancer and COPD - The three causes of death

Lung Cancer Symptom

Smoking, including cigarettes, cigars or pipes is closely linked to the development of diseases such as heart disease and lung cancer. In addition to these serious diseases, smoking can also be the cause of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Lung Cancer Symptom

This condition causes inflammation and damages the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lung tissue and usually causes some form of respiratory disease. COPD is usually a combination of chronicChronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Because smoking is the leading cause of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, two conditions often occur together in the same person.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Damage from COPD is both progressive and permanent. It 'has become a serious health problem and health statistics, is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Because of the severity of these diseases, it is urgent for those who smoke to quit.Understanding the causes and symptoms of COPD is vital to try to encourage smokers to stop this potentially deadly habit.

Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchioles and the tube is usually caused by inhaling bronchial irritants like cigarette smoke other, exhaust fumes, chemicals, air pollution and other environmental factors such as mold or dust.

Smoking may increase the risk of infection because they damage the hair as smallProjections (cilia) that protect the lungs against bacteria and other foreign materials into the lungs.

Diagnosed with this disease can develop slowly, middle-aged and older, the more risks with him. The symptoms of bronchitis can also be things such as dyspnoea, cough, sputum, chest pain when coughing or shortness of breath and persistent fatigue.

Emphysema is a chronic disease on the other side of the airway. Therecharacterized by expansion or the loss of elasticity of the alveoli or air sacs, and perhaps the collapse of the bronchi, the airways, the first, which no longer contain cartilage.

If this happens, reduce the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas in the alveoli of the lungs and lungs from working properly can reduce their ability to breathe when you lose. This reduces exhalation may also reduce the amount of air that can be inhaled. Because ofThis carbon dioxide, the exhaust gas is not quite out of the lungs and oxygen-rich air can not be recovered. Because of this problem could be with emphysema breathe hard and often to gasp for air. Emphysema is most common in people over 50 years and can coexist with other respiratory diseases like bronchitis.

What are the real causes and symptoms of COPD?

The risk factor is more important is a lifestyle of smoking. It does notDifference if you smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes. Even the fumes from chemicals, detergents, aerosols, air pollution, dust and pollutants aggravate symptoms.

Chronic bronchitis is more common in people over 40 years, whereas emphysema is more common in people aged 60 years.

Some types of work (socio-economic class) can play a role in COPD. Deaths from COPD are approximately two times higher among unskilled and semi-skilled thanprofessionals.

Family history and genetics may predispose people in certain families to develop COPD, while other causes such as smoking and air pollution are also available.

There is an effective treatment of COPD?

The treatment of COPD is closely dependent on the overall health of the patient and the severity of the disease.

In general, a health program includes breathing. Disability and other symptoms can be alleviated and thus reducethe occurrence of early death. However, there are no treatments proven to cure this disease. The treatments were designed only to relieve symptoms and improve survival rates.

Instead of focusing on healing for which there is none, if the changes in lifestyle that can prevent the development of COPD are underlined. COPD can be prevented if people who smoke, quitting smoking, maintaining a good diet, drink plenty of fluids, maintain an appropriate weight andExercise regularly.

Understanding the health risks of COPD and potentially fatal, and are essential to convince smokers to quit smoking.

Heart disease, lung cancer and COPD - The three causes of death

Lung Cancer Symptom

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