Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Early detection of symptoms of prostate cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

We do not know what really causes prostate cancer, but multiple risk factors-Fat Diet has been discovered, such as family history, race, age or above.

Lung Cancer Symptom

projected at fixed intervals after a major, early diagnosis of cancer. In search of symptom self-sufficient, because you can not recognize soon enough. If you have symptoms of prostate cancer, is (too) late. After the disease has already brokenHave had symptoms such as weak or interrupted urine flow, blood in urine or pain in the back, thighs and hips. It could also be a burning sensation.

Lung Cancer Symptom

It could be cancer, a matter of life or death to recognize as soon as possible. Before you begin treatment the better the chance of survival. This can be cured, but only if it has not spread too much.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The doctor will also feel his body in the rectum of each node in the prostate. Iffound no abnormalities, the doctor may prescribe a blood test to determine whether a prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels. Although small amounts of PSA are OK, the large amount of PSA is a strong sign for cancer. A transrectal ultrasound is another option. This painless method gives a good picture of the gland in 20 minutes.

A biopsy is necessary if the above tests show the development of cancer. This means that the physician should be a small sample ofTissue with a needle. The sample is then under a microscope and if the sample is a specific cancer diagnostic checks. The same biopsy is a quick and painless, and not to diagnose prostate cancer.

Once detected, the physician should know that they are already on the agenda. An x-ray can show whether the cancer has spread to the lungs for you. A CT scan or MRI may also internal organs visible. Once diagnosedmust begin treatment immediately. There are several treatment options, but the operation is the most effective way to completely remove the cancer. The treatment must be a team of doctors, a surgeon urologist and oncologist. The operation is not without risks and side effects, so that some people prefer other means.

A good prognosis with a high survival rate of 95%, since when it was considered very early and the operation is successful. But later,The cancer was diagnosed, the worst statistics. Less than 30% over the next five years, cancer was detected very late.

Early detection of symptoms of prostate cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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