Monday, May 16, 2011

The most common symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

One of the challenges of successful treatment of lung cancer is to detect a disease when it is still in its infancy. Unfortunately, rarely have symptoms until the cancer cells began to spread. That's why many victims do not realize they have the disease until a doctor performs tests to ensure it remains something else. The problem is when cancer cells of metastases (spread both to other parts of the body), the condition is difficult to treat.This is why it is important to identify possible symptoms of lung cancer at the earliest.

Lung Cancer Symptom

This article discusses the common signs of lung cancer - both during and after localized disease began to spread. We also explain how minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer may be an appropriate solution.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms if the disease is localized

Lung Cancer Symptom

A first indication of cancer is a commona persistent cough. It is often overlooked, because there are many other possible factors that can be recycled, they are. For example, during the coldest months, chronic cough can be held responsible for a cold. If a patient suffers from asthma, cough can be considered a side effect. Even if a patient coughs a little blood, usually ignored or attributed to a temporary factor.

Another early sign is difficulty breathing, especially after physical exertion. It 'also easy to forget. Patients often have breathing difficulties due to their being out of shape.

The tumors can often put pressure on the nerves, even during the early stage of the disease. This pressure can lead to pain in the shoulder and chest, which is almost half of all patients who suffer when they are diagnosed.

Warning signs of the disease has spread

When cancer cells spread through the lung tissues and metastasis to other organs are the threat of a new series of> The symptoms may occur. common sites of metastatic brain cancer are the liver and bones. If the disease spreads to the brain, can visual disturbances, seizures and persistent headache. When cancer cells spread to bone, there is a pain in the back and ribs. The pain eventually get the hips.

Minimally invasive treatment of lung cancer

Your doctor may recommend surgical removal of theCancer tissues. E 'traditionally done by open lung surgery, the average for the surgical team has a long trunk and spreads the ribs for access. An alternative approach is to use video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). This is a minimally invasive approach that opposes the expansion of the chest. As a result, the recovery time is much shorter and is typically much less pain after surgery.

Although minimuminvasive surgery is growing in popularity, many hospitals and surgical centers do not have the tools and skills to operate. If you are diagnosed with cancer, lung cancer and a candidate for a lobectomy, ask your doctor whether a minimally invasive procedure is possible.

The most common symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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