Monday, May 30, 2011

Cure for lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

It would be wrong to think that for lung cancer prior to treatment, especially if it has reached the terminal stage, or 4 3 e. If the cancer reaches these levels, there is also a small chance that cancer can be cured.

Lung Cancer Symptom

However, there are several treatments, the tumor cells in the lungs can be made ​​in the fight against the culture. The treatment of lung cancer can be a good prognosis if the person's health is optimal, theCancer cells have not progressed and grew in number and in favor of and commitment to patient care in treating this.

Lung Cancer Symptom

In cancer treatment, multiple treatments are necessary for a better response. Some of these treatments take chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy and multi-drug therapy.

Lung Cancer Symptom

A patient may choose not to undergo treatment if he or she is. If the person chooses not to, your doctor may recommend Focus maintain patient comfort, called palliative treatment of the disease.


In lung cancer surgery, a surgeon may have to remove the cancer and some tissue to sideline. Some of the methods used to remove lung cancer:

1. Pneumonectomy - removal of entire lung
2. Lobectomy - removal of an entire lobe> Lung
3. Wedge resection - removal of a small section of a lung that contains cancer cells with portions of surrounding healthy tissue.

If an operation is performed, the surgeon can decide whether or not to remove the breast to nearby lymph nodes within the well to verify the presence of cancer cells. Cancer Cell nodes are recognized for some years, if the metastasis is indicative of too. Surgery for lung cancer has severalRisks such as infection and internal bleeding. The pain may be felt after the surgery, if the drugs are prescribed to mask it. Soon the physical therapy and rehabilitation will be proposed by the doctor in the customer or active movement and muscle strength to recover.


Here the drugs are consumed. The chemotherapeutic agents can be administered intravenously or orally. The number of drug treatments can last for a period of severalWeeks or months of therapy with breaks to relax your body. The chemotherapy used as first-line treatment of lung cancer when surgery is not owned or used as a follow-up after surgery. In addition, there are cases in which chemotherapy to reduce side effects or complications of lung cancer.


This great power like the X-ray beams used to kill cancer cells.This type of therapy, both internally and externally. internal radiation is the use or the insertion of needles, seeds or catheters into the human body, as well as the tumor cell, also known as brachytherapy. In radiotherapy, the breast of the person is exposed to high-power beam.

Although many types of cancer are willing to go through the process a set of procedures for the treatment of lung cancer, refuses to try a little '. One of the main reasons whyThe people refuse to undergo treatment method is due to the concept that the side effects are more common benefits.

Cure for lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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