Smoking and lung cancer are connected. The facts on the causes of lung cancer is not as mysterious as they are established in the scientific literature. Now we know that smoking cigarettes is what causes lung cancer in 85-90% of cases. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
The carcinogenic effects of cigarette smoking affect the tissues of the lungs over time and the first to develop tumors in the lungs and then spread to the restlung cancer. lung, the term refers only to the fact that the cancer originated in the lung tissue.
Lung Cancer Symptom
The history of lung cancer
Lung Cancer Symptom
Historical facts are quite clear. Until tobacco use in society was often in lung cancer is a rare disease. The epidemic of lung cancer is alarming closely followed the tobacco industry, manufacture, sell and distribute theirCigarette products in the first half of 1900
Until then, doctors had an increase in the number of cases, but most were probably the air pollution or industrial exposures are attributed to chemicals.
It was actually a German doctor that the original link between smoking and lung cancer. He published a 1929 paper that showed the connection and suggested that lung cancer caused by smoking, becausealmost all patients, the disease had studied were smokers.
Of course, in the first half of 1900 no one wanted to believe that the epidemic of lung cancer had to do something with the harmful effects of tobacco. In fact, they do not want to believe that smoking is harmful, and will continue to believe that tobacco companies have said is that the effects of smoking relaxing and calming for the mind were. People believed that there are no facts to prove otherwise.
The real facts about smoking and lung cancer have been developed, although many doctors have begun to be very suspicious. Until the middle of the century there was an alarming epidemic of lung cancer. The social acceptability of smoking among men and women and the increase in the number of smokers in society could be a coincidence.
The real facts about smoking and lung cancer> Cancer is based
To find the scientific study of the facts about smoking and lung cancer and see if the German doctor was seriously on something started.
Maybe it was the improvement of the rigors of scientific study or improve the technology, but it was a lot of energy to see if the lung cancer caused by smoking and with time the results are becoming so consistently aligned withScientists have begun to come to the conclusion the same again and again that it is lung cancer caused by smoking.
Of course, nobody wanted this to be true, at least of the tobacco companies, which earn billions of dollars of their products have been sold around the world. Apparently thought it would be bad for business if their products with a disease like cancer, which has always been a very poor prognosis associated.
Testing continuesOver the years, and the results of these studies, the ratio of the first U.S. Surgeon General on Smoking and Health formed in 1964. Known facts on smoking and lung cancer, at the time led to the conclusion that smoking is an important factor in the cause was due to lung cancer.
Other studies have proven this time to time, and 40 years after the first U.S. Surgeon General's 2004 report called "The proof issufficient to conclude a causal relationship between smoking and lung cancer. "
But what are some historical facts on lung cancer and smoking. But of all the facts about lung cancer is the most important to pay attention to this:
There is no other type of cancer that is so easily preventable.
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