Lung cancer is a form that is very difficult to treat. In other words, lung cancer is the lung tissue, it is difficult for the exchange of gases in the respiratory tract. It 'very heavy and difficult to diagnose. The symptoms are not rare, and thus may mislead the physician. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
Patients suffering and the treatment is very limited and localized. Prevention is the best form of healing is nowsuch as cancer is concerned, since all forms of cancer pain, are the mind and body of individuals. Prevention is better, where lung cancer is concerned. Substances that cause risk prevention possibilities of development can be reduced or their presence can be extended.
Lung Cancer Symptom
Things they are doing to prevent cancer of the lung may be, are as follows:
Lung Cancer Symptom
Quitting smoking:
The first and most important factor is, of course, smoking. And 'the leading cause of lung cancerCancer. Provoked about 87% of deaths from lung cancer caused by smoking. Make your body free of tobacco. This is the best defense against lung cancer could be possible. Quitting is hard, but it would certainly be better than suffering from lung cancer. Another aspect is the effect of smoking on people exposed to smoke.
Passive smoking or start smoking cigarettes is a carcinogen, cigars and pipes.This smoke is known that more than sixty carcinogenic substances that can trigger the process of cancer development included. These carcinogens cause changes in cell division and development. Divisions lead to more number of abnormal cells that do not have a regulatory process on them and thus lead to malfunctions of malignant tumors.
Eating fruits and vegetables:
The very nature has provided us with the necessary chemicals to fight cancer are available. Antioxidantsand flavonoids are substances that help repair damaged cells and helps to protect nuclear material and DNA. These substances are present in abundance in fruits and vegetables. The consumption of five portions of fruit and vegetables a day are much more in cancer of the line at a distance. People who are physically active and fit are less likely to kill the cancer. Maintain a healthy weight would be helpful.
Avoid Radon:
Radon is aA substance that is highly carcinogenic. Exposure to radon and other radioactive gases as it may cause lung cancer. Radon is a byproduct of uranium mining. It is an odorless, colorless and tasteless that it can not be proven to be easy. Houses on the natural resources of uranium, radon can be built in them and this exposure was dangerous. To examine and test houses to attract the presence of this deadly cancer.
Avoid pollutants in the workplace:
Pollutantssuch as benzene, arsenic, beryllium, vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, mustard gas, coal products, chlorine, methyl, diesel fumes cause cancer or carcinogens. workstation, you can count on these funds and should be reduced or limited in accordance with the employer.
Many natural cancer-specific drugs can sometimes reverse the cancer process. These drugs can be taken to prevent cancer in patients,with the history of the disease. The section on chemoprevention is active in clinical research.
Eat Smart!
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