Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lung Cancer - One of the most lethal diseases in the world

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a disease of the uninhibited cell growth in lung tissue. This growth can lead to metastasis, the spread to adjacent tissues in the lungs, and soon. It is the most important cause of cancer death in men e. Second most common cancer in women

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most common symptoms of lung cancer:
First nagging chest continues
A second persistent coughing, become heavy
3 Shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness or
Fourth constant problem with pneumonia or bronchitis
Coughing up blood 5
Inflammation of the throat and face 6
7 Loss of appetite or significant weight loss
Depletion 8

Lung Cancer Symptom

Types of lung cancer:

Lung Cancer Symptom

A. small cell lung cancer occurs when malignant cells in lung tissue.
Small lung cancer three different types, classified by types of cells develop as> Cancer. They are:

First small cell carcinoma
Union of 2 small cell and large cell carcinoma.
Common small cell lung cancer third.

These three types can be many types of cells. The cells of each type of cancer can grow and reproduce in different ways.

Stages of small cell lung cancer

Limited Phase - begins in the tissue of lung cancer and adjacent lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structuresnear the lung.

Extensive stage - lung cancer is increased in other parts of the body.
B. Large-small cell lung cancer is a disease in which malignant cells in lung tissue.

Five types of large-small-cell lung

The five types of large-small cell lung cancer are different types of cancer cells multiply. Cancer cells occur in every category andunusual effects:

The first squamous cell carcinoma - Squamous cell cancer begins, thin, flat cells that look of fish scales. This is called squamous cell.
According large cell carcinoma - cancer, in which the cells are large and irregular appear when viewed under a microscope.
3 adenosquamous carcinoma - cancer that begins in cells, cancer cells appear to be solid, when examined under the microscope ..
4 adenocarcinoma - cancergroups starts in glandular activity.
5 undifferentiated carcinoma - cancer cells that do not appear to be normal. They can spread rapidly.


Surgery Surgery is the -. The first drug for lung cancer, the body is usually treated for the lung be opened directly.
The second influence is a common treatment for lung cancer. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells. This storm cells the treated area.

a. External radiation is the most common radiation treatment for people with lung cancer. Radiation from a huge machine outside the body. Especially people in the hospital or clinic for treatment. Treatments are usually 5 days a week for more than a few weeks.

b. Internal radiation is rare. The radiation seeds of a device, or another child to rid the body.

Treatment of small cell lung> Cancer

or chemotherapy - cancer treatment is to use drugs to prevent the growth of cancer cells The drugs are administered either orally or injected into the veins and muscles in order to destroy cancer cells .. These drugs fall into the bloodstream for treatment of tumor cells in the body. When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spinal column, an organ or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs usually have cancer cells in those areas.
or laser therapy - laser is used to destroy cancer cells.

Lung Cancer - One of the most lethal diseases in the world

Lung Cancer Symptom

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