Lung cancer is often detected during a long period before the patient begins to experience symptoms, about one in four. But the discovery by chance during routine examinations is often another way of knowing how often the chest radiograph. These symptoms begin to be visible only after the primary and metastatic symptoms are high. The internal working group of the lungs is disturbed at this stage because of hormones,Blood tests and physical energy to go down. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
E 'known that smokers have a higher risk for this disease. The list of the main pulmonary symptoms can be seen below.
Lung Cancer Symptom
• New cough, blood in cough, chest pain and breathing difficulties
• persistent cough, discharge energy, extend feel dull pain in the upper body.
• wheezing, respiratory infections and inflammations
Lung Cancer Symptom
The meta-static cancer or secondary sign depends on the sizeand the location thereof. Although lung cancer is the second in more than 70 percent, may be the brain near the lungs, such as the adrenal glands, bones or
metastatic bone cancer is due to the small cell type, and results in a feeling of unbearable pain in the bones especially the spine and ribs. It may also persist that person entered.
The incidence of cancer is very low, even vision. Similarly,patients, cancer can often feel paraneoplastic or chemical invasion, fingers, finger clubbing and construction of extra tissues in her hands. bone cancer can form new bone formation in the arms too.
Stage of cancer, the third party can see more of these symptoms at the highest level
• Sever anemia
• Low Sodium
• degeneration of the brain
• Fatigue
• problem in the engineFeatures
• Weight Loss
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