Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lung cancer stage four

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most advanced non-small cell lung cancer is the fourth stage cancer of the lung. This phase is considered incurable, and focus on the doctors to treat the symptoms of the disease, improving quality of life. Although NSCLC usually present early symptoms, up to 40 percent of patients diagnosed with NSCLC stage four.

Lung Cancer Symptom

What it means

Lung Cancer Symptom

The system provides TNM tumor size (T), metastasis (M)and whether the lymph nodes (N) are involved. In Phase 4, the tumor of any size and lymph node metastases was definitely involved. There are varying degrees of commitment. Since tumors can be of any size, stage 4 May T0 or T1-4 are affected. T3 and 4 show the growth has spread to other structures such as the esophagus, pleural cavity or the heart.

Lung Cancer Symptom

N0 means no lymph node involvement, so that in the advanced stages of NSCLC, this number can be 1-3. A '1 'means you go on the same node Side of the body began. A "2" indicates the remote node involvement always on the same page. A "3" indicates that the malignant cells are the other side of the chest and above the collarbone.

M0 indicates no metastases, the M1 will always be the minimum for an assignment in advanced cancer. Cancer is considered dead if they have migrated to other parts of the body.

NSCLC is symptomatic

From the beginning, the disease usuallySymptoms>. As we proceed to deteriorate and new questions likely to grow. The problems are bad cough, hemoptysis also cause dysphonia and hoarseness in his voice. Other symptoms include chest pain and Pancoast's syndrome, which causes pain in the arm. reduce fluid in the lungs can lead to pneumonia.


be addressed during the physical pain and discomfort with the possible palliative treatment, the emotional painis also a concern. Support groups help patients with stage 4 cancer in hopes of finding life. Patients are encouraged to keep time with your family or time with family and have hope for the future of their children or grandchildren. Support is by phone, in person or through the media of the Internet.

Lung cancer stage four

Lung Cancer Symptom

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