Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. The growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs could be a sign of lung cancer. These abnormal cells tend to grow but not develop into healthy lung tissue. Research has shown that 87% of lung cancer related to smoking. The risks are greatly reduced if a person stops smoking. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
Extension of the tumor has spread to all levels, is classified as other.The phase depends on the size of the tumor has spread and regions. Doctors decide which type of treatment based on stage of cancer.
Lung Cancer Symptom
lung cancer in a localized part is designated as a stage. If it spreads to lymph nodes, lungs summit has been designated as the point 2. The cancer spreads to the chest wall in section 3 of the cancer can spread from the heart to other parts of the body such as the trachea, or if thereLevel 3 achieved. Sometimes it can be fluid around the lungs, the cancer cells contain collection.
Lung Cancer Symptom
The symptoms of lung cancer patient can vary from patient to patient. Most common symptoms are cough or catarrh formation with traces of blood in her. More serious symptoms such as a hoarse voice or difficulty swallowing. Sometimes there is swelling in the tumor.
Lung cancer can be treated in manyOptions such as surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Doctors determine what treatment each stage reached after cancer. In a first stage, chemotherapy or radiotherapy patients are treated with one. Usually surgery is recommended, 3 to remove the malignant tumor in stage -. If lung cancer is low, doctors remove the cells to reduce the growth of lung cancer, where some patients. A combination of treatments. Chemotherapy is givenbefore surgery for effective treatment.
It 's very important to recognize the tumor in its early days to be effective. As the cancer spreads, treatment is more complicated.
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