Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lung cancer and mesothelioma urgent knowledge

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma lung cancer is a very serious disease. If diagnosed early, there are many treatment options available. The treatments are always available if the disease is diagnosed at an advanced stage, but there are many options to choose from.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are some symptoms of mesothelioma, you may be looking. Remember that there are three different forms of this disease, so that each type has differentBeing aware of the symptoms> for you. Depends on the situation.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Pleural mesothelioma affects the size, symptoms are severe and sudden changes in breathing and chest pain. Some people experience both. Note that this form of the disease is found in the lungs.

Lung Cancer Symptom

These are some of the more severe symptoms. Some symptoms' are less harmful weight loss, night sweats and fever. Be aware that each patienthas all these symptoms to diagnosis. Some people do not.

Regarding peritoneal mesothelioma is a weight loss and sweating may occur. A person may also experience discomfort or pain in the abdomen. This is due to the accumulation of liquids. Other symptoms include anemia, fever, and blood clotting.

An operation is a form of treatment. This may be an option for one of two reasons. The first reason is an attempt to heal andsecond reason is the person, the quality of life and try to improve comfort. The possibility of surgery also has a promising future. As there are many tests that develop mesothelioma can be discovered in the early stages. During the procedure, a substance called Talk is injected into the lungs. It is a procedure known as pleurodesis. Talc keeps the fluid in the lungs.

As of now there are only three systems, theare used for some stages of the disease. These systems, the TNM system, Brigham and Butchart. All these systems have the same goal but different ways of information.

The diagnosis of this disease is very difficult. In reality, no matter what stage of the disease in It 's always hard to tell who is who and a clear diagnosis. This is one of the reasons why it is diagnosed late. If you are unsure, you can go aheadand get checked by your doctor. Although it is very difficult to diagnose, may require treatment for you and some other tests that can be performed.

Although this is a very scary time in your life, there are ways to deal with and treat. The longer you wait, it gets even worse. Bring a family member or friend to give comfort and support.

Lung cancer and mesothelioma urgent knowledge

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

The symptoms of ovarian cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Symptoms of ovarian cancer can appear months before the cancer is located. If a woman is always tests show the cancer these symptoms many times is not diagnosed. That alone is a problem with the diagnosis of ovarian cancer at an early stage. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often rejected due to the fact that they are fairly harmless.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Inflate the stomach and digestive problemsFor example, the most common symptoms of the presence of ovarian cancer can be easily dismissed and ignored. Stomach problems are something that everyone experiences pain at different times of their lives. Ovarian cancer more than 22 000 women each year in the U.S. If detected in early stages of this cancer is curable, as will many other types of cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

If diagnosed early, before it has spread from the ovaries of a woman is ninety percent chancelive for at least another five years. Unfortunately, less than twenty percent of ovarian cancers are detected at an early stage, due to the fact that the symptoms of ovarian cancer can not be neglected with ovarian cancer is often compared to the same tests, such as imaging of the gastrointestinal tract, ovaries, may overlook .

Lung Cancer Symptom

This does not mean that every time a woman has abdominal pain or pelvic pain should quickly test for ovarian cancer. InIf problems are persistent, but researchers have found that ovarian cancer should be considered. If tests are to be performed to rule out other causes such as a test for ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer in women, it affects a small part of the general population, and is a small percentage of cancers that affect women in general.

Cancelled for women with this type of cancer statisticsBut it means nothing. So it appears from the results of research that women play a more important role in the detection of this disease because of the nature of symptoms and the elusive nature of this disease and suffering in the early diagnosis in a convincing way in determining the survival of women with ovarian cancer has cancer.

If the tests are other causes of symptoms rather than tests for ovarian cancer could be excluded from the early stages of the diagnostic process. A womansfirst reaction to the persistence of symptoms associated with ovarian cancer may be the key to their survival. New research has shown that ultrasound has not been and CA125 test is a multiple of developing effective in detecting ovarian cancer at an early stage, even in women already at high risk for the disease.

Women at high risk are women with a family history of disease and predisposed by genetic mutations that can lead to ovarian cancer the mostlikely. Of the two tests of the blood test has proven to be effective in ovarian cancer research, but sometimes can lead to false positive results. The statistics are not good for the early diagnosis of cancer have been developed by other means, apparently.

Experts agree that more research on the detection of the disease is necessary, since this seems to be so important in determining the survival rate for ovarian cancer. The symptoms are always the samebut that women themselves should be aware of this cancer and its early diagnosis. Monitoring of symptoms can be very useful. Keep an accurate record of the early symptoms and persistent in the evaluation can be the difference between surviving and not surviving a cancer of the ovaries.

The symptoms of ovarian cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Friday, July 8, 2011

The first signs of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a leading cause of death among men and women across the country. Air pollutants, tobacco smoke, smoking, contributing in particular, and of other causes of the disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Most of us think that the most common lung cancer in smokers, and it is true that the vast majority of cases are or were smokers. But there are non-smoking lung cancer and smoking, do not get the '.

Lung Cancer Symptom

SignsLung cancer> is often not clear at the outset. However, it is better to develop lung cancer that can be identified.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most common symptom of early lung cancer is coughing up blood (hemoptysis). Consider this an early sign is a warning sign of cancer can be cured.

If you find that you should be coughing up blood, immediately contact your doctor, especially if you are 40 or older with a smoking over time.

Some of the main symptoms are:

* Hacking Cough

* Coughing up blood


* Gasp

Chest pain *

* Loss of appetite

Weight Loss

* Bronchitis or recurrent pneumonia

The above symptoms are also symptoms of many other lung diseases, it is always advisable to consult a doctor to determine the cause

Secondary signs of a lung cells only a smallCancer> include:

* Weakness

* Difficulty swallowing

* Changes to nails

* Sennheiser or hoarseness

* High fever

* Swelling of the face

It 'true that most of the symptoms of lung cancer who never show up until the disease is advanced.

However, sometimes people have signs in the early stages of the disease. And 'imperative that the opinion of the first symptoms or problems, please send it directly toDoctor.

The treatment is begun early, the better. A cure is possible if early enough, and if not, a better quality of life and more.

When lung cancer spreads to other body parts, organs and bones, as "metastasis" are the signs and symptoms:

* Severe pain and bone pain

* The changes in the brain that are manifested by weakness, dizziness and convulsions

* Jaundice (whites of the eyes, nails,and yellow skin

* Masses near the surface of the skin

* Headaches

* Numbness and loss of feeling in extremities

All these signs and symptoms of lung cancer can be caused by health problems. Advise the only way to know for sure is to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The first signs of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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The symptoms and pain - Endometriosis Versus Ovarian cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms of endometriosis and ovarian cancer symptoms has some overlap, which explains why some women with endometriosis the risk of treatment for ovarian cancer developing. But before jumping to conclusions a look at the symptoms of endometriosis in relation ovarian cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

During the monthly period, your uterus is shed wall, and appears as a discharge of blood. This is actually a remnant of the uterine lining, a layer of muscle andBlood developed to support an embryo. If the egg will give your body every month is not fertilized, hormones signal the uterus to shed the uterine lining.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Endometriosis, the endometrial tissue lining the uterus is similar to regions outside the womb. This migration of endometrial tissue adheres to surrounding organs, causing inflammation and scar tissue forming in the way you experience severe pain, usually in conjunction with the menstrual cycle.

Lung Cancer Symptom

These evilEffects on not only found the bodies in the basin, but also able to walk and lie down on the bladder, colon, intestine and colon. Found in rare cases, lesions in the endometrium, lung and brain, spine and skin.

Endometriosis is not cancer.

Ovarian cancer, on the other hand, the formation of cysts on the ovaries holds. These cysts are often benign and can be removed with surgery, if detectedbeginning.

However, if they start in other parts of the body, can become malignant tumor of the ovary.

The differences in hormone levels in the body is the most likely cause of endometriosis and ovarian cancer. Studies show that women with endometriosis are more likely to develop ovarian cancer during their life.

So what are the symptoms of endometriosis?

Severe, debilitating pain in the abdominal area, which worsens The time can be the first sign of endometriosis.

Other symptoms include, but are not limited to:



abnormal or irregular periods, including bleeding or bleeding between periods

Pain during urination

Painful bowel movements

Pain during intercourse

heavy menstrual bleeding

Back pain during menstruation

For infertility or difficulty becoming pregnant.

Compare with the symptoms of ovarian cancer> Cancer. Such as endometriosis, women with ovarian cancer pain, even if this is first manifested as a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region.

Other signs of ovarian cancer are:

Vaginal bleeding

Abnormal or irregular menstrual cycles

progressive back pain, but unexplained

weight gain around the belly

weight gain or loss



Blood in stool


increased urination

hair growth or an excessive increase

more fluid on the lung

sometimes the positive pregnancy test, even if the affected woman is not pregnant.

Since both diseases are closely related, the symptoms of endometriosis can be compared to the overlap of ovarian cancer. If you think you have endometriosis or ovarian cancer, see your doctor. Read as much as possible, anddoing research on the condition, so that better treatment options that are provided.

The symptoms and pain - Endometriosis Versus Ovarian cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Colon cancer: Do not miss the symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

The colon (together with the rectum) are part of the large intestine (bowel). The colon is a muscular tube that is about five feet long. It absorbs water and nutrients from food passing through. The rectum, the lower six inches of the digestive tract, serves as a holding place for stool, which then passes out of the body through the anus. The colon is divided into four sections: the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. Most colorectal cancers occur in the Sigma - the part just above the rectum. They usually begin in the deepest layer and may in whole or in part by several layers of tissue, colon and rectum. The cancer can develop, but develop in any part of the colon. The extent to which the cancer invades the tissue layers of different gut determines the stage of disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

What is cancer? Colon and rectum are the second most common typeafter lung cancer among men, and the third most prevalent after breast cancer and lung cancer in women. Most colorectal types grow slowly over a period of several years, often beginning as small benign growths called polyps. Removing these polyps early, before they become malignant, is an effective means of preventing colorectal cancer. If the epithelia cells (the cells in the mucous membrane of the colon) turn cancerous and begin to grow and reproduce in an abnormal and uncontrolled, can not keep the body for normal functioning of these cells and the cells form a mass called tumor. Malignant tumors of the colon may eventually penetrate the intestine and spread to other parts of the body, movement and destruction of normal cells.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Everyone is potentially at risk of developing cancer of the colon and rectum during their lifetime. Although cancer occurs primarily in mature subjects may alsoproduce young men and women. Some risk factors include a personal history of polyps of the colon or rectum, personal or family history of colon or rectum, and under certain conditions, such as chronic ulcerative colitis (CUC) and Crohn's disease. The diet seems to be a factor in the development of colon cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of colon cancer: There are no symptoms or warning signs that should arise from a suspicion thathave cancer, including:. Obstruction grow as cancer, especially if it is in the transverse colon and descending colon and sigmoid colon, can cause constipation, leading to a buildup of pressure. This can lead to pain and swelling of the abdomen. In extreme cases of disability, you may also experience nausea and vomiting. Bleeding tumors grow, they can flow through the fecal bleed too traumatized. Blood is often hidden Stools and are not easily visible. In some cases, bleeding visible on the chair or there is rectal bleeding. Anemia in some cases, such as tumor blood flow causes an iron deficiency anemia occurs there. As soon as the painless tumor invades the colon wall and begins to invade surrounding tissues can cause pain and other symptoms. For example, if the cancer spreads to the bladder can cause urinary problems. In some cases, wasting syndrome, bowel> Cancer can cause loss of appetite, weight and strength.

Occur during the above warning signs, even in people without cancer can, if someone has these symptoms, do not, appropriate diagnostic methods are recommended to remove the cancer.

The cancer usually develops slowly over years. Once the cancer breaks through the large intestine, can donate blood or lymphatic system grow and spread veryquickly. As the cancer grows, it often spreads to the liver and lungs. It can spread to the bones, especially in the basin. Depending on the location of the tumor, may also extend to the clavicle.

The American Cancer Society recommends that screening for colorectal cancer in people without symptoms beginning at age 50. Screening should be annual digital rectal exam (DRE) and fecal occult testing is Bloot(FOBT). Sigmoidoscopies, preferably flexible endoscopic sigmoidoscopies, should occur every three to five years. For anyone with a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) who has had colon cancer under the age of 55, screening should start by age 40.

Facts - Colon Cancer Is the second leading of death from cancer in the U.S. Over 50% of all new cases of colon cancer involve metastasis by the time of diagnosis Approximately 102,900 Americans will diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year. Approximately 48,100 Americans die of colorectal cancer this year. 80-90 Americans are at risk of developing colorectal cancer, if diagnosed early and treated, the survival rate is high.

Screening The American Cancer Society and the American College of Gastroenteroloy recommend screening for colorectal cancer in people without symptoms beginning at age 50. Therecommended method for screening colonoscopy is a (repeated every ten years if no polyps or cancers are found and the individual has no risk factors). The alternative method is recommended for annual screening digital rectal examination (DRE) and a test Bloot occult (FOBT). Sigmoidoscopy, preferably flexible sigmoidoscopy should be endoscopy every three to five years. For all those who had a first-degree relative (parent, sibling or child), cancer of the colon and rectum less55 Screening is recommended starting at age 40.

Medical malpractice and cancer of the colon The incidence of medical malpractice in connection with the diagnosis of colorectal cancer is alarming. And 'the second most common cancer in the United States, leading to 48,100 deaths expected this year. However, many men and women, their cancer diagnosis delayed if the doctors whose hands, as men and women perform their well-being not to entrustAppropriate screening tests do not properly assess and take steps to avoid, if the symptoms reported by cancer. If this happens, the doctor was negligent. And the tragic result of this neglect, too often the loss of treatment options and / or loss of chance of survival.

My office is to explain how medical malpractice arises in the context of a failure of a physician to diagnose cancer of the time spentdescribe what is at stake in pursuing a request for medical malpractice, and provides a convenient and free legal advice for those who have been victims of medical errors to believe.

Because you can be authorized, according to a report by the Institute of Medicine, medical errors are responsible for at least 44 000 deaths annually in the United States and perhaps 98 000 per year. The following are among the most common forms of negligence or medical malpracticeThe doctors / or diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer: non-existence of routine digital rectal examination (DRE) performed the non-existence of the mass of cancer of the rectum and lower colon during the examination routine rectal examination to identify , failed to sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy; non-compliance with the appropriate diagnostic tests (like colonoscopy) for testing of colorectal cancer, if a patient has symptoms that may be caused by cancer of the colon and rectum;Interpretation of biopsy results, biopsy results may react differently to recommend to others, if appropriate treatment options, and lack of follow-up with the patient. The above are examples only and not intended to be an exhaustive list of acts of misconduct. If you suspect that your doctor can and / or treated properly detect the cancer, you should contact a competent attorney.

Contact us for a free consultation

Do not hesitate to contact 516.358.6900 or directly to me if you or a family member with colon cancer and a doctor or other healthcare professional complaints have been reduced rectal bleeding hemorrhoids diagnosed not only for colorectal cancer screening by colonoscopy or recommend a fecal occult blood testing and sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, or failed, after an abnormal result.

Colon cancer: Do not miss the symptoms

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Lung Cancer - One of the most lethal diseases in the world

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a disease of the uninhibited cell growth in lung tissue. This growth can lead to metastasis, the spread to adjacent tissues in the lungs, and soon. It is the most important cause of cancer death in men e. Second most common cancer in women

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most common symptoms of lung cancer:
First nagging chest continues
A second persistent coughing, become heavy
3 Shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness or
Fourth constant problem with pneumonia or bronchitis
Coughing up blood 5
Inflammation of the throat and face 6
7 Loss of appetite or significant weight loss
Depletion 8

Lung Cancer Symptom

Types of lung cancer:

Lung Cancer Symptom

A. small cell lung cancer occurs when malignant cells in lung tissue.
Small lung cancer three different types, classified by types of cells develop as> Cancer. They are:

First small cell carcinoma
Union of 2 small cell and large cell carcinoma.
Common small cell lung cancer third.

These three types can be many types of cells. The cells of each type of cancer can grow and reproduce in different ways.

Stages of small cell lung cancer

Limited Phase - begins in the tissue of lung cancer and adjacent lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structuresnear the lung.

Extensive stage - lung cancer is increased in other parts of the body.
B. Large-small cell lung cancer is a disease in which malignant cells in lung tissue.

Five types of large-small-cell lung

The five types of large-small cell lung cancer are different types of cancer cells multiply. Cancer cells occur in every category andunusual effects:

The first squamous cell carcinoma - Squamous cell cancer begins, thin, flat cells that look of fish scales. This is called squamous cell.
According large cell carcinoma - cancer, in which the cells are large and irregular appear when viewed under a microscope.
3 adenosquamous carcinoma - cancer that begins in cells, cancer cells appear to be solid, when examined under the microscope ..
4 adenocarcinoma - cancergroups starts in glandular activity.
5 undifferentiated carcinoma - cancer cells that do not appear to be normal. They can spread rapidly.


Surgery Surgery is the -. The first drug for lung cancer, the body is usually treated for the lung be opened directly.
The second influence is a common treatment for lung cancer. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells. This storm cells the treated area.

a. External radiation is the most common radiation treatment for people with lung cancer. Radiation from a huge machine outside the body. Especially people in the hospital or clinic for treatment. Treatments are usually 5 days a week for more than a few weeks.

b. Internal radiation is rare. The radiation seeds of a device, or another child to rid the body.

Treatment of small cell lung> Cancer

or chemotherapy - cancer treatment is to use drugs to prevent the growth of cancer cells The drugs are administered either orally or injected into the veins and muscles in order to destroy cancer cells .. These drugs fall into the bloodstream for treatment of tumor cells in the body. When chemotherapy is placed directly into the spinal column, an organ or a body cavity such as the abdomen, the drugs usually have cancer cells in those areas.
or laser therapy - laser is used to destroy cancer cells.

Lung Cancer - One of the most lethal diseases in the world

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Metastatic lung cancer in the liver

Lung Cancer Symptom

Not all types of lung cancer will spread. But if the cancer has spread, there are some areas of the body that it is impossible to leave. To disseminate the most common areas of lung cancer are the lymph nodes, liver, bones and brain. Because cancer tends to spread and metastasize very early, after it was formed, is to treat a very serious cancer, and one of the most complicated cancers.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Symptomsmetastatic lung tumors depend on the location and size. About 30% -40% of patients with lung cancer, a number of symptoms or signs of metastases. Lung cancer metastatic to the liver has no symptoms until the minimum time of diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer can spread locally. It could become one of the walls of the airways, or chest or the lining of the lungs. Specialised in accountAdvanced if you have fluid around the cells of the lung and the liquid. This situation is called a pleural effusion.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Advanced lung cancer (or metastatic) shows that the cancer has begun to spread to the lungs. The cancer can be advanced when first diagnosed. Or can return some time after the first treatment.

Spread of cancer of the liver can cause pain in the right side, just belowThe ribs. Or you feel bad, especially after eating rich foods. A symptom later, jaundice often - the whites of the eyes and skin may appear a bit 'yellow. The doctor can check how your liver is working with a blood test. The most common test is to look at the liver, the abdominal ultrasound.

Metastatic lung cancer in the liver

Lung Cancer Symptom

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