Wednesday, July 6, 2011

You know these five unusual symptoms of lung cancer?

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is one of the causes of death in developed countries and developing countries in recent times. More than a million deaths reported around the world. Smoking is still the main risk factor for lung cancer. Other risk factors or second-hand smoke, asbestos, radon, and genetic mutations. Lung cancer remains one of the quote and still many victims of this deadly> Cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Early diagnosis remains the cornerstone to help people with lung cancer have a longer life expectancy. There are some unusual symptoms of lung cancer you may be aware of to help in early diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Before the shoulder or upper back pain: the back of the shoulder or upper abdominal symptoms of cancer is often caused lung cancer unnoticed pressure on the lining of the lungs.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Swelling of the secondFace and neck: the venous drainage of the upper body is more Venaco. The pressure of the tumor can cause impaired venous and lymphatic drainage, causing swelling of the face and neck.

3 frequent lung infections and other infections of the lung cancer cells can trap bacteria, which leads to frequent lung infections and pneumonia.

4 the development of the male breast: Gynacomastia is the name given to the development of breasts in men. The growth of the breast is due toPresence of estrogen can cause lung cancer and some amount of estrogen to stimulate breast development.

5 hoarseness of voice: The cancer can participate in important organs such as voicemail or nerves of speech and press, leading to hoarseness.

If you know someone who has developed these symptoms, white, and there is the possibility of having lung cancer, and must be supervised by a physician.

You know these five unusual symptoms of lung cancer?

Lung Cancer Symptom

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