Thursday, July 7, 2011

Metastatic lung cancer in the liver

Lung Cancer Symptom

Not all types of lung cancer will spread. But if the cancer has spread, there are some areas of the body that it is impossible to leave. To disseminate the most common areas of lung cancer are the lymph nodes, liver, bones and brain. Because cancer tends to spread and metastasize very early, after it was formed, is to treat a very serious cancer, and one of the most complicated cancers.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Symptomsmetastatic lung tumors depend on the location and size. About 30% -40% of patients with lung cancer, a number of symptoms or signs of metastases. Lung cancer metastatic to the liver has no symptoms until the minimum time of diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer can spread locally. It could become one of the walls of the airways, or chest or the lining of the lungs. Specialised in accountAdvanced if you have fluid around the cells of the lung and the liquid. This situation is called a pleural effusion.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Advanced lung cancer (or metastatic) shows that the cancer has begun to spread to the lungs. The cancer can be advanced when first diagnosed. Or can return some time after the first treatment.

Spread of cancer of the liver can cause pain in the right side, just belowThe ribs. Or you feel bad, especially after eating rich foods. A symptom later, jaundice often - the whites of the eyes and skin may appear a bit 'yellow. The doctor can check how your liver is working with a blood test. The most common test is to look at the liver, the abdominal ultrasound.

Metastatic lung cancer in the liver

Lung Cancer Symptom

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