There are two main types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell cancer (NSCLC). These two species, SCLC represents approximately 20%. It is often called lung cancer because of the appearance of oats oat small cell. SCLC arises when these small cells to grow rapidly and uncontrollably, and finally start malignant (cancer). Because this type of cancer strikes> The lung is the area where the main symptoms. In this article I will discuss three of the most common symptoms of small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer Symptom
Lung Cancer Symptom
1) persistent cough: - If you feel that you have a cough that would not go away, seemed to be a sign of SCLC. Many other symptoms are cough, a sore throat, hoarse, the feeling that itch. However, some cause coughing blood and mucus in the door. Other cough can also lead toPain. You should consult your doctor if you have any type of persistent cough and end in the absence of mucus or blood, should be informed immediately. The cough may be something much less serious, but it can also be a warning for SCLC. Your doctor will be able to perform a series of tests and provide a professional diagnosis.
Lung Cancer Symptom
2) Respiratory - Feeling out of breath for no apparent reason is another symptom of the potential of lung cancer cells by small-May.They often make you tired and listless, while performing everyday tasks such as road. Whether the explosion takes place gradually or suddenly, should be treated with suspicion. If you notice, always short of breath for no logical reason that you go to your doctor and explain your concerns. You will be able to identify the cause of his shortness of breath and see if it is tied to the CSCC.
Lung Cancer Symptom
3) Chest pain - Chest pain is verysevere symptoms, the CSCC are a number of conditions, including. Chest pain can be caused by coughing or deep breathing. However, you can also try constant pain or spontaneous in the chest. Any type of chest pain should be treated with extreme caution and you should see your doctor, you go. You can then perform a series of tests to determine the cause.
Many of the symptoms of small cell lung cancer are related to the chest.Although the symptoms listed above are not exclusive of the SCLC, usually serve as an early warning sign. If any of the symptoms discussed above should be deleted, talk to your doctor. You will be able to investigate any suspected or spontaneous pain in the chest cough and see if they are connected SCLC. This type of cancer is curable in the early stages as potential useful work from the early symptoms and getDoctor.
Even if the intention was made in this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only.-Small cell lung cancer is a very serious problem, condition of life and you should discuss the concerns of many changes, treatment or style Life with your doctor.
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