Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

In approximately 25% of people with lung cancer, there are no symptoms and the cancer is detected during screening or a routine physical examination. However, in three-quarters of lung cancer patients there are warning symptoms and signs that can alert the patient or their physician.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Most commonly, lung cancer patients experience respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness and a persistent cough. These symptoms are very common in smokers, and are also a number of other diseases such as asthma, emphysema and lung infection. A new cough should always be evaluated as it may be a symptom of lung cancer. Lung cancer can spread to the chest so the chest, shoulder and back of your. If cancer cells erode lung blood vessels, the patient may vomit blood. There may be othergeneralized effects that occur with most cancers, such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As you develop lung cancer, increasingly undermines the normal functioning of the affected lung. Secondary complications can occur, such as the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lining of the lungs (pleural effusion), lung collapse, obstruction, and lung respiratory infections. Lung cancer can spread or metastasizeother parts of the body, including lymph nodes, bones, liver and brain. Bone pain and abnormal liver or brain function can cause.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean that early diagnosis of the disease and the presence of nonspecific symptoms can often go unnoticed within. These two factors contribute to the fact that only about 15 percent of patients diagnosed with early-stage lung disease. The future of lung canceris diagnosed, the less effective treatment options. Delays in the diagnosis of lung cancer, which means a survival rate of only 15 per cent in five years after diagnosis.

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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