Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mesothelioma: what it is, its causes and treatments

Lung Cancer Symptom

What is mesothelioma what he does, and how is mesothelioma treated? Mesothelioma is actually a form of cancer that begins in the mesothelial lining of the heart, lungs, or stomach. Mesothelioma is a rare tumor most commonly the lungs and is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is made up of tiny fibers that are commonly used to produce insulation in homes, schools and other buildings.

Lung Cancer Symptom


Lung Cancer Symptom

In addition,for mesothelioma, asbestos is the threat of arbitrary diagnosis of lung cancer, the risks that others can also often attributed to smoking o. Asbestosis, a disease of the lung tumor is not the result of the constant production of asbestos and other types of cancer is one of the larynx (throat) and kidneys.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Abdominal or peritoneal mesothelioma occurs frequently in people with a description of extreme and frequent contact with asbestoswhich usually developed asbestosis. This means that pleural mesothelioma occurs frequently in people exposed to low frequency of these fibers and did not develop in early asbestosis.

A number of symptoms of mesothelioma can take years to appear and vague in nature. Many of these warning signs are up-aging and may be used against misdiagnosis. So if you or someone you know, have a known risk of asbestos and signs ofpersistent pulmonary complaint, you should definitely see a doctor and have it in your little secret. Once again, real danger here, the symptoms are very similar to those of aging, and many of us are probably difficult to ignore, and signs or symptoms appear threatening. This brings us to the next topic.


diagnosis of mesothelioma in early stages is often very difficult becauseThere are various conditions to produce similar symptoms. What are the signs of a gradual Mesothelioma? Many people with mesothelioma complaining of shortness of breath and chest tenderness - especially under the ribs, but other signs and symptoms may include:

- The pain at the site of origin

- Difficulty in swallowing

- Inflammation of the throat with facial

- Weight loss, cough

- Respiratory tract infections

- Negative digestiveand / or bowel problems

- Chest pain (which is an accumulation of fluid and sometimes a reference to pleural mesothelioma)

Your doctor should perform an X-ray or magnetic resonance for anyone who established contact with asbestos in these indicators. -According to the results of your x-rays of your indicators, your doctor MDCT is usually an MRI to determine if there is growth, scanning aMesothelioma. Also note that the shortness of breath and chest pain are due to increased fluid in the pleura, sometimes indicators of mesothelioma, but signs of peritoneal mesothelioma are weight loss and abdominal pain, add the following accumulation of fluid in 'abdomen edema include others. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma can:

- Intestinal obstruction,

- Abnormalities of blood coagulation

- Anemia (anemia)


These conditions could be the result of a serious or less followed mesothelioma asbestos cancer and the fact that the symptoms of mesothelioma usually occur several years after exposure.

A dependent peritoneal or pleural organic cause (s), the liquid can seep into surrounding areas, like the space inside the chest and may have symptoms similar to congestiveDefault. (Swelling, swollen limbs, obesity), the symptoms slowly rise to the most sensitive to the call of the doctor patient intercession. With the worsening of the disease has caused the first signs are usually vague and tenderness in the chest, shortness of breath, but less common than cough.

Okay, you might think, if I - What is the treatment? This is a useful question, but may be subject to the responsesthe growth phase of the disease. Early diagnosis of cancer can lead anticancer drug treatments, including chemotherapy and subsequent stages, treatment may also use this intervention in addition to radiation. Therefore, the scenario goes like this - the medical diagnosis is made ​​after a physician (usually a biopsy of the kind), which will probably send an oncologist (cancer specialist) special close to the next. The doctor is the best treatment for yourSituation. It may not be such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy may shrink the tumor. On the other hand, can be a surgical procedure with the other two. Only a doctor can tell. It boils down to this: just been diagnosed with a terminal cancer of Art, you have a choice in this case, you can do better, and for some time. All these risks are likely. And you can still die of their disease - What do you thinkYou want to do?

Mesothelioma: what it is, its causes and treatments

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Lung cancer - know the symptoms before it's too late

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world exist today. The irony is that the majority of lung cancer from smoking self inflicted problem. Like all diseases, and especially with a form of cancer is running in order to recognize the disease as soon as possible to treat some potential to increase survival. But when the symptoms of the disease is likely to be sensitive to its advanced stage. But if 'The symptoms are recognized early enough to get your best chance.

Lung Cancer Symptom

One of the clearest symptoms of lung cancer, hemoptysis, or coughing up blood. This is a clear warning signal to your doctor immediately for a study visit, especially if you're a regular smoker for over 40 years. In some cases, the first symptoms of the body, causing secondary tumors in other parts of.

Lung Cancer Symptom

If you are a heavy smoker and the health of yourLungs, then the following list describes the most common symptoms that may indicate lung cancer:

Lung Cancer Symptom

• constant chest pain
• Excessive fatigue
• Lack of wheezing and chest
• Chronic cough
• weight loss through appetite
• High temperatures
• shortness of breath, palpitations or seizures;

These symptoms may or may not be directly linked to lung cancer as a cause can beanother condition with similar symptoms, such as pneumonia or pleurisy. The only way to be clear is that this visit to your doctor. You can see these symptoms in the past could have worked in chemicals to the environment that may have caused, may have been exposed in one.

During the physical examination by their physician to receive detailed questions are asked about your history, lifestyle and medical nutrition. If you have a cough that continuing education is a large amount ofMucus can take your doctor a buffer from the mucosa. This is another test used to detect whether there are cancer cells. Your physical examination may also be part of a radiograph of the chest area to see if there's a shadow on the lungs.
Other tests may involve the use of a lung scan for a thorough examination of your own. This is useful for identifying small tumors that can not be recognized by radiography. If lung cancerdiagnosed likely will be sent to a specialist for further investigation. This will determine whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. These tests may include the determination of an MRI examination of any changes in your health and determine the appropriate treatment.

Lung cancer - know the symptoms before it's too late

Lung Cancer Symptom

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the prognosis of lung cancer - signs and symptoms, you must notify

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of lung cancer are similar to those of other diseases that often makes it difficult to diagnose lung cancer until it has progressed to an advanced stage of creating a. The fact that 25 percent of people with lung cancer may have no symptoms until it further increases the difficulty of obtaining an early diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

On physical examination, your doctor will consider factors such as age, occupation and familyThe history to better understand how the background affects the risk of patient symptoms attributable to lung cancer or a common disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

During a 60-year history of smoking for four decades, smoking is the most likely candidate for lung cancer, a woman of 18 with no history is much less likely that disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Usually, the first visible signs of the disease is a recurring themeCough, in which case it is a primary symptom of eighty percent. This is commonly called "smoker's cough" because it is so common among smokers. The nerve endings in the airways of the body attempts to eliminate the smoke foreigners, such as construction, on the cells of lung cancer and therefore the success of the lungs' s self-regulatory mechanism. If a patient is diagnosed with lung cancer and has never shown the smoker's cough, theyprobably with a tumor in a lower gear, making it less susceptible to external stimuli.

Coughing up blood is the second most common symptom and is caused by bleeding from the tumor size as it rises and the patient with blood stained mucus markets. blood in the sputum notables should warrant a check-up at the doctor as soon as possible to the cause of the problem identified.

The third symptom is wheezing, resulting in constipationairway tumor growth. A sigh is heard with the naked ear, while gasping at times, can be detected by the doctor with a stethoscope, as the breathing of the patient.

Despite the latest treatment protocols, generally the prognosis of lung cancer survival is rather low. Fair positive diagnosis is only possible if the tumor is already advanced in scope.

If one ofsymptoms of a loved one have been noticed by you or is important to get an appointment with your doctor early will greatly contribute to your ability.

the prognosis of lung cancer - signs and symptoms, you must notify

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The various types of mesothelioma

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma, said exposure to asbestos caused by a tumor or cancer of the mesothelium is or bags to protect vital organs throughout the body. Malignant mesothelioma affects the lining of cells that behave in an abnormal. There are different types of mesothelioma.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Pleural Mesothelioma

Lung Cancer Symptom

In this case, pleura, or the protective lining and cavity of lung cancer is affected by. This damage isAccumulation of fluid between the lung lining and chest, which creates enormous problems for the patient. Some of the most common symptoms of this form of the disease include coughing up blood, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, coughing, shortness of breath constantly, fever and weight loss. The structure of the liquid is generally referred to as pleural effusion.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Although progress has been made, there is currently no cure for this disease.However, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is like any other patient. Its distribution is also characterized by swelling of the patient's neck and face areas. Dyspnea, lung is characterized by shortness of breath and the failure is another symptom.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma

In this way, the peritoneum, the lining of the abdomen is touched by cancer. This type of cancer is onlyexposure to asbestos fibers that are not removed from the body very easily. The peritoneal membrane, such as the pleura produces a fluid that helps to reduce friction and assist movement of the largest organs in the abdominal part of the body. Asbestos in the environment lead to chronic inflammation caused by fibrosis that hinder the results of the operation wounds and calcification of the peritoneum and tumor cells they produce. The most common symptoms of this form isShortness of breath, cough, weight loss and fatigue, anemia, abdominal pain, swelling of the abdomen with fluid retention in the tumor cell growth and digestive disorders.

One of the main causes of this disease is that the incidence of symptoms is not possible in the body to be diagnosed at an early stage due to cancer or a tumor grows to dangerous levels. Doctors can examine and diagnose this cancer by listeningBreath sounds may be areas of pleural effusion in lung or other restrictions. Another way is to listen to the sounds of voices, and to compare the sound of both the thoracic cavity and the fluid is most likely built. A crash could knock knock on his chest, the presence of liquid to the doctor.

Pericardial Mesothelioma

This is one of the rarest forms of the disease in which cancer of malignant mesotheliomaaffects the heart cavity with the surrounding area. The resulting symptoms are palpitations, shortness of breath, cough and chest pain constant. Patients with respiratory problems and the doctor said explicitly that his or asbestos, it was necessary to guess the symptoms of the disease caused by them.

The various types of mesothelioma

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lung Cancer Awareness in November

Lung Cancer Symptom

The awareness of the devastating effects of lung cancer is very important. The gradual increase in the form of the disease is an alarming situation which can then become a big problem. Although different treatment by doctors for patients who are offered them, prevention is better than cure, one day. One technique to prevent the most important can be taken home. Its outreach program is still useful for people to learn about the causes, The signs and symptoms of the disease behind. It also helps to fight.

Lung Cancer Symptom

November is celebrated as Black History Month Lung Cancer Awareness Month. People are aware in the months to defend themselves against disease and as the main reasons. Smoking is the main cause of the disease. 50% of cancer patients are likely to be a smoker of 10% to 15% is considered non-smokers. The opportunity> Cancer is 01:13 for men and women, the ratio of 1:16. The awareness of the disease should be conducted on a large scale.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The symptoms of these disorders are chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing blood, weight loss, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing or ingestion of food. These are the main symptoms that must be seen by the medical follow-up after. People must be aware of the symptoms. As soon as symptoms are recognized,increase the chances of survival even more.

Lung Cancer Symptom

This awareness program includes the stages of the disease in question. It has four main types of passes. Each level has changed his own critical and the method of treatment in each phase. The last step is the most important and is described as a step without hope. The possibilities for recovery of the patient, at least at this time.

The proposed treatment in lung cancer cell measures include awareness of the surgery andDiagnosis of the party. This program of disclosure and provides various options in the form of information on all the factors of the disease. The diagnosis and surgery are the most common forms of treatment. In addition to this, chemotherapy and radiotherapy used in some critical cases.

The awareness of lung cancer cells or measures of the program have always contributed to the disease a person to understand the key concepts involved and helped eradicate the disease in different forms. Each year, theNovember as an aspect of the experience people are willing to fight against cancer, lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Awareness in November

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Effects of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is often incurable disease, which is usually a byproduct of tobacco. The diagnosis of lung cancer can be devastating for anyone. This includes the pain and anxiety of patients and their friends and family.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Affects small-cell lung and surrounding regions, organs are the lymph nodes and surrounding areas.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, the best methodPrevention is the fight against smoking as soon as possible. But sometimes it is not enough to stop. The cancer can also smoke on the second. The good news is that in many countries is now illegal to smoke in public places. This greatly reduces the chances of breathing secondhand smoke. But we must also take care whenever you spend a lot of friends, smokers should be limited.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Treatment options often include chemotherapy, which is not a very attractive option. Radiation Another possible treatment, but it is equally interesting. There are alternative treatments. These generally include hypnosis or alternative medicine. It 's important to research all this, as is sometimes the worst, then you can perform well.

Often, the symptoms are difficult to detect. But if caught early, it might be too late to save the victims. One of the most common symptoms and the oldest> Lung cancer is coughing up blood. If this is done, you should begin to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is able to determine whether tumors are present. The most important thing is to take these symptoms start to finish, before it is too.

Effects of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Causes and symptoms of esophageal cancer mesothelioma cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

mesothelioma, esophageal cancer occurs in about 11 000 Americans each year. This is less than 1% of all cancers. However, the incidence of esophageal cancer is increasing.

Lung Cancer Symptom

esophageal cancer can grow anywhere. It may be in nearby lymph nodes, trachea and major blood vessels in the chest, and other surrounding organs. Treatment of mesothelioma cancer of the esophagus depends on a number of factors, including preciseLocation, size, scope and nature of cancer cells. It 'also important to verify a treatment plan for the overall health of every patient needs to develop fitness, and age.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Causes of esophageal cancer mesothelioma cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

mesothelioma, esophageal cancer occurs in the larynx (larynx) and oropharynx that the mouth is a part of the neck on the back simply offer exposure to asbestos causes cancer of the larynx. E 'The evidence to prove this time that asbestos causes cancer of the throat.

Tumors of the

squamous cell carcinomas occur in cells lining the esophagus. adenocarcinomas propagation occurs in the glandular tissue in the lower esophagus and can spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of esophageal cancer mesothelioma cancer

Difficulty swallowing, a feeling of fullness,Pressure or burning of food decreases the esophagus to get a feeling of food stuck behind the breastbone.

Diagnostic Methods

Esophagus (barium), is a series of x-ray of the esophagus. To prepare for this test, the patient drinks a barium solution. Barium occurs in X-rays, coats for a better look inside the esophagus. Esophagoscopy is a thin, flexible, lighted instrument (endoscope) that crossed theMouth and throat into the esophagus down to see where it ends the esophagus to the stomach. A biopsy is a sampling of a small amount of tissue through the endoscope for cancer-test for the presence of.


The nature of the tumor is primarily evaluated by computed tomography of the chest. The scan will show whether the cancer has gone into the trachea (windpipe) and large blood vessels or lymph nodes.

Esophageal ultrasound is similar to esophagoscopy, but with theIn addition to developing an integrated ultrasound.

PET can be used to evaluate esophageal cancer as well.

Treatmen t esophageal cancer mesothelioma

The treatment of esophageal cancer depends on several factors, including the exact location size, scope and nature of cancer cells. The doctor also considers the patient's age and overall health, and develop the best treatment plan.

Surgical resection(Distance) tumor is the preferred treatment. Recently, surgeons have less invasive surgery to remove cancer of the esophagus.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are often used in combination with surgery or another.

Several options are available, including laser treatment, stenting, or photodynamic cancer therapy. For most patients can eat their ability to be restored in a satisfactory way with these procedures.

Amultidisciplinary team: gastroenterologist, surgeons, oncologists (cancer specialists), radiation oncologist, nurse, dietitian and social worker to join facilitate the care and outpatient treatment.

Causes and symptoms of esophageal cancer mesothelioma cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a deadly disease, decreased lung function. It can spread to other parts of the body, if not diagnosed early. It 'hard to recognize the symptoms below, if you recognize certain symptoms occur, too. Chronic cough is the main symptom of lung cancer. Patients may also develop in order to cough blood. It 's a sure sign that something is wrong if the blood coughing. You should ask for medicalAttention as soon as possible.

Lung Cancer Symptom

You should also make sure if you were a smoker, or current smokers and began to cough as you have not coughed in the past. Cough all the time may be an early sign of lung cancer, especially when he coughed blood. You should also note that if you have pain and pain when breathing or coughing are. Almost all patients who have difficulty in breathing cancer. Patients may feel she can not breathe, or are always short of breath do little physical activity.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The condition is the block in the lungs or lung fluid, the start of construction is necessary to be aware of the loss of appetite, because they are the symptoms of cancer. You should talk to your doctor immediately if your appetite for a period lifted, and there is a weight loss.

Lung Cancer Symptom

constant fatigue is a symptom of lung cancer > Cancer, but it could also be caused by stress, overwork or other causes, such as symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Just go talk to your doctor about what the problem before the symptoms, although this diagnosis have.

patients with lung cancer often causes pneumonia and bronchitis, recurrent inflammation of the lungs and sometimes due to accumulation of fluid. Your doctor can detect lung cancer at the base> The symptoms using a scan of the chest radiograph and lung cancer in the lungs to confirm if this is a problem.

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Friday, March 25, 2011

The first lung increases the survival rate of cancer diagnosis

Lung Cancer Symptom

Although it is a state of fear that no one wants to talk, all cancer patients and families want to know their chances of survival of the lung. It 's the point of view and its importance on a staff emotionally important medical knowledge. Most people prefer the survival statistics difficult, even though they recognize that every patient is different and every cancer cell is unpredictable.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first and most important criterion is theStage where cancer exists in the patient's body at the time of diagnosis. Has developed in other parts of the body, especially the brain, the chances of a full or partial recovery is extremely poor. Even with aggressive treatment, surviving lung is delayed a daunting task for anyone.

Lung Cancer Symptom

An important factor which also influences the survival rate of the overall health and medical history. The doctors are very concerneda number of conditions the patient may have cancer could help disseminate. If the patient is already symptomatic, symptoms such as cough and breathing difficulties, where the cancer is advanced and reduced survival. In addition to the best possible treatment, it is important to keep in shape physically and mentally. Winning the fight against cancer is a challenge even for a patient in goodCondition. Keep a good attitude and stay as healthy as possible for the success of medical treatment in the foreground.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Approximately 16% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer is still localized tumors. This means that it will spread to most parts of the body. This is the best diagnosis, means that the chances of survival of the patients are quite high. It 'important that about 37% of those who are white with a diagnosisLung cancer in advanced stage where the cancer has spread to the lymph node status and other parts of the body, complications, and survival rates significantly reduced.

greater number of patients, about 39 percent, are diagnosed with cancer after the cancer had spread over a step to the elements away from the body at a distance, the so-called. He metastases and no longer limits theLungs. When this happens, treatment options are extremely limited, and sometimes the treatment is the total despair of discouraged because the situation.

In the years between 1995 and 2002 was an earlier study of the survival rate of five years was diagnosed with lung cancer was. The study concluded that about 17 percent of white women who have survived for 10 percent of men and blacks almost 15 percent of black women. Althoughinteresting and useful for physicians and scientists for the treatment of lung cancer, the survival of cancer in general, depends on a number of different factors that have a statistical sense!

Most cases of lung cancer are diagnosed before symptoms of the patients! Early detection and diagnosis is always the exception of doctors of cancer. Anyone with a history of breast cancer in their families the possibility of exposureAsbestos, heavy users of tobacco products, etc. must be monitored regularly by medical specialists known cancer.

The first lung increases the survival rate of cancer diagnosis

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Warning signs of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Warning signs of lung cancer can be easily detected by the patient once that occurs. This caution anyone notice he or she might have the disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Some important signs of lung cancer are hoarseness, shortness of breath, weight loss and loss of appetite, chronic cough, expectoration of blood, infection, pain is recurrent and chest. And 'we recommend that you consult a doctor immediately when two or more warning signsexperts.

Lung Cancer Symptom


Lung Cancer Symptom

A change of voice, which is considered an abnormal change is called hoarseness. A major cause of hoarseness is smoking. In a person who is hoarse, husky voice that is, of course, changes in tone or volume, breathy, and strained. Normally, changes are required to vote for diseases of the larynx or voice box. When there are bumps, swelling, or aberrations, prevents the vibration causes voicePitch, volume and change in voice quality.


Dyspnea, or other words that the brevity of the difficult feelings of breathlessness, the disproportionate nature of physical activity contributes to a person. It is a symptom that many diseases can be fatal, is caused by. In lung cancer, shortness of breath and airway obstruction with infection, inhalation of foreign body or irritationBleeding.

Weight loss from anorexia

Anorexia is an eating disorder that can lead to significant weight loss. A person with anorexia due to lung cancer is usually unexpectedly, because of the pain and discomfort caused by. In anorexia due to lung cancer, a person has lost his appetite or induce him to eat less to him than the usual amount requested, or the condition of normal body temperature. Because the consumer did not want individual resultsextreme weight loss and an unbalanced diet.

Chronic cough

This is a type of cough that lasts more than two weeks. Worse still is the type of cough which is not far away and is generally not easily resolved with medication and cough drops. As chronic cough is annoying, is considered one of the reasons why people considered immediately consult your doctor. However, the most common cause of coughing, smoking or chronic inhalation of tobacco smoke.

Bloody Spit

Sputum, otherwise known as spit, can cause bleeding due to injury to, 'lips of the mouth, trachea and tubes of the respiratory system. The determination of bleeding is able to get the appropriate assistance needed to identify important. Some blood may also come from vomiting, coughing, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding gums and other symptoms.

Chest pain

Cough, recurrentThe symptoms> are more susceptible to chronic pain can be expected in the chest by the onset of coughing episodes. Chest pain can be localized or may migrate to become The intensity of lung cancer. The pain can manifest itself in available by squeezing, crushing pain and chest of a person, which lasts for about a minute or so when the person coughs.

Most of these signs are dangerous enough to kill them. Therefore,Currently, we are learning more than one of these warning signs of lung cancer, you should consult your doctor immediately.

Warning signs of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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For the successful treatment of lung cancer diagnosis

Lung Cancer Symptom

Before treating a disease, you first need to diagnose and, in the case of lung cancer, many tools are available to help in the diagnosis of the disease. Once the diagnosis has been completed in lung cancer, will be given the option to choose an effective treatment - "staging". This is called a

Lung Cancer Symptom

It is usually the case in which a patient finds a mistake after a routine X-rayCheck-up or following symptoms consult a physician their lead. Typical symptoms are a persistent cough or blood products during cough, but it is important to remember that causes lung cancer apart from the others, the symptoms may occur.

Lung Cancer Symptom

To confirm that this is an error, the team doctor for some or all of the following diagnostic techniques:

Lung Cancer Symptom

TC - TC is calculated forCT uses X-rays to provide a detailed picture of your anatomy. There is no surgery involved and the procedure is completely painless.

PET - PET stands for positron emission Positive "and is another non-invasive diagnostic tool that provides a detailed description of events and information about whether malignant or cancerous in terms of energy. Medical tumors using far show a high metabolic activity and requires a lot of food in the form of sugar. By injecting the patient with a glucose solution that is laced with radioactive labels a soft, PET must be marked in a position where the glucose solution was concentrated - which provides an overview of the degree of abnormality, and how the lungs are usually air (metabolism does not), offers a precise location of the tumor. You should be aware that a positive result from a PET scan is not conclusive proof of> Cancer, because other conditions can produce fabrics show high metabolic activity, which are made ​​of PET, for example, inflammation of the lungs.

Bronchoscopy - tissue samples or samples of large airways can be taken with a camera and optical fibers with the insertion of a tube. The tube is either inserted into the nose or mouth and can easily be uncomfortable for the patient, but does not require surgery. Tissue samples are collected can then be examined inpathology laboratory to confirm or rule out cancer.

August biopsy - using a scanner designed for abnormalities of the vast area of the lungs and surgical needle into the affected area to remove a tissue sample. The patient sample can be retested to confirm or exclude the presence of cancer.

surgical biopsy - if the difference is small or in an inaccessible part of the lung, then a biopsy may not be appropriate andSurgery may be necessary. The surgeon makes two small incisions and instruments capable of specialists is to remove the fabric of a portion of the lung that are affected. The sample is then analyzed to confirm the diagnosis.

For the successful treatment of lung cancer diagnosis

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

lung cancer mesothelioma asbestos damage if swallowed

Lung Cancer Symptom

Asbestos called mesothelioma lung cancer. This is a dangerous disease, though rare, is problematic for several reasons. On the one hand, the first symptoms of mesothelioma are those whose age, the elderly, especially in the context of other, less threatening problems, including asthma, and the shape. For this reason, while only 3,000 cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year, one can assume that some fatal cases of seemingly harmless> Lung diseases were in fact misdiagnosed cases of mesothelioma.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The cause of mesothelioma is the introduction of small asbestos fibers in the lungs of an individual through inhalation. Asbestos is a fire-resistant fiber material that has been used frequently in recent decades for fire protection. The fibrous nature of the material that causes the bits and pieces easily in the air are almost invisible to the naked eye. Who inhaleRaw fibers to develop a problem called asbestosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Asbestosis is the development of small scars in the lungs of asbestos fibers. This scar tissue due to breathing difficulties and given time can be completely blocked most of the lung airways. However, if counter-measures are not due to asbestosis a severe lung disease called mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer tumors in the lungs. The lung and breastCavity in general develop a surplus of liquid through the failed attempt of the body of these tumors and foreign bodies (asbestos fibers) to fight.

Lung Cancer Symptom


The first symptoms of lung problems Asbestos is a hard, rattling breathing often associated with smoking. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, shallow breathing, and decreased physical endurance. Since these symptoms are often found in smokers andIt 'been a misconception that asbestosis was already considered to be caused by smoking filtered cigarettes. Recent studies show that this is not the case - that smoking is not healthy, but only two, while the same symptoms that are not.

If the measures against, are not developed asbestosis, mesothelioma, symptoms worsen, sudden chest pain, more difficulty in breathing, and even a "spill-over" feeling when I breathe, the experiences of peoplein severe coughing when the lungs fill with mucus temporary. Symptom is easily explained as a case of fever or cough, and can be easily misunderstood.

In all cases, the only real way to determine whether a person is subject to X-ray asbestosis or mesothelioma. X-ray scans, the presence of asbestos fiber induced scar tissue, or tumor formation in the lung. Without X-ray there is no sure way to determine thePresence of asbestos in the lungs.


Effects of asbestosis and mesothelioma are ultimately fatal if left unchecked. Pulmonary embolism, a condition where the lungs to breathe and not limited formation of blood clots, but also sends these clots in the blood and can cause cardiac arrest is a major cause of death in the inhalation of asbestos.

Deposits of fluid in the lungs, breast, and breastfeeding isMesothelioma is most common cause of death, because this liquid can literally fill the lungs person, full or limited breathing at the end may also cause cardiac arrest. Mesothelioma Lung cancer can also control the growth after a person eats regular lungs, like a cancer, can cause serious injury or bleeding in the chest cavity that causes internal.


Regular lung surgery can be used to treatthe first cases of asbestosis, a condition that did not develop tumors. The survival rate is about on par with regular operations, so at this early stage, people can be treated safely. If, however, have developed asbestosis, mesothelioma, hears regularly the performance of an option, since the average life expectancy of a patient after surgery is only 5 years. Chemotherapy and surgical laser designed for cancer are the most effective medicalThe methods used together to treat tumors of the mesothelioma.

Tips to prevent security /

One thing about asbestosis and mesothelioma is that symptoms occur only between 20 and 50 years after inhalation of fibers, depending on the capacity of the person and the amount of asbestos inhaled ever. Therefore, to respond to early signs of possible X-rays to determine the problems are that age or less.

Wear a protective mask with air filters when working with asbestos in an areais a must to prevent asbestosis and mesothelioma. This includes not only the workers exposed to industrial materials laced with asbestos, but also to civilians who travel through construction and demolition waste, where are the old houses. The reason why some houses and buildings in 1970 and 1980 covers including asbestos was built as part of the materials in an attempt to protect against fire.

lung cancer mesothelioma asbestos damage if swallowed

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The first symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

The most common symptoms of lung cancer are chronic cough, shortness of breath gets worse, weight loss, constant chest pain and spitting blood. Coughing up blood can be a symptom of onset. At this stage, the patient can be cured. Smokers are more than 40 years should consult a doctor immediately if blood is present with a cough.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Most people ignore the symptoms of lung cancer and are diagnosed late. Over 50% of patientstoo advanced for treatment. Another lung disease that has symptoms similar lung COPD is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is also known as a smoker. The diagnosis of lung disease sometimes can lose both the similarities. Among patients with COPD, only a hundred will develop cancer 1:59.

Lung Cancer Symptom

An x-ray shows a tumor is necessary to diagnose lung cancer positive, unfortunately, when a tumoris large enough to fit on a radiograph, it is generally perceived as too late. The biopsy is obtained with a needle, a sample for laboratory analysis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

small cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are three common forms of lung cancer. It 's very important for the correct diagnosis is made ​​early on. The treatment of each type is different.

Small lung cancer chemotherapy is the treatment. You should see an oncologist for treatment.small cell lung can not be treated with radiotherapy. In about 20% of patients undergoing surgery may be the only action possible. Surgery is performed only if it is possible to completely remove the tumor.

With medical advances, we are in a day, lung cancer does not end tragically. About 10% of patients treated for lung cancer rates are the best way is to increase early diagnosis.

The first symptoms of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Lung Cancer - Symptoms and Treatment

Lung Cancer Symptom

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by cell growth control. Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells occurs when that begins in one or both lungs. The lungs are two spongy organs in large Chest cavity. Breathed into the trachea and down two tubes called bronchi, each going to a lung. Lung cancer is more common in adults aged between 40 and 70 years, has smoked cigarettesat least 20 years.

Lung Cancer Symptom

More than 1,400 Victorians are diagnosed each year. Only 2% of cancers diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to other parts of the body are still alive five years after diagnosis, although the survival rate of early diagnosis are very high, with approximately 49% survive five years or more.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are several types of lung cancer cells that are affected. The two main types are:

Lung Cancer Symptom

1.Small cell carcinoma
About 15 percent are small cell carcinomas. This type of cancer spreads early and shows few symptoms at first.

2. Non-small cell lung cancer
These cancers affect the cells lining the bronchi.

Some tumors are metastatic tumors in other parts of the body. The lungs are a common site for metastasis. Since lung cancer tends to spread or metastasis early in its course, it is very and one of the most difficult cancers to treat life-threatening cancer. Although the spread of lung cancer, an organ of the body.

The symptoms are different depending on the location and extent of the tumor. Warning signs of lung cancer is present or not always easy to identify. Lung cancer symptoms can take years to appear, usually after the phase of the disease is advanced.

Below is the followingThe symptoms> of lung cancer are:

1. Chest pain or shoulder back a cough

2. A cough that does not go away or gets worse over time

3. Shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing

4. recurrent respiratory infections or pneumonia

5. Wheezing or hoarseness can indicate the block

6. Unexplained weight loss

Lung cancer is divided into several phases according to its spread. This helps doctors decide on appropriate treatment. L ' characteristics of treatment depend on the type of cancer, age, health, and additional staff. Since there is usually no one treatment for cancer, patients often receive a combination of therapies and palliative care. More than one type of treatment may be prescribed.

Although diagnostic techniques have provided important information to extract the cancer cells and research under the microscope is the only way to definitely diagnose lung Cancer>. This procedure is called a biopsy. If the biopsy confirmed cancer, a pathologist to determine if it is small cell or non-small cell.

Small cell lung cancer has two stages, that is:

1. During the action, there is a tumor in one lung and nearby lymph nodes.

2. sophisticated phase, a tumor in the body of infected lungs and other organs to others in Germany.

For lung cancer non-small cell > Cancer, marked these stages I to IV. Lower numbers indicate the early stages when the cancer has spread below:

1. Phase I is when the cancer of the lymph nodes, one lung and no.

2. Phase II is when the infected lung cancer has spread to the lymph nodes around.

3. Phase III is when the cancer has spread and infected lymph nodes around the trachea, the diaphragm of the chest wall on the same side of the > Leng.

4. Stage IV is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the neck or in the other lung.

5. Stage IV is when the cancer has spread to the lungs and the rest of the body and other parts.

As with most cancers, the results are better when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage of their own. However, some types of lung cancer are not diagnosed until they have made ​​great progress. The treatment can be limited by easingSymptoms>. Treatment decisions depend on the SCLC or NSCLC. Treatment options are:

1. Chemotherapy is an anti-cancer drugs are administered to prevent cancer cells from multiplying. This treatment is more effective for small cell carcinoma.

2. Surgery to remove the affected lung or an entire lung. This provides the best chance of cure if the cancer does not spread to the lungs.

3. The X-ray radiationkill cancer cells and the target. It can be used for lung cancer at an early stage and others to stop cancer spread to lymph nodes.

4. The targeted therapy is the use of small molecules, often in the form of tablets, which can be used after chemotherapy.

5. Clinical studies, participation in a clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new drugs are no polls available.

Tumors that are closely related to certain behaviors are more easilyto prevent. If you are a current user of tobacco, stop smoking can greatly reduce the risk of cancer. The most important measure of prevention can stop smoking. Many products such as nicotine gum, nicotine spray, successfully used the nicotine inhaler for those trying to quit smoking to help.

There are often a cause of lung cancer:

1. A person who has more than one pack of cigarettes cigarettes a day is a risk 20-25 times greater than thatsomeone who has never smoked.

2. Cigar and pipe smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, but not as much as smoking cigarettes.

3. Asbestos fibers are silicate fibers that can take asbestos, a life in lung tissue after exposure. The workplace is a common source of exposure to asbestos fibers.

4. Radon is chemically inert, natural gas, a product of natural decay of uranium. With an estimated 12% of deaths due to radonGaz.

5. , Industrial pollution of air vehicles and power plants, individuals may increase the risk of lung cancer among those exposed

screening techniques have been developed to available sources of cancer at an early stage, when treatment options and more. The tumor was detected in the final stages of spreading and are more difficult to treat. Possible screening test for lung cancer include the analysis of sputum cellsFiber optic examination of low-dose spiral CT of bronchial and scans.

cancer and cancer treatments a person may feel too tired to exercise. However, studies show that physical activity may promote cancer, the energy levels of a person.

Regular exercise improves the function of the immune system and can increase survival rates in some cases. Aim for five to 20 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. But do not exercisewithout the knowledge of your doctor and the support it can be dangerous because the exercise inappropriate.

Learn more about cancer here, the treatment of cancer

Lung Cancer - Symptoms and Treatment

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a deadly disease that costs the lives of very many people each year. Cancer is a deadly disease because it shows almost no symptoms in the early stages. The victim, the victim once they know they are not affected by this deadly disease of cancer. It 'so important to diagnose lung cancer at an early stage to get rid of. Although it is difficult to prevent the disease, but initial symptoms may becaptured, preventing it from development. We talk about the various symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage to help in diagnosis is a.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptom of lung cancer is breathing low. The person concerned is a cancer of the lung and breathing soon encounter this problem called dyspnea, da. Blood coughing is another symptom of lung cancer and is medically known as hemoptysis, da. These symptoms are usually associated with vomiting, vomiting blood. Cancer warning tried other pain when you cough. Any change in the style of cough can sign or symptom of lung cancer. The symptoms such as rapid weight loss, fatigue and do not feel like eating cancer of all types of food are just some of the main symptoms of lung cancer. No one is suffering from lung cancer> The cancer may also experience chest pain.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are other symptoms of cancer in general show, however, patients may come in a few. These symptoms are hoarseness in the language and tone of voice changes. In medical term for hoarseness and cachexia known. There is a strong indication for lung cancer. The patient suffers from pain of lung cancer in swallowing solid food stuff. The victims suffer from swellingFace and neck. Neck swelling occurs due to blockage in the lymph nodes and the face is due to the blockage in the main blood vessel. Other symptoms of finger clubbing of fingers or irregularities lung cancer. This symptom is very rare, but cancer is an important symptom. Shoulder pain can also be a symptom of lung cancer. Bones aching muscles, and weakness of the trialThe eyelids are rare symptoms of lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are other symptoms of certain cancers occur because of the hormones secreted by the lungs. These symptoms are an extension of the eyes, numbness in the body, particularly hands, fingers and legs. Aspect of music in different areas of the skin is another symptom of a rare lung cancer. Lancing pain in the abdominal area is another symptom.Breast enlargement in men is a rare symptom but can occur in some patients. The development of nodes in the regions of the salivary glands is another unusual symptom of lung cancer.

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

General information on lung cancer - causes, symptoms and treatment of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

know the general facts on lung cancer is important to prevent the acquisition of the disease. While the number one killer of men in America and a leading cause of death worldwide, health experts encourage their efforts to try to dig general facts on lung cancer and how this disease can be fatal.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Among the various types of cancer-related deaths, the disease accounts for 29 per centit. In fact, there are more deaths from the disease compared with mortality data for prostate, breast and colorectal cancer in combination with the comparison. Therefore, one can begin to arm themselves to protect you hours of general facts on lung cancer before it's too late.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The causes of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

If people think that lung cancer, often combined with smoking. In fact, this is a major cause of illness.But this is not the only factor.

One of the most important goals of research for health care for this disease is a genetic factor. Most tumor cells develop, if there is an error in the transfer of DNA from cells. This error may also be influenced by other environmental factors that have led health experts to examine the statements of external factors that may contribute to the formation of cancer cells.

Asbestos was too much has been mentioned as a keyenvironmental factor that causes the disease. Asbestos is a type of artificial mineral fibers grouped and occurs naturally in the environment. These fibers, when a person is exposed to inhaled into the lungs to get caught in one and collect up to cause inflammation of the lungs.

Another crucial factor that could lead to the development of this disease is the inhalation of smoke. Although smoking, the possibility to buy it, this increase who inhale the cigarette smoke are at increased risk. Secondhand smoke is composed of two types of smoke: those produced by burning tobacco and exhaled by the smoker.

Please pay attention to these general facts on lung cancer, in order to avoid factors of disease that you could buy at risk.

The symptoms of lung cancer

Since the respiratory tract, common> The symptoms are diseases associated with the disease in these respiratory problems.

It 's rare for this disease is diagnosed early, the diagnosis is awareness of the general facts on lung cancer at an early stage is extremely important.

Where prolonged cough.
wheezing or unusual.
chest pain or back, or shoulder.
or coughing up blood or mucus.
or shortness of breath continued.
O swollen throat orFace.
or pneumonia and other respiratory infections, etc.

In lung cancer

Before a treatment option for patients with cancer is determined for the lungs, it is important to diagnose the type and stage their first. Here are some of the most common types of treatment:

1) Surgery - This treatment method is best for patients, early diagnosis because of the possibility of spread of cancer cells in other parts of the bodydespite the inability to recognize the scanner.

2) Chemotherapy - This treatment is best for patients with small cell lung cancer radiotherapy. Often, this treatment is accompanied by. This is known as chemotherapy.

3) Radiation therapy - This treatment focuses on the patient's head, the brain to prevent the spread of cancer cells. It is recommended that for people with lung cancer and small cellhad their tumors removed surgically.

The same general ideas on hardware from lung cancer is your best weapon against the disease.

General information on lung cancer - causes, symptoms and treatment of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Mesothelioma and asbestos

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer, occurs in thin membranes (called the mesothelium) along the chest, lungs, abdomen and sometimes the. Although relatively rare, mesothelioma symptoms strike more than 200 people each year in the United States. The majority of mesothelioma cases are directly linked to asbestos.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Due to the long latency period of mesothelioma, the average age of patients between 50 and 70. Mesothelioma affects menbecause most of the high exposure to asbestos in the industrial type. mesothelioma symptoms include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, coughing and lung inflammation permanently. Other symptoms of mesothelioma weight loss, abdominal pain and swelling. In some patients with mesothelioma, the symptoms of mesothelioma are fairly muted, which is appropriate for doctors to diagnose mesothelioma.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma Doctors specializing in the research study and treatment of mesotheliomaCancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium or) is a disease of abnormal cells and replicate without control. During Mesothelioma, these cells invade tissues and organs and cause damage. Mesothelioma cancer causes the death of the body's cells to spread.

Mesothelioma treatments, mesothelioma and studies and clinical trials
There are many options available for treatment of mesothelioma. Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy andChemotherapy and treatment of mesothelioma depends on the patient's age, general health and stage of cancer. There have been many years in the last two research projects to find new methods of treatment of mesothelioma have been around. Click here to learn more about techniques for treatment of mesothelioma.

For mesothelioma research, National Cancer Institute has funded the tests and clinical trials Mesothelioma treatment methods that are designed to find new ones. Because of Increase the number of cases of mesothelioma in the United States, the two governments to fund research to increased mesothelioma. Mesothelioma research and clinical trials have been successful in developing new techniques for fighting breast cancer and the prospects for progress are still only a promising treatment of mesothelioma.

Surgery is the most common treatment for malignant mesothelioma. Fabrics and finishes are suffering from mesothelioma doctor can> Or even pulmonary membrane.

A second method is the treatment of malignant mesothelioma radiotherapy using high energy X-rays that kill cancer cells. Radiotherapy may be outside or inside the body.

A third method of mesothelioma treatment is chemotherapy. Through pills or drugs through needles, chemotherapy drugs used to destroy cancer cells.

A new method of treatment of mesothelioma is called photodynamic therapy during surgery. In this light treatment, andDrugs to kill cancer cells during surgery for early stages of mesothelioma in the chest. Although there are many treatments and drugs for mesothelioma, doctors are losing the battle against this deadly disease. more mesothelioma treatment uses ancient techniques combined with a cocktail of different drugs. But in most cases, these many mesothelioma treatments, side effects, such as organ damage, nausea, increased heart failure, etc. The race to find a more effectivetreat or even cure of malignant mesothelioma is ongoing in many clinical laboratories throughout the country. Hopefully one day eradicate fields of mesothelioma treatment of mesothelioma cancer and asbestosis.

With a wealth of information about cancer and asbestos Internet ([http://www.mesothelioma- cancer and]) consolidated the issues in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma mesothelioma mesothelioma doctors, and the main symptoms, mesotheliomaMesothelioma research and experimentation.

A [http://www.mesothelioma- cancer and], the site contains useful resources for lawyers and mesothelioma attorneys, and the causes of asbestos, asbestos removal, asbestos lawyers and lawsuits, and asbestos cancer. Patients mesothelioma and their families need support and information is actually deleted. educating mesothelioma resource online and hopes to give hope to survivors and victims.

Mesotheliomais a difficult disease. Not only it will take years before symptoms occur, but there are limited treatments and drugs that prolong the lives of workers suffering from mesothelioma. In many cases, the death rate from mesothelioma is unfortunately very high. However, with more money in mesothelioma research through public and private contributions, the prospects for a mesothelioma cure at all possible. Meanwhile, support groups and local discussions provide mesotheliomaongoing support for patients with mesothelioma.

mesothelioma cancer and asbestos ([http://www.mesothelioma- cancer and]) is your source of information and asbestos mesothelioma treatments, clinical trials, lawyers, support groups and advice.

Mesothelioma and asbestos

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Secondary lung cancer cures are rare

Lung Cancer Symptom

Develop cancer from their original sites can called secondary tumors. This process, called metastatic moved into the bloodstream, lymphatic system, or by direct extension to a new location. One or more of the cancer cells of primary tumor (where the disease origin) can come loose and slip into the bloodstream or lymphatic system to other organs.

Lung Cancer Symptom

lung, as in cancer cells and may include without There was, in children, lung cancer usually manifest by the process of cancer. Lung cancer, which appears in, but never are the so-called secondary pulmonary. Even if it hits the lungs, cancer, cancer is named after the type of cancer, it evolved from a primary school. For example, that breast cancer spreads to the lungs and becomes a secondary lung> Cancer is still considered breast cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

While almost all types of cancer has the ability to metastasize and spread to the lungs, a little 'more frequently than others. Lung cancer is usually caused by secondary bladder, breast, prostate and colon cancer. Sarcoma, neuroblastoma and 'Wilms' tumor tend to damage the lungs migrate.

Lung Cancer Symptom

In addition to being a disease in itself, is usually an indication that theprimary cancer of advanced stage but it is not always the case. Signs of lung cancer persistent cough, shortness of breath, coughing blood, and chest pain. These symptoms, apart from the fact that, as in primary lung cancer, also simulate many less serious diseases. A diagnosis of secondary lung cancer may therefore X-rays, CT scans, MRI, PET and biopsy.

SymptomsThe cancer can disrupt the daily activities of people involved. But there are ways to manage and treat the symptoms. Medicines can relieve symptoms such as wheezing, coughing and chest pain. The symptoms must be managed through awareness of others by the patient. Some patients begin to fear that stifle, which was due to their increasing difficulty in breathing, but be aware that this is unlikely. Others are troubled by coughing blood, but be aware that coughlittle 'blood is not uncommon for patients with lung cancer. only large quantities of cough with blood should seek treatment for this problem.

Lung cancer can also lead to accumulation of fluid in the lung condition called pleural effusion. This fluid can be drained from the lungs of pain and breathing difficulties, although it can still build over time. The treatment of lung cancer is relatedfor primary lung cancer and includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, chemotherapy is the treatment of choice. This is because, as a secondary cancer, blood circulation is an indication that the cancer has spread. In such cases, the removal of visible tumor by surgery is not effective as other cancer cells in the body without being visible. Chemotherapy can also capture these cells, CTcan not see, which makes the choice of the most common treatment.

However, care is year survival rate is unlikely to five years for the diagnosis of lung cancer with secondary are not promising. Cancer can sometimes be cured with surgery, but the outcome is rare.

Secondary lung cancer cures are rare

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Add lung cancer yourself!

Lung Cancer Symptom

Lung cancer is a very serious form of cancer. This is especially lethal when the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lung cancer has already spread to other organs.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Cancer cells can break away and spread to other parts of the body, the formation of secondary tumor sites, making it fatal.

Lung Cancer Symptom

If the cancer is already well under way, management is more difficult. It may be helpful to know that early detection of> Lung cancer is the most secure delivery or the possibility of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

If the early diagnosis of lung cancer is not the case of a diagnosis at an advanced stage can be difficult and symptom management can also be difficult.

treatment of lung cancer is highly dependent on the severity of the disease. What type of lung cancer can help manage paindisease.

There are two types of lung cancer, small cell lung carcinoma and non-small cell lung cancer.

Small cell lung cancer or small cell lung cancer is 20 to 25 percent of all diseases of the lung. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking.

Often, because the symptoms of lung cancer notmanifest at an early stage of disease, treatment, her body is a big problem especially when detection happens when the metastasis of cancer cells or tumor sub already developed in other institutions.

Non-small cell carcinoma of the lung, on the other hand, other types of lung cancer. The distinction between these cell types of lung cancer in non-small depends on the affected cells.

Three commonnon-small cell lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma.

These forms of lung cancer cells in non-small tend to grow and spread more slowly than lung cancer cells of small size.

is more common than small cell lung cancer, not the '. This small cell lung cancer starts in the bronchi and want to remain non-breast cancer confined to the lung cancer of otherFor this reason, the cancer is spreading faster than other species.

Adenocarcinoma, the leading cause of lung cancer cells with non-small is still a challenge for health professionals. Thus, experts continue to study the root cause of cancer. Even with this cigarette waiting to breathe polluted air and light and cancer is considered a participant in the development of the lung.

Doctors said the tumor this type of lung cancer is on the outer edges of the lungs and lining of the lungs. The current non-small lung cancer cells is average, but survival rates remain above 10%.

The adenocarcinoma is 30 to 35 per cent of cases of lung cancer in America.

Lung cancer is another big non-small cell lung cancer. The tumor in this type of lung cancer> Cancer is the smallest of the bronchi. Fifteen percent of lung cancers are large cell carcinomas of the lung.

Among all the cells of lung cancer in non-small type of lung cancer after this fast, almost at the level of lung cancer cells of small size.

cases of lung cancer on behalf of the Fourteen percent of cancer cases in the United States. In the worst cases, 28 per cent of all cancer deathsThe patients were cases of lung cancer.

To avoid, in the context of the statistics on lung cancer, acquired habits of small cell lung carcinoma, or slower-small cell lung cancer do not live a healthy and active life.

Regular exercise, a balanced diet and avoiding contact with air, including cigarette smoking patch help the immune system and prevents the acquisition of fatal accidentsDisease.

Add lung cancer yourself!

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the prognosis of lung cancer - signs and symptoms, you must notify

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of lung cancer are similar to those of other diseases that often makes it difficult to diagnose lung cancer until it has progressed to an advanced stage of creating a. The fact that 25 percent of people with lung cancer may have no symptoms until it further increases the difficulty of obtaining an early diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

On physical examination, your doctor will consider factors such as age, occupation and familyThe history to better understand how the background affects the risk of patient symptoms attributable to lung cancer or a common disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

During a 60-year history of smoking for four decades, smoking is the most likely candidate for lung cancer, a woman of 18 with no history is much less likely that disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Usually, the first visible signs of the disease is a recurring themeCough, in which case it is a primary symptom of eighty percent. This is commonly called "smoker's cough" because it is so common among smokers. The nerve endings in the airways of the body attempts to eliminate the smoke foreigners, such as construction, on the cells of lung cancer and therefore the success of the lungs' s self-regulatory mechanism. If a patient is diagnosed with lung cancer and has never shown the smoker's cough, theyprobably with a tumor in a lower gear, making it less susceptible to external stimuli.

Coughing up blood is the second most common symptom and is caused by bleeding from the tumor size as it rises and the patient with blood stained mucus markets. blood in the sputum notables should warrant a check-up at the doctor as soon as possible to the cause of the problem identified.

The third symptom is wheezing, resulting in constipationairway tumor growth. A sigh is heard with the naked ear, while gasping at times, can be detected by the doctor with a stethoscope, as the breathing of the patient.

Despite the latest treatment protocols, generally the prognosis of lung cancer survival is rather low. Fair positive diagnosis is only possible if the tumor is already advanced in scope.

If one ofsymptoms of a loved one have been noticed by you or is important to get an appointment with your doctor early will greatly contribute to your ability.

the prognosis of lung cancer - signs and symptoms, you must notify

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Symptom Possible 3 Small Cell Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

There are two main types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell cancer (NSCLC). These two species, SCLC represents approximately 20%. It is often called lung cancer because of the appearance of oats oat small cell. SCLC arises when these small cells to grow rapidly and uncontrollably, and finally start malignant (cancer). Because this type of cancer strikes> The lung is the area where the main symptoms. In this article I will discuss three of the most common symptoms of small cell lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Symptom

1) persistent cough: - If you feel that you have a cough that would not go away, seemed to be a sign of SCLC. Many other symptoms are cough, a sore throat, hoarse, the feeling that itch. However, some cause coughing blood and mucus in the door. Other cough can also lead toPain. You should consult your doctor if you have any type of persistent cough and end in the absence of mucus or blood, should be informed immediately. The cough may be something much less serious, but it can also be a warning for SCLC. Your doctor will be able to perform a series of tests and provide a professional diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

2) Respiratory - Feeling out of breath for no apparent reason is another symptom of the potential of lung cancer cells by small-May.They often make you tired and listless, while performing everyday tasks such as road. Whether the explosion takes place gradually or suddenly, should be treated with suspicion. If you notice, always short of breath for no logical reason that you go to your doctor and explain your concerns. You will be able to identify the cause of his shortness of breath and see if it is tied to the CSCC.

Lung Cancer Symptom

3) Chest pain - Chest pain is verysevere symptoms, the CSCC are a number of conditions, including. Chest pain can be caused by coughing or deep breathing. However, you can also try constant pain or spontaneous in the chest. Any type of chest pain should be treated with extreme caution and you should see your doctor, you go. You can then perform a series of tests to determine the cause.

Many of the symptoms of small cell lung cancer are related to the chest.Although the symptoms listed above are not exclusive of the SCLC, usually serve as an early warning sign. If any of the symptoms discussed above should be deleted, talk to your doctor. You will be able to investigate any suspected or spontaneous pain in the chest cough and see if they are connected SCLC. This type of cancer is curable in the early stages as potential useful work from the early symptoms and getDoctor.

Even if the intention was made ​​in this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only.-Small cell lung cancer is a very serious problem, condition of life and you should discuss the concerns of many changes, treatment or style Life with your doctor.

Symptom Possible 3 Small Cell Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

In approximately 25% of people with lung cancer, there are no symptoms and the cancer is detected during screening or a routine physical examination. However, in three-quarters of lung cancer patients there are warning symptoms and signs that can alert the patient or their physician.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Most commonly, lung cancer patients experience respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness and a persistent cough. These symptoms are very common in smokers, and are also a number of other diseases such as asthma, emphysema and lung infection. A new cough should always be evaluated as it may be a symptom of lung cancer. Lung cancer can spread to the chest so the chest, shoulder and back of your. If cancer cells erode lung blood vessels, the patient may vomit blood. There may be othergeneralized effects that occur with most cancers, such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Lung Cancer Symptom

As you develop lung cancer, increasingly undermines the normal functioning of the affected lung. Secondary complications can occur, such as the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lining of the lungs (pleural effusion), lung collapse, obstruction, and lung respiratory infections. Lung cancer can spread or metastasizeother parts of the body, including lymph nodes, bones, liver and brain. Bone pain and abnormal liver or brain function can cause.

Lung Cancer Symptom

The absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean that early diagnosis of the disease and the presence of nonspecific symptoms can often go unnoticed within. These two factors contribute to the fact that only about 15 percent of patients diagnosed with early-stage lung disease. The future of lung canceris diagnosed, the less effective treatment options. Delays in the diagnosis of lung cancer, which means a survival rate of only 15 per cent in five years after diagnosis.

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

Most cases of this disease is asymptomatic - disease of the chest was the result of a routine radiographic examination, but some patients have symptoms and signs. The main symptoms are cough, dyspnea, wheezing, stridor, and sometimes pneumonia caused by bronchial obstruction.

Lung Cancer Symptom

If the cancer develops in the lungs can cause pain. Sometimes you can feel the patient, the symptoms of abscess formation by cavitation tumor. L 'The distribution by region of the tumor results in compression of the esophagus dysphagia, hoarseness, N. laryngeal paralysis, difficulty in breathing due to paralysis of the phrenic nerve paralysis and Horner's syndrome nice. Pancoast syndrome is the result of measurement of the tumor at the top of your lungs, the pain is related to the last and first and second cervical nerves of the thoracic nerve compression leads to the shoulder.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Cancer can attack almost any organ. ThisType of cancer can spread to the brain causing neurological disorders, bone pain and fractures, the invasion of the bone marrow resulting in cytopenia, liver metastases chemical imbalance, adrenal metastasis is also common, but does not fail. Systemic symptoms such as anorexia, cachexia immunocompromised, weight loss, fever are the most common symptoms are virtually all patients in stages later.

Lung Cancer Symptom

In some patients, it can beHypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia tumors ectopic hormone release.

Skeletal, connective tissue disease that is clubbing of the fingers are also observed in some patients. Some Time retinal blindness is observed in patients with small cell lung cancer.

The dermatologic manifestations such as dermatomyositis and acanthosis nigricans may also be observed in some patients, but very rarely.

Symptom of lung cancer

Lung Cancer Symptom

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