Thursday, March 31, 2011

the prognosis of lung cancer - signs and symptoms, you must notify

Lung Cancer Symptom

The first symptoms of lung cancer are similar to those of other diseases that often makes it difficult to diagnose lung cancer until it has progressed to an advanced stage of creating a. The fact that 25 percent of people with lung cancer may have no symptoms until it further increases the difficulty of obtaining an early diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Symptom

On physical examination, your doctor will consider factors such as age, occupation and familyThe history to better understand how the background affects the risk of patient symptoms attributable to lung cancer or a common disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

During a 60-year history of smoking for four decades, smoking is the most likely candidate for lung cancer, a woman of 18 with no history is much less likely that disease.

Lung Cancer Symptom

Usually, the first visible signs of the disease is a recurring themeCough, in which case it is a primary symptom of eighty percent. This is commonly called "smoker's cough" because it is so common among smokers. The nerve endings in the airways of the body attempts to eliminate the smoke foreigners, such as construction, on the cells of lung cancer and therefore the success of the lungs' s self-regulatory mechanism. If a patient is diagnosed with lung cancer and has never shown the smoker's cough, theyprobably with a tumor in a lower gear, making it less susceptible to external stimuli.

Coughing up blood is the second most common symptom and is caused by bleeding from the tumor size as it rises and the patient with blood stained mucus markets. blood in the sputum notables should warrant a check-up at the doctor as soon as possible to the cause of the problem identified.

The third symptom is wheezing, resulting in constipationairway tumor growth. A sigh is heard with the naked ear, while gasping at times, can be detected by the doctor with a stethoscope, as the breathing of the patient.

Despite the latest treatment protocols, generally the prognosis of lung cancer survival is rather low. Fair positive diagnosis is only possible if the tumor is already advanced in scope.

If one ofsymptoms of a loved one have been noticed by you or is important to get an appointment with your doctor early will greatly contribute to your ability.

the prognosis of lung cancer - signs and symptoms, you must notify

Lung Cancer Symptom

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